Last Date Updated:







iSalute Link


February 1, 2013



The Public Affairs Office supports the 502 Mission Support Group in the areas of public information, media relations, command information and community relations.

Public Affairs Office seeks to inform and communicate the requirements, capabilities, actions and achievements of its Mission Support Group and its’ mission partners to its Service members, family members, civilian employees and the general public with complete and accurate information.



Command Information  produces the News Leader,  a weekly paper with a circulation of 10,000  providing information on activities of the base to all base personnel and maintains the Fort Sam Houston website content.

Media Relations works with news media to provide interviews, coordinate visits and respond to queries.

Community Relations works to increase public awareness and understanding of Fort Sam Houston and the Air Force's mission.

Multimedia Center is a visual information support center providing service and products in the areas of photography, graphics, multimedia and self-help to the Fort Sam Houston military community.

Contact Information:
2080 Wilson Way, Bldg 247
Fort Sam Houston 78234-5004

Public Affairs Officer    221-1099/DSN 471-1099
Public Affairs Deputy   221-1151/DSN 471-1151                             
Public Affairs Community Relations 808-0002/221-0546
/DSN 471
or e-mail us
Office Symbol: 502 ABW/PA

News Leader Survey

News Leader Comment Card