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Service Utilization and the Individual, Family and Neighborhood Characteristics of Children with Disabilities in Illinois: Final Report

Robert Goerge, Lucy Mackey-Bilaver, Bong Joo Lee, David Koepke and Allison Harris

University of Chicago, Chapin Hall Center for Children

September 30, 1996

PDF Version: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/ilseruti.pdf (86 PDF pages)

This report was prepared under grant #94ASPE266A between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the University of Chicago. For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at http://aspe.hhs.gov/_/office_specific/daltcp.cfm or contact the office at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201. The e-mail address is: webmaster.DALTCP@hhs.gov. The Project Officer was Kathleen Bond.

The opinions and views expressed in this report are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Health and Human Services, the contractor or any other funding organization.


A. Data Description
B. Record Linkage Methodology
A. Identification of Children with Disabilities
B. Study Time Frame
A. Children with Disabilities
B. Patterns of Multi-Service Utilization
C. Characteristics of Multi-Service Users
D. Factors Affecting the Incidence of Multi-Service Utilization
E. Predicting AABD Service Utilization
TABLE 1. Number of Children by Method of Identification of Disabling Condition in Medicaid Services Database: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 2. Selection Method Used to Identify Disabling Conditions in the Medicaid Services Data: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 3. Demographic Profile of Children in AABD Programs: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 4. Demographic Profile of Children in the Special Education Program: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 5. Demographic Profile of Children in Medicaid Services Program: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 6. Demographic Profile of Children in DMH Inpatient Programs: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 7. Primary Characteristic Category for Children in Special Ed: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 8. Number of Children Selected from the Medicaid Services Database by ICD-9 Diagnostic Category: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 9. Number of Children Age 13 and Under by Consequtive Years of Program Participation: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
TABLE 10. Number of Children Entering Disability Programs by Participation in the Past Year: Entry Cohorts BY 1991-1994
TABLE 11. Number of Children Per Fiscal Year by Type of Service Category: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 12. Summary of Multi-Service Utilization by Program Type: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 13. Number of Children Per Fiscal Year of Entry by Type of Service Category: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
TABLE 14. Summary of Multi-Service Utilization by Program Type: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
TABLE 15. Number of Single Service Children Indicated for Future Multi-Service Use: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1993
TABLE 16. Number of Children Receiving Special Education by Primary Characteristic Category and Type of Service: FY 1990-1994
TABLE 17a. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1990
TABLE 17b. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1991
TABLE 17c. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1992
TABLE 17d. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1993
TABLE 17e. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1994
TABLE 18. Relative Odds of Being a Multi-Service User within a Fiscal Year: Cross Sections FY 1990-1994 by Program Type--Estimates from Logit Models
TABLE 19. Relative Odds of Entering AABD within Three Years Given Medicaid Service Participation: Cross Sections FY 1990-1992--Estimates from Logit Models


The objective of this research project is to describe the demographic characteristics and human service utilization of all children and adolescents who are identified as having a disability in Illinois, as well as to understand the stability of the care that they receive through childhood and adolescence. Given the recent changes in the Supplemental Security Income program for children and adolescents in the 1996 Welfare Reform legislation, the study can serve as a baseline to assess the impact of the changes on service provision to children and adolescents with disabilities.

This study is unique because the database that we used for this study was developed from statewide service data. All children in Illinois who are identified as having a disability by a set of agencies including the Department of Public Aid, the Illinois State Board of Education, and the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities will be tracked through the use of the Integrated Database on Children's Services in Illinois (IDB). In this study, we focused on those children identified as having a disability from July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1994.

The major findings of this study are:


The objective of this research project was to describe the demographic characteristics and human service utilization of all children and adolescents who are identified as having a disability in Illinois, as well as to understand the stability of the care that they receive through childhood and adolescence. Given the recent changes in the Supplemental Security Income program for children and adolescents in the 1996 Welfare Reform legislation, the study can serve as a baseline to assess the impact of the changes on service provision to children and adolescents with disabilities.

Our specific aims for this study were: 1) To describe the trends in demographic characteristics of the disabled child population in Illinois; 2) To describe the pattern of movement and stability of care of disabled children across different service settings; 3) To describe the pattern of multi-service use of disabled children; 4) To determine the extent to which type of disability and demographic factors are related to multi-service use; 5) To demonstrate the utility of administrative data for advancing the state of knowledge on children with disabilities; and 6) To determine the policy implications of these findings.

Illinois provides a geographic unit that contains a range of environments, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. Four and a half percent of our country's children live in Illinois, and their demographic characteristics are representative of the country overall as well as the larger states. For example, the racial/ethnic distribution of Illinois children is very similar to that of the United States as a whole (69% white in the U.S., 68% white in IL, and 14% non English-speaking in both the U.S. and Illinois). Illinois ranks in the middle third of states in percent of children living in poverty and in percent of children living with both parents.

