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PRT Anbar covers all of Anbar province, from the provincial capital of Ramadi in the east to Iraq’s western borders with Syria and Jordan. The province is also home to the city of Fallujah. The Euphrates River Valley cuts a diagonal swath through six of the seven districts in the province, forming a corridor along which the majority of residents reside. The population was estimated at 1.2 million in 2003.

Located in Ramadi, PRT Anbar is headed by a senior State Department Foreign Service Officer who leads a team comprised of representatives from several U.S. government agencies, including the U.S Department Agriculture and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as the U.S military. PRT activities aim to strengthen governing institutions, encourage social integration through the implementation of confidence-building civic and public diplomacy projects, and foster broad-based economic revitalization.

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