SCALE Newsletter

SCALE Newsletter [SCALE Logo]

Computational Physics and Engineering Division
Nuclear Engineering Applications Section
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Number 13, January 1996

Click here for previous issues of the SCALE Newsletter

In This Issue ...

  • KENO-VI Training Course
  • SCALE Training Course in Europe
  • Updated SCALE Home Page on WWW Includes Online User Manuals
  • SCALE-4.3 Minor Modifications

    Words to the Wise

  • Running SCALE-PC in Windows 95
  • Errors in Standard Composition Library and Documentation
  • Fatal Error in ORIGEN-S When Saving Concentration File

  • SCALE Training Course Schedule for Fall '96
  • KENO-VI Training Course Registration
  • Hotel Registration Form

  • KENO-VI Training Course

    Openings are still available for the first KENO-VI Training Course to be held May 20 23, 1996, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Attendees will gain hands-on experience in problem sessions each day. Prior to the course, attendees may submit problems or questions for discussion.

    Because the class is being held at ORNL, the number of registrants will be limited to 24. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis and must include the full registration fee of $1,200. Please FAX or e-mail any questions to the addresses listed at the end of the Newsletter.

    KENO-VI Training Course Agenda

    Monday, May 20
    CSAS6 Input Data - SCALE/CSAS/MIP
    Unit Cell Types and More Data
    Standard Compositions, Arbitrary Materials
    KENO-VI Data blocks and Parameters
    KENO-VI Geometry
    Problem Session I

    Tuesday, May 21
    Review of Problem Session I
    Resonance Self-Shielding
    Chords and Origins
    Problem Session II

    Wednesday, May 22
    Review of Problem Session II
    Start Data, Bias Data, Boundary Data
    Mixing Table
    Cell Weighting
    Problem Session 3

    Thursday, May 23
    Review of Problem Session III
    KENO-VI Output
    Monte Carlo Uncertainties
    Validation Issues
    Problem Session IV
    Review of Problem Session IV

    SCALE Training Course in Europe

    The SCALE Training Course is being offered in Europe this summer. The course is scheduled for July 1-5, 1996, in Stuttgart, Germany. Attendees will gain hands-on experience with practical problems via problem sessions that utilize version 4.3 of the SCALE system on UNIX workstations. The course content will be similar to the course held last October in Oak Ridge. This course will cover the CSAS criticality sequences using KENO V.a, the SAS2H depletion sequence, and the SAS1, SAS4, and QADS shielding sequences in SCALE. There will also be an introduction to KENO-VI. The heat transfer codes will not be included. For additional information about the course content, contact Steve Bowman at the address given at the end of the Newsletter. For registration information contact:

    Dr. Enrico Sartori
    OECD/NEA Data Bank
    12 Boulevard des Iles
    F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
    Phone: 33-1-4524-1072
    Fax: 33-1-4524-1110

    Updated SCALE Home Page on WWW Includes Online User Manuals

    As part of a current project for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the World Wide Web (WWW) home page for SCALE has been greatly expanded and improved. It includes a wealth of information, including a complete copy of the SCALE-4.3 user manuals in PDF format, which can be downloaded and read using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program available on the WWW (we include a pointer so you can download it). The PDF format allows you to view the documents in a high-quality format that is nearly identical to the printed manuals. In addition, the viewer has the capability to search the manuals and to print selected pages.

    Other features included in the new home page are a more complete and detailed overview of SCALE with descriptions of the individual modules and data libraries, information on how to run SCALE, recent validation benchmark reports, current training course information, a description of the distributed SCALE files and directories, the online SCALE Newsletter archives, e-mail capability to ask questions of the SCALE staff, and pointers to other WWW pages that may be of interest to SCALE users.

    A registration form for the Newsletter is provided for electronic registration. Please fill out the form and send it via e-mail even if you are currently receiving the Newsletter, because the form provides us with additional information that we hope to compile into a database. If you prefer reading the Newsletter on the WWW instead of receiving a printed copy, please write "WWW Only" on your registration form. This note will help us reduce mailing costs.

    The SCALE home page can be found at http://scale-home.html

    SCALE-4.3 Minor Modifications

    The following minor corrections and updates have been made to the local ORNL version of SCALE-4.3. These changes will be included in the next RSIC release of SCALE.