This study is unique because it is based on statewide service data. All children in Illinois who are identified by a set of agencies as having a disability will be tracked through the use of the Integrated Database on Children's Services in Illinois (IDB), which has been shown to be a reliable source of data for policy makers at both the state and the Federal level. The IDB combines individual child and family level data from the late 1970's through the present and is updated at least yearly. The population under study are those children identified as having a disability from July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1994.

We begin the report with a short summary of the policy context during the time period and the data and methods used for the study. We follow this summary with a discussion of our results, both descriptive and multivariate. We have not fully analyzed the data prepared for this study and intend to use it in the future, not only as a baseline to follow up this population, but also to better understand the changes that we saw during the five year time period. We hope that the implications flow easily from these results and end with an implications and future work section.


The time period analyzed in this study spans several major policy changes that affected publicly provided services to disabled children in Illinois and nationwide. The most significant of these changes was the implementation of the Supreme Court's decision in the Zebley vs. Sullivan case. The Zebley decision, which expanded the list of disabling impairments and included a functional assessment in the disability determination for children, significantly increased the number of children receiving SSI nationwide.

Medicaid funded services in Illinois were also under going changes throughout this time period. In May of 1992, mental health services reimbursed by Medicaid were expanded in Illinois through the implementation of the Medicaid clinic/rehab option. For the first time, individuals could receive an array of Medicaid reimbursed mental health services (i.e. case management, crisis intervention, mental health assessment) from community mental health centers. Managed care was also being phased in to primary health care programs reimbursed by Medicaid. In May of 1993, the Healthy Morns/Healthy Kids Managed Care Program began in the City of Chicago after being started prior to May of 1993 in the downstate regions of Illinois. These changes are reflected in our analyst . Whenever possible, we note the policy change as well as highlight how they affected the patterns of service receipt.


One of the unfortunate consequences of administering services to children through more than one public agency is that information about children and youth receiving services from the state is scattered among the various agencies. The fact that each agency provides only a specified range of services to children and has limited responsibility toward them inevitably restricts each agency's view of the client and its knowledge of the client's history and participation in the service system as a whole. No public agency or other office of state government has been charged with the responsibility of gathering together all the information about children that is collected across the human services, and none of the agencies has routine access to information gathered and stored by the others.

The Illinois Integrated Database on Children and Family Services is a state-level, longitudinal, and relational database constructed out of administrative data gathered by public agencies serving children and families. The database tracks all child and family contact with the following programs and services: foster care, child abuse and neglect, special education, mental health, juvenile justice, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). In the aggregate, these records represent all child contact with Illinois human services over the course of a decade and can be made to yield a detailed and comprehensive picture of children's service provision in the state.

Administrative databases constitute a rich though underutilized source of knowledge about the operation of the children's service system. What is especially important about these databases is that they document the characteristics of entire client populations, that they often preserve a wealth of information about each child, and that in many cases they extend back more than a decade. The utility of the database, and the kinds of analyses it can support, are greatly enhanced by linking together all records pertaining to each individual client, resulting in a complete record of that client's contact with the agency over the years. Each administrative database represents a complete, longitudinal record of the experiences of the entire population of children receiving service over the time span of the data.

A. Data Description

This section describes the datasets that have been integrated for this study, the nature or format of each of those datasets, and the variables that are available for analysis. We also discuss the reliability of the data.

Department of Public Aid, Client Database

Illinois Department of Public Aid maintains a client database that includes Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD), Medicaid, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), and Food Stamps. AABD is the specific program that we focused on for this study. As stated in the Department description, "AABD is specifically for people who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled (blind or disabled children are included). It is available to people who have applied for, or are receiving, a monthly SSI check from the Social Security Administration. It is also available to people who meet the age/disability criteria for SSI, but whose income is from Social Security or a different source." AABD receipt entitles the recipient to Medicaid in addition to supplemental cash assistance. The database contains demographic details (such as client's age, sex, and address), case opening and closing dates, family composition, level of need, and deduction and grant size.

Department of Public Aid, Medical Service Database

The Principal Investigator has requested (in November, 1990) and received access (in March, 1991) to the Medical Services database of the Illinois Department of Public Aid, the state agency that administers the Medicaid program in Illinois. Non-residential services included under Medicaid include, but are not limited to, assessment, treatment planning, medication, crisis intervention, day treatment, individual, family and group psychotherapy, community-based rehabilitation, intensive family-based services, case management developmental rehabilitation, and pre-hospital screening. "Medicaid" services reflect the full range of medical services provided to children by health care providers in Illinois; a "Medicaid" service simply refers to the method of reimbursement.

