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Kayenta Mine

Permit Renewal


On January 6, 2012, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) approved the five year permit renewal application for the Kayenta Mine, located on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations in northeast Arizona. In support of OSM's review of the permit renewal application, an environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared. This EA was prepared by a consulting firm, at the direction of OSM. Upon completion OSM adopted the EA and takes full responsibility for the scope and the content of this document. The EA considered a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed action, discussed the potential environmental effects of the proposed action and provided sufficient evidence and analysis for the development of a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). Based upon OSM's review of the EA it has been determined that the proposed action is not a major federal action that will have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment individually or cumulatively with other actions within the region. OSM made the EA, along with an unsigned FONSI available for public review and comment for 49 days. All comments received have been reviewed and considered.

Peabody Western Coal Company’s permit renewal application for the Kayenta Mine [ (6.34 MB)]

Environmental Assessment [  (16 MB)]

Table of Contents [  (370 KB)]

Section A- Proposed Action [  (1.06 MB)]

Section B- Purpose and Need [  (536 KB)]

Section C - Alternatives Considered [  (92.8 KB)]

Section D – Affected Environment [  (5.55 MB)]

Section E – Environmental Impacts of Proposed Alternatives [  (664 KB)]

Section F – Summary and References [  (128 KB)]

Appendix A – Mining and Reclamation Procedures [  (1.4 MB)]

Appendix B – Supplemental Hydrology [  (1.06 MB)]

Appendix C – Special Status Species [  (109 KB)]

Appendix D – Air Quality Resources [  (3.91 MB)]

Appendix E – NGS Metals Deposition [  (800 KB)]

Appendix F – Population and Economic Information [  (164 KB)]

OSM Responses to Comments on EA and FONSI  [  (293 KB)]

Finding of No Significant Impact  [  (3.24 MB)]

OSM Approval Letter  [  (1.07 MB)]

Copy of Kayenta Mine Permit  [  (748 KB)]


Contact Mr. Calle at or by telephone at 303-293-5035.


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WEB Page Last Updated: 01/10/2012
Website Last Updated:
January 25, 2013

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