    KENO-V.a: KENO-V.a has been updated to correct an error in the keff calculation that caused a doubling of keff when using an ICE mixed AMPX format working library. This error was introduced in SCALE-4.3. (MRR 95-073)

    KENO-V.a: Updated to match KENO-VI with respect to matrix calculations. The calculation of lifetime was corrected because it was not based on a fair game. These changes can cause the lifetime to be substantially different. The error in the lifetime calculation has probably been in KENO V.a since its initial release in SCALE-3. (MRR 95-070)

    KENO-VI: Updated to correct a problem with non-cuboidal albedo boundaries and to add additional space for matrix data. The standard deviations for average k-effective by generation skipped are now accumulated in batches. Because of these changes, any matrix information and the table of average k-effective by generation skipped in the sample problem output will be different. (MRR 95-066)

    XSDRNPM: Corrected calculation of broad group balance tables to be consistent with fine group tables. Broad group cross sections were not in balance when upscatters were collapsed. (MRR 95-068)

    The MRR (or DRR) number refers to the Module (or Dataset) Revision Report that documents the change(s) made under the SCALE Configuration Management Plan. It is provided to assist readers who contact the SCALE staff concerning any of the changes.

    Words to the Wise

    Running SCALE-PC in Windows 95

    The release of SCALE-PC Version 4.3 came only two months after the celebrated release of the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. This timing did not allow our staff the opportunity to test SCALE-PC with this new operating system prior to release. Since that time, limited testing has been performed and shown the following results. All modules, except SAS2 and SAS3, run in a DOS window and give identical results. Note that KENO V.a, CSAS, CSAS6, and SAS4 produce "File creation error" messages. The output incorrectly lists the file name for all libraries as FT01F001, but the calculated results are correct. The freeware conversion routines that generate the 2-D color GIF files from KENO V.a will only run if the user boots his computer in MS-DOS mode.

    New versions of the freeware GIF conversion routines have been compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ Version 4.0 and run successfully in a DOS window in Windows 95. In addition, a minor programming error has been discovered in KENO V.a and the Material Information Processor Library (MIPLIB) that causes the "File creation error" messages. The corrected source files and executables are available from RSIC for users who already have version 4.3. If you installed Windows 95 after installing SCALE-4.3, it is recommended that you rerun QAUPDATE in the \SCALE43\EXE directory to update the QATABLE. Every user should rerun QAUPDATE after installing the new executables from RSIC.

    Further testing of SCALE modules is underway. We plan to release a Windows 95 compatible version of SCALE-4.3 as soon as it is completed later this year.

    Errors in Standard Composition Library and Documentation

    A misspelled composition has been identified in the Standard Composition Library. Molybdenum is incorrectly spelled "MOLYBDENIUM." The documentation is consistent with the library contents.

    Another error has been identified in the Standard Composition Library documentation in Section M8 of the SCALE-4.3 draft manuals. Table M8.2.3, "The Standard Composition Library - Elements by Full Name," contains a list of the isotopic distribution for each element in the right-hand column. The column is erroneously labeled "wt%," when in fact the data in the column are atom percent values. The SCALE Material Information Processor uses atom percent values and automatically converts them to weight percent values when creating the nuclide input for the SCALE modules. When the final SCALE-4.3 manuals are published, they will contain both the atom percent and weight percent values in Table M8.2.3.

    Fatal Error in ORIGEN-S When Saving Concentration File

    A fatal error has been identified when attempting to save a concentration file (a.k.a. restart file) in ORIGEN-S if NGO 1. This would most likely happen in a depletion subcase where the next subcase uses a new cross-section library (NGO=3). This error does not occur when using ORIGEN-ARP because it avoids the problem by using an undocumented input technique. This error will be corrected in the next SCALE release. If a user encounters this problem in setting up an ORIGEN-S case, the following technique provides a solution. Following the "dummy" subcase to save the concentrations, input the 56$ array specifying a single time step (MOUT=1), the desired NGO value, the concentrations from the final step of the previous subcase (MSUB), and any other desired parameters. On the next line, specify "60** 0". This input generates a decay subcase for a zero-time interval (i.e., no change in concentrations). Finally, the subsequent subcase is input, specifying MSUB =1 in the 56$ array in addition to the other input parameters. An example is given below that shows the two new lines which would be input following the dummy subcase where NGO=3 and MSUB=5: 56$$ 0 1 A6 3 A10 5 E T 60** 0 T