The quality of the Medicaid data, in general, is thought to be good. Since the records of the database are tied to payments made to providers, all services provided should be included. Also, since there are regular audits of this data for the purposes of data quality and fraud detection, we expect the data to be of good quality. Finally, automated "edit-checking" prevents wrong codes from being entered into the database.

Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

The inpatient system records the inpatient episodes of children, adolescents, and adults in the state facilities. The strength of the database is that it is longitudinal and that for some cases it may go back as far as five decades. The database contains the admission date, the movement date (if a change in setting occurred), the prior admission date, and the date of discharge. It contains important demographic information, behavioral characteristics, administrative data (e.g. unit, planning area), legal status and social security number.

The information in this database is believed to be reliable and can often be checked from the case files themselves. The database is useful for tracking admissions and readmissions, length of stay, specific diagnoses, and discharge status of children and adolescents that are hospitalized in DMHDD facilities. However, we do recognize that diagnoses are often used to get a child into an inpatient facility and may not be the result of a comprehensive assessment.

Illinois State Board of Education (Special education database)

There are two funding sources under which handicapped children and adolescents are served. The first is Public Law 94-142, which is the Education of the Handicapped Act. The second is P.L. 89- 313, the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981, which is the source under which children and adolescents are placed in residential care. These two funding sources are tracked separately. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBOE) maintains a computerized child tracking system of children who receive special education services in the state of Illinois, the Funding and Child Tracking System (F.A.C.T.S.).

The F.A.C.T.S information system contains information on the child or adolescent's demographics, services received, primary, secondary and tertiary handicap, and type of facility in which service is provided. Since 1) the special education population is the largest population of children who are disabled, 2) most disabled children are first identified as such in the schools and 3) P.L. 94-142 puts the responsibility of serving all children with handicapping conditions aged 3-21 with the schools, this database is an important tool for counting children with specific handicaps and for identifying precursors to future problems.

B. Record Linkage Methodology

The databases of each agency were linked on the basis of common information on each of the individuals in each of the databases. Determining what data were necessary and reliable provided a challenge. This required extensive review of the existing data and cooperation on the part of the human service agencies to allow access to their administrative data.

Deterministic vs. Probabilistic Matching

The greatest technical challenge involved in creating an integrated database is accurately linking the records of individual clients across agencies. This process is complicated by the fact no single variable can be relied upon to establish the identity of a child from the records of various agencies. Though each child receiving a service is typically given an identification number (ID) unique to a particular program, each agency and department uses its own system of identification numbers. Indeed, a single agency may issue a single client more than one ID, since IDs may be assigned each time a case is opened or a child or family receives services. Other variables that might be used to establish an "all-or-nothing" match are equally problematic: even names and birthdates that "match perfectly" may refer to two different individuals, as a result of incorrectly entered data or other human error.

The most reliable means of matching records proves to be a process called probabilistic record- matching, first developed by researchers in the fields of demography and epidemiology (Newcombe, 1988; Winkler, 1988; Jaro, 1985, 1989; Baldwin, Acheson, & Graham, 1987). Probabilistic record-matching is based on the assumption that no single match between variables common to the source databases will identify a child with complete reliability. Instead, probabilistic record- matching calculates the probability that two records belong to the same child using multiple pieces of identifying information. Such identifying data may include name, birth date, gender, race/ethnicity, and county of residence. When multiple pieces of identifying information from two databases are comparable, the probability of a correct match is increased. A few commercial software programs perform record-matching and can be customized to perform matches between two databases. The software program called Automatch was used for this analysis.


A. Identification of Children with Disabilities

From each of the databases described above, the population of children with disabilities was identified. All children under the age of 18 at the beginning of state fiscal years 1990-1994 were identified as disabled if they were receiving services through special education, the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (DMEDD) inpatient treatment, Assistance for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (AABD) disability programs, or Medicaid reimbursed services. Because individual level data on SSI receipt was only available to us for very recent time periods, children receiving AABD were used to approximate the SSI population in Illinois over the five fiscal years.1

Disability identification was based solely on program participation for children in special education, AABD, and DMH. The Medicaid reimbursed services data, however, contains data on services provided for preventative and well-child care as well as for the more serious inpatient and rehabilitative services. Identifying "disabled children" in this service data was not a straight-forward task. In order to use the least restrictive definition of disability, we selected children who demonstrated a disabling condition in one of three ways. First, we selected all children who had a non-institutional claim containing an ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification) diagnosis code that indicated a disabling condition according to the Social Security disability evaluation standards.2 Second, we selected all children who received a service under a category of service that indicated a special need. Finally, provider types that were associated with disabling conditions or conditions requiring rehabilitation were selected. A detailed description of the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes used to map to the Social Security Administration's listing of disabling conditions can be found in Appendix A.

