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Life Stories: "His Last Gift"

Brandon Spight Brandon Spight

Organ Donor: Detroit, MI

Brandon Spight’s parents donated his organs at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, in February 2007. But according to his mother, Brandon himself made that decision years earlier.

While at the dinner table, Constance Spight recalls, “I expressed my desire to donate my organs upon my death. At that time, my husband was totally against it. However, Brandon agreed with me. As a result of our conversation that evening, Virgil and I were clear that Brandon would want us to donate his organs.”

“From a very early age, he always felt it was his duty to come to someone's aid or assistance. Brandon was a giving person. This was his last gift.”

Brandon's story is courtesy of Gift of Life MOTTEP (Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program) in Detroit, Michigan. 

“Brandon was a giving person. This was his last gift.”

— Constance Spight


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