    SCALE Training Course Schedule for Fall '96

    The SCALE Training Course that we offered last fall has been expanded to two consecutive courses in SCALE criticality codes and SCALE shielding codes, respectively. Each course will be four days long. The SCALE Criticality Course will be offered October 15 18 (Tuesday Friday) and the SCALE Shielding Course will be offered the following week on October 21 24 (Monday - Thursday). The courses are scheduled so that users may attend both courses if they choose. The expanded format will allow time to more adequately cover each SCALE code sequence. It also gives users the opportunity to select the course which best suits their professional needs and interests. This new format is being offered in response to student feedback from our previous courses. The registration fees are $1,200 for one course and $2,000 for both courses. Preliminary agendas for both courses are listed below. To obtain a registration form and further information, contact Steve Bowman at the SCALE Newsletter address.

    SCALE Criticality Course Agenda

    Cross Section and Material Processing
    KENO V.a Data Blocks & Parameters
    KENO V.a Geometry, Chord, Array, & Plot Data
    CSASIN Input
    Problem Session 1

    Review of Problem Session 1
    Resonance Self-Shielding
    Array Placement & Array of Arrays
    Cell Weighting
    Mixing Table
    KENO V.a Output Description
    Problem Session 2

    Review of Problem Session 2
    KENO V.a Output
    Start Data
    Search Data
    Problem Session 3

    Review of Problem Session 3
    Monte Carlo Uncertainties
    Validation Issues
    Introduction to KENO-VI
    Problem Session 4
    Review of Problem Session 4

    SCALE Shielding Course Agenda

    Depletion/Decay Sequences
    Problem Session 1

    Review of Problem Session 1
    SAS1 1-D Shielding Analysis Sequences
    1-D Combined Criticality / Shielding Sequence
    Problem Session 2

    Review of Problem Session 2
    SAS4 3-D Monte Carlo Shielding Analysis Sequence
    Problem Session 3

    Review of Problem Session 3
    QADS Point Kernel Shielding Analysis Sequence
    Problem Session 4
    Review of Problem Session 4
    Current Topics in Shielding Analysis Applications

    KENO-VI Training Course Registration Form

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    May 20-23, 1996

    Name _______________________________________________________________ Citizenship ________________________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________________________ Mailing address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Fax: _________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________ Your experience using the following computer programs (circle one for each): Extensive None Criticality CSAS sequences 5 4 3 2 1 0 KENO V.a 5 4 3 2 1 0 KENO-VI 5 4 3 2 1 0 UNIX Operating Systems 5 4 3 2 1 0 DOS Operating Systems 5 4 3 2 1 0 What are your personal objectives in taking this course (e.g., what do you hope to do or learn at the course)? Please mail form and payment of $1,200 registration fee to: KENO-VI Training Course c/o Steve Bowman Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008, MS 6370 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6370

    NOTE: Course attendance is limited. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!
    No refunds will be made, but you may send a substitute in your place.

    Hotel Registration Form

    Maps of the area surrounding the Garden Plaza Hotel will be available at the registration desk. The maps will show several restaurants and shopping locations within walking distance of the hotel. The American Museum of Science and Energy is also within walking distance of the hotel.

    Return to:

    215 S. Illinois Avenue
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
    Tel.: 615/481-2468
    Fax: 615/481-2474

    Please reserve a room in my name in the block of rooms available for the KENO-VI Training Course.

    Block room rate: $59 per night plus tax.
    (A limited number of rooms are available at a government rate of $54 per night.)
    Deadline for reserving a room at this special price is April 28.

    Name _______________________________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________________________ Credit Card No. ____________________________________________________ Arrival Date & time:_____________Departure Date & Time______________

    SCALE Newsletter is published twice a year by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and sponsored by the Spent Fuel Project Office of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and by the Office of Facility Safety Analysis of the U.S. Department of Energy.

    Address all correspondence (including address additions or changes) to:

    SCALE Newsletter
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    P.O. Box 2008, MS-6370
    Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6370

    FAX: (423) 576-3513


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    Last Modified Thu Feb 13 15:31:34 EST 1997