Each of the selection methods was designed to identify children eligible for SSI under the most current disability evaluation standards. We recognize that disability determination in children is a complex evaluation that does not depend on diagnosis or program service alone. We expect that our selection criteria err on the side of overestimating the disabled population. Throughout the analysis, the utilization of "Medicaid services" will refer only to Medicaid reimbursed services that indicate a disabling condition as defined by our selection criterion. Likewise, children referred to as participating in the Medicaid program will refer only to children receiving services specified in our selection criterion.

A description of the disabling conditions, categories of service, and provider types that we used in the selection and their prevalence can be found in table 1. Two of the ICD-9-CM diagnoses that are included in the selection were associated with a few restrictions. Asthma, for example, was only used identify a child as disabled when it was accompanied by two or more hospitalizations or three or more emergency room visits. Epilepsy was similarly conditioned on the presence of a hospitalization or three or more emergency room visits within the fiscal year. Inpatient hospitalizations (general, psychiatric, and rehabilitative) also had conditions that were necessary for the disability determination in our selection. Three or more inpatient hospitalizations within a fiscal year or one hospitalization that lasted for 20 days or longer indicated disability in this analysis.

From the ICD-9-CM selection, the significant increase in the number of children that were identified after FY 1992 was due mainly to the increased prevalence of developmental speech or language disorders and other mental disorders. This increased "prevalence" however was primarily due to expanded service availability, particularly for mental health services. Two provider types, mental health service providers and local educational agencies, served significantly higher number of children after FY 1992. Most children were selected by the ICD-9-CM diagnosis code on a particular claim rather than the category of service or provider type. Over time the number of children that met the selection criteria by the ICD-9-CM diagnosis code and category of service also rose significantly (Table 2). This was more likely to happen as services became increasingly available for diagnoses that fell within our selection criterion.

B. Study Time Frame

The state fiscal year was the unit of time selected to analyze the indicators of service provision. The primary reason for choosing the state fiscal year was that the special education program data only reflected a child's activity during a school year (September to June). The beginning and end of the state fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) brackets the entire school year. From each of the databases that were analyzed, we identified children receiving each service for fiscal years 1990 to 1994. The beginning of fiscal year 1990 (July 1, 1989) offered a time point nearly 2 years prior to the implementation of the Zebley decision while the end of fiscal year 1994 (June 30, 1994) provided three full years of post-Zebley follow-up.

Timeline: July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1994. February 11, 1990 Zebley v. Sullivan Supreme Court Decision. February 11, 1991 SSA issues interim final regulations.

The time frame for this study allowed us to analyze five cross sections (FY 1990-1994) and four new entry cohorts (FY 1991-1994). By new entry, we are referring to children who were not participating in the previous year of disability services. We defined entry cohorts both by entry into any one of the four programs and by entry into a particular program. The cross-sections were analyzed in order to understand the prevalence of multi-service use among disabled children in Iffinois. By comparing indicators across time, we described the prevailing patterns of multi-service use. We also described the characteristics of children who use multiple services over the five fiscal years. Through the analysis of the new entry cohorts, we tracked program participation before and after the Zebley decision. In part, our findings reflect the dramatic change in program participation due to Zeble and the expansion of the role of Medicaid in non-traditional health care settings in Hlinois. Given the changes in SSI eligibility due to Zebley and the concern over the growing caseloads as expressed in the recent welfare reform legislation, the impact of multi-service use on the receipt of SSI was of particular interest. Using the risk population available to us within our data, we examined the incidence of AAED receipt while controlling for demographic characteristics and type of disability.


A. Children with Disabilities

The number of children who were identified as being disabled from each of the four databases is presented below. The overall number of disabled children identified in this analysis has increased over time from 259,113 children in FY 1990 to 277,689 children in FY 1994. This growth represents approximately a 7% increase. This growth occurred over a time when the AABD and Medicaid program populations were increasing steadily while the special education population, the largest of the four, was decreasing. Under out selection criteria, this population of disabled children represents approximately 8% of all children in Illinois.3

Database Number of Children
  FY 1990     FY 1991     FY 1992     FY 1993     FY 1994  
AABD 12,184 14,839 19,986 33,555 43,941
Special Education 228,762 229,015 240,417 217,946 198,020
Medicaid Paid Claims   34,541 39,225 45,038 56,063 87,764
DMH Inpatient 294 257 319 255 199
All Disabled Children 259,113 263,758 279,608 272,779 277,689

