ORNL in the News

Be alerted to the latest news!

ORNL Research Library staff update the "ORNL in the News" page through daily searches on a variety of news sources. Every Mon.-Fri. that new stories are added, an early morning e-mail with highlights of the new story additions is sent out. To add your name to the existing distribution list, simply submit this form, making sure to include your email address.

If you have questions or story suggestions, please contact Bill Myers at 865-576-8028. Thank you for your interest in news about the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The following news sources are searched:

  • AP Wire
  • Business Wire
  • Christian Science Monitor
  • DOE Press Releases
  • Google News
  • Inside Energy*
  • Knoxville News-Sentinel
  • The New York Times
  • The Oak Ridger
  • PR Newswire
  • Reuters
  • Science Daily
  • The Tennessean
  • US Newswire
  • USA Today
  • Washington Post
  • Wired News

* These sources are available to ORNL through internal subscriptions and therefore limited to internal use.


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You will receive an e-mail with new story highlights on days that new stories are added to "ORNL in the News"