Demographic Profiles

In Illinois, each of the four programs that we examined served very different populations in terms of race/ethnicity, sex, and age (Tables 3-6). Children in the state AABD programs were most often African-American children and were increasingly so over time. Because AABD program participation should mirror SSI participation, we see an increase in the number of children served after Zebley implementation. The post-Zebley time period in Illinois shows increased participation of children of all ages. Special education serves the largest number of children with disabilities in Illinois. Nearly 2/3 of the children in special education are boys. Approximately 70% of the children were white in fiscal year 1990 but were more likely to be of African American or Hispanic origin over time. Children identified with disabling conditions in the Medicaid service data were distinct from the special education and AABD populations. Medicaid program children had very similar percentages of white and African-American children over time. Boys were slightly more likely to have been identified in this population in each of the fiscal years. The growth in this population over time had its biggest affect on the age distribution of children with disabling conditions. In fiscal years 1990 and 1991, our selection criterion identified infants 25% of the time. After FY 1992, the percentage of infant children that we identified decreased. Conversely, the percentage of school age children began to rise. The DME inpatient population is the smallest population examined in this study. Boys were slightly more likely to be among children served in DMH facilities as were white children over time. Children served in DME inpatient facilities were more often children over age 9.

Type of Disability

The administrative data on each of the four programs offered few program generated descriptors of the participating child's type of disability. Moreover, disability categorizations were not uniform over time. In the special education program, an aggregation of the primary exceptional characteristic lead to a general categorization over the five fiscal years. Of the children in special education, approximately one half were identified as having learning disabilities. For example in FY 1994, approximately 49% were categorized as having learning disabilities, 25% as having speech or language disorders, 11% as severely emotionally disturbed, and 11% as mentally retarded. (Table 7). From the Medicaid services data, the ICD-9-CM diagnosis code was available for almost all children selected. Institutional claims records which primarily identify inpatient hospitalizations, could not be categorized by ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes. Table 8 presents the distribution of the ICD-9-CM diagnosis categories. The categorization was based primarily on the section headings contained within the ICD-9-CM, however, some particular diagnoses of interest were included in the distribution. While most of the diagnosis categories fluctuated little over the fiscal years, the percentage of children with mental disorders rose significantlyhrom 20.9% of Medicaid program children in FY 1990 to 40.7% of children in the Medicaid program in FY 1994.

Patterns of Program Participation

Because each of the four programs provide very different services to disabled children in Illinois, the duration of program participation varies considerably. We would expect AABD (SSI) program participation, for example, to be longer term given that it provides basic human services including income support and health insurance. Medicaid program identification, however, is not likely to be observed year to year unless a particular disabling condition requires constant treatment provided through Medicaid. Because our data did not allow for continuous time estimates of duration, discrete time service receipt histories were analyzed for new entrants to each of the programs by fiscal year. A new entrant to AABD in FY 1992, for example, was defined as a child not observed participating in AABD prior to the fiscal year 1992. Only children who were age 13 or younger at the end of the fiscal year of the first year of service, and thus would not reach age 18 during the observation period, were examined. The survival rates are presented in Table 9.

Both special education and AABD program participation were likely to last longer than Medicaid program or DMH inpatient participation. For children entering the AABD program in FY 1991, 70% were still participating after 4 years. Over time, children entering AABD programs were more likely to continue participation after 1 year. For example, 78% of the AABD children entering in FY 1991 were participating after 3 years while 86% of the children entering in FY 1992 were participating after 3 years. In special education over time, children were slightly less likely to continue participation for a second year. Of children entering special education in FY 1991, 75.7% were participating for a second year while only 71.9% of children entering in FY 1993 were participating. The length of participation in the Medicaid program increased substantially between the FY 1992 and FY 1993 cohorts. 32.2% of the FY 1992 entry cohort was found to be participating for a second year while 44.9% of the FY 1993 entry cohort was participating in the next year.

Service History

Table 10 presents indicators of the past year of service receipt for each program entry cohort. New entry is again defined by the first year of service in a particular program. Overall, AABD entrants are the most "known" to the system. In FY 1991, 47% of children entering AABD had participated in another service last year while just 3% of special education entrants and 14% Medicaid entrants had done so. An examination of the participation rates of AABD entrants over the fiscal years, however, reveals that the degree of participation in other services prior to AABD entry has decreased. By FY 1994, 39.3% of children entering AABD had prior service experience. For special education and Medicaid new entrants, we observe the opposite trend. Children in special education were more likely to have had prior service experience in both AABD and Medicaid. Entrants to the Medicaid program were also more likely to have received other services in the past year. Medicaid entrants who participated in special education in the past year increased from 12.7% of entrants in FY 1991 to 18.3% of entrants in FY 1994. Although these indicators can only approximate the pathways that children take, the trend in recent fiscal years suggests that frequency of transitions between other services to Medicaid and special education is increasing while the frequency of transitions from other services to AABD is decreasing.

B. Patterns of Multi-Service Utilization

Describing the patterns of multi-service utilization of disabled children was a primary goal of this study. At a time when eligibility for SSI will possibly be restricted, it is important to understand the extent to which SSI and other services have been supporting the population of children with disabilities. In addition, indicators of multi-service utilization over time can further illustrate the effects of the Zebley decision.

Cross-Sectional Analysis

A point in time examination of multi-service utilization reveals that the majority of children participate in one of two services: special education or Medicaid services (Table 11). Over time however, multi-service use becomes more prevalent. In FY 1990, 5.3% of the children receiving service were multi-service users, while 15.2% of the children receiving services in FY 1994 were multi-service users. Although a small percentage of the total disabled population, the number of children using some combination of programs increase substantially over time. Only 2,747 children used AABD, special education, and Medicaid services within FY 1990. In FY 1994, this number had increased nearly four times to 10,031 children. The number of children participating in special education and the Medicaid program also increased from 5,501 in FY 1990 to 16,201 children in FY 1994. At the same time that these increases occurred, the nurnber of children participating in AABD or the Medicaid program only increased steadily while the number participating in special education only decreased over time.

By examining the incidence of multi-service utilization by program type, we see that the patterns of multi-service use do vary considerably (Table 12). Children in AABD programs have the highest incidence of multi-service utilization but it is not increasing over time. In FY 1990, 51.3% of the AABD children were in special education while only 42.3% were participating in FY 1994. As a percentage of all children in special education, multi-service use is rare but increasing over the fiscal years. Special education children utilizing Medicaid reimbursed services increased substantially from 3.6% of children in FY 1990 versus 13.3% of children in FY 1994. Similarly, special education children were more likely to participate in AABD. In FY 1990, 2.7% of children were participating in AABD while 9.4% were participating in FY 1994. Children receiving Medicaid services were slightly more likely to participate in either AABD or special education over time. In FY 1990, 13.8% of the Medicaid children were also participating in AABD while 19.8% were participating in both programs in FY 1994.

Entry Cohorts

Although multi-service use increased overall and especially for children in special education and Medicaid, the impact of children new to disability programs (especially because of Zebley implementation) could not be assessed in the cross sectional analysis. New entry cohorts, defined by the first year of participation in any of the four services, were analyzed for FY 1991-1994. Although the overall number of disabled children identified from the four programs has grown, the overall number of new entrants to one of the four programs has decreased from 89,193 children entering in FY 1991 to 59,014 children entering in FY 1994 (Table 13). This trend is due primarily to the decrease in special education enrollment. None of the multi-service categories increased substantially over the fiscal years. Only a small percentage of the new entrants participated in more than one service during the fiscal year of entry. For example, 2.7% of the FY 1991 entry cohort participated in multiple services during FY 1991. In FY 1994, only 5.4% of the new entrants participated in multiple services. This was true despite the radically changing composition of the entry cohorts. In FY 1991, single service special education children made up 70.5% of the cohort. In FY 1994, only 23.8% of the entry cohort were single service special education children while 61.2% were single service children identified in the Medicaid reimbursed services data.

The trends seen by program type in the cross-sectional analysis are observed again for the new entrants. Over the new entry cohorts, children who began their service receipt in AABD became increasingly less likely to participate in multiple services within their first year of service (Table 14). New entrants participating in special education were slightly more likely to participate in multiple services, especially Medicaid. Children in the Medicaid program for the first time were slightly more likely to be multi-service users. Although the new entrants look similar to the cross-sections in terms of the trend in multi-service use, they contribute little to the overall incidence of multi-service use. In FY 1991, multi-service users that were new entrants made up approximately 1% of the 16,213 multi-service users observed in FY 1991. In FY 1994, new entrants using multiple services continued to represent I% of disabled children using multiple services in Illinois. It appears that although multi-service utilization has increased since FY 1990, the new entrants contributed little to the trend.

The time frame for this study allows us to follow the FY 1991 cohort of new entrants up to three years. This longitudinal analysis can illustrate the program participation of single service children in the future. As presented in table 15, each of the single service groups from each cohort was identified by multiple service use in the future. The patterns overall and by service type are not clear. Overall, an additional 8.1% of the FY 1991 cohort and 10.6% of the FY 1992 cohort was found to be multi-service users after 2 years. The percentage of multi-service users identified after one and two years appears to rise until except for a sharp decrease for the FY 1993 cohort. For children only participating in AABD in FY 1991, 16.9% became multi-service users after 1 year while only 10.8% of the children in the FY 1993 cohort became multi-service users. After 2 years, however, the percentage of children becorriing multi-service users rose slightly from 23.2% of the FY 1991 cohort to 26.2% of the FY 1992 cohort. Special education and Medicaid program single users were even less likely to become multi-service users in the future.

C. Characteristics of Multi-Service Users

In order to approximate which disabled children participated in more than one service, the descriptive variables available to us were examined by single service and multi-service categories. In table 16, the distribution of the primary characteristic is presented for all special education children, as well as special education children participating in more than one service. Only multi- service use involving AABD and the Medicaid program is presented because it represents the majority of the multi-service utilization. In each of the fiscal years, the majority of children in both special education and AABD were those with mental retardation. Over time, however, children with learning disabilities and severe emotional disturbance were more likely to participate in AABD an special education simultaneously. By FY 1994, 35.1% of the children in both special education and AABD were mentally retarded, 30.9% were learning disabled, and 15% were severely emotionally disturbed. In terms of the utilization of the Medicaid program and special education, the patterns of service utilization for different categories of the children varied over time. Mentally retarded and SED children became less likely to use Medicaid reimbursed services while participating in special education. In FY 1990, 25.4% and 25.3% of the children participating in both services were respectively mentally retarded and SED while in FY 1994 only 19.5% and 17.4% of children in both services were respectively mentally retarded and SED. Learning disabled children were more likely to represent children participating in special education and receiving Medicaid reimbursed services over time. The increase was especially pronounced between FY 1992 when 15.9% of children in both services were learning disabled and FY 1993 when 24.4% of children were indicated as learning disabled in special education.

Children participating in the Medicaid program were similarly examined by single and multiple service categories. In FY 1990, the children who received Medicaid reimbursed services and special education looked very different from children who received Medicaid reimbursed services and AABD (Table 17a-17e). The majority of children participating in both the Medicaid program and special education were receiving service under special categories of service (14.6%), for multiple diagnoses (14.2%), and for other mental disorders (13.9%). Children receiving Medicaid reimbursed services and AABD were most likely to be treating infantile cerebral palsy (16.5%) and multiple diagnoses (15.0%) within fiscal year 1990. In terms of the type of Medicaid recipient with the highest degree of multi-service utilization, infantile cerebral palsy was highest with 80.9% of children in FY 1990 participating in multiple services. Children with multiple diagnoses and developmental speech or language disorders also had substantial multi-service use.

These patterns begin to change in FY 1992. In FY 1992, children participating in the Medicaid program and special education are more likely to have been identified by multiple diagnoses, other mental disorders, and developmental speech and language disorders. By FY 1994, the majority of children participating in the Medicaid program and either special education or AABD were being treated for mental disorders. By 1994, the percentage of children with both mental disorders and multiple diagnoses who used special education or AABD had increased during the period. This increase, however, is due in part to the changing composition of the Medicaid population after the Medicaid community mental health services program began. Without controlling for other factors, it is not clear whether the increase is due to changes in multi-service use or to changes in the composition of the population. This hypothesis will be tested using multivariate methods with regard to AABD participation specifically.

D. Factors Affecting the Incidence of Multi-Service Utilization

The descriptive analysis revealed a pattern of increasing multi-service utilization over the time period. The analysis by program type indicates that multi-service utilization is increasing for the special education and Medicaid service populations, but is the decreasing for the AABD service population. In order to further confirm the trends observed in the descriptive analysis, logistic regression was used to model the probability that a child would use multiple services during a fiscal year while controlling for demographic and disability characteristics.

Table 18 presents the odds ratios from each of the three models. Each program type was modeled separately because of the variation in the incidence of multi-service use. DMH multi-service utilization was not examined in the multivariate analysis because it was so rare. The odds ratios describe the effect on the probability of being a multi-service user during a fiscal year relative to a baseline group while holding all other factors constant For example in the model for AABD program participants, females are 20% less likely than males to be multi-service users during a fiscal year. Minority children in AABD were less likely to be multi-service users than were white children. The odds ratios of the age categories indicate that children between the ages of 8 and 13 are slightly more likely than children ages 6 to 7 to be multi-service users. It appears that the very young and teenage children were less likely to be using multiple services during a fiscal year. The direction of the indicators of fiscal year indicate a discontinuous upward trend in the likelihood that children in AABD used multiple services during the fiscal year. In FY 1991 and FY 1992, children were nearly two times more likely to be multi-service users than children in AABD in FY 1990. In FY 1993, however, children were slightly less likely to be multi-service users than children in FY 1990. This drop coincides with the dramatic increase in the AABD population after Zebley and the decreasing likelihood of new entrants to have had prior service experience in any of the other three disability programs. Although this decreasing likelihood of multi-service use persisted in the descriptive trend, after controlling for all other factors the direction of the FY 1994 indicator showed that children were more likely to have participated in multiple services than in FY 1990.

Model 2 presents the odds ratios for children participating in special education during each of the fiscal years. Unlike AABD, females in special education were slightly more likely than males to be multi-service users. Minority children were 2 to 3 times more likely to be multi-service users. With the exception of infants, the likelihood of being a multi-service users decreases with age. Children over the age of 7 are approximately 20% less likely to be multi-service users than children ages 6 and 7. The fiscal year indicators point to a slightly increasing likelihood of multi-service use among the special education population between FY 1992 and 1993. In FY 1994 however, children were 2.25 times more likely to be multi-service users than children participating in FY 1990 holding all other characteristics constant. In addition to the program and demographic characteristics already mentioned, the primary characteristic for each child per fiscal year was included in the model. The odds ratios show that mentally retarded children, physically disabled children and children with other disabilities were approximately 2 times more likely to be multi-service users than were severely emotionally disturbed children. Children with learning disabilities and speech or language disorders were nearly 70% less likely to be multi-service users during a fiscal year than were severely emotionally disturbed children.

In Model 3, the likelihood of being a multi-service user during a fiscal year is modeled for children participating in the Medicaid program. The effects of demographic and program indicators for the Medicaid program population tend to look similar to the effects in the Model 1. Females, for example, are 25% less likely than males to be multi-service users in a fiscal year. Hispanic and African-American children are slightly more likely than white children to be multi-service users during a fiscal year. In the Medicaid program population, children over the age of 7 are more likely to be multi-service users than are children ages 6 to 7. Like the special education population, children participating in the Medicaid program after FY 1990 are more likely to be multi-service users during the fiscal year than are children who participated in FY 1990. The description of the selection into the Medicaid program population was also included in the model in order to control for any effect of the type of disabling condition. Children selected due to mental diagnoses or a combination of mental and non-mental diagnoses were more likely to be multi-service users during a fiscal year than were children selected because of one or more non-mental diagnoses.

E. Predicting AABD Service Utilization

Understanding the factors associated with AABD service utilization is of particular interest in light of the policy changes that are likely to emanate from welfare reform. As we have seen, multi-service use has increased over time among the disabled children identified in this study. In order to assess the risk of AABD program participation over time in Illinois, we have focused on the population of children identified by our Medicaid service selection criterion. We would expect all of these children to be at risk for AABD. We recognize that there are certainly children at risk who would not have prior Medicaid program participation. Again, logistic regression was used to predict the probability of AABD participation within 3 years of participation in the Medicaid program. All children receiving Medicaid reimbursed services in FY 1990 through 1992 were included in the model.

Table 19 presents the results of this analysis. Females were nearly 20% less likely than males to participated in AABD within three years. Espanic and African American children were approximately 1.3 times more likely than white children to participate in AABD. Children over the age of 7 were more likely to become AABD participants within 3 years than were children ages 6 and 7. Children under age 6 were less likely to become AABD participants. The method of the Medicaid selection was also included in the model. Interestingly, children included in the Medicaid program population because of a combination of mental and non-mental diagnoses during a fiscal year were nearly three an a half times more likely to become AABD participants than children included because of one or more non-mental disorder diagnoses. This strong effect indicates that children with the more complex conditions were most likely to receive AABD. The likelihood of participating in AABD appeared to increase over fiscal years 1990 to 1992. Children participating in the Medicaid program in fiscal year 1991 were over two and a half times more likely to receive AABD within three years than were children in Medicaid in FY 1990. Children in Medicaid in FY 1992 were over three times as likely.


This study shows very strikingly that the population of children served by public programs for disabilities in Illinois has changed dramatically over a five year period. The expansion due to Zebley to include more children with emotional disorders has opened a new door into services provided through the Medicaid program. The Medicaid program has been expanded simultaneously to address the needs of children with severe emotional disturbances by providing services in settings other than traditional health care settings. It also seems, however, that the new SSI population is slow to use additional services. In other words, children in the SSI population do not quickly become participants in multiple programs. The special education population is also decreasing as there is a move to bring children with handicapping conditions into the regular classroom; the poor fiscal condition of schools also provides little incentive to identify more children as requiring special education. This is our interpretation of the diverging trends in program eligibility and utilization between the SSI and Medicaid programs and the special education program.

We also found that multiple program participation reflected intuitions about how that might occur. In general, children with less severe conditions (language disorders or learning disabilities) were less likely to participate in multiple programs that children with more severe or chronic disabilities (e.g. severe emotional disturbance). This, however, may be due to the fact that we focused on public programs, which are primarily used by the poorer segment of the population; this means that the children with less severe conditions in special education would be less likely to appear in the Medicaid or SSI population.

Given the changes that have been made to SSI eligibility criteria in 1996 and the potential future changes in Medicaid and welfare programs in general, we hope that this study provides a baseline for future monitoring of participation in programs for disabled children. While we have not included every program for children with disabilities, we have included the major public programs which would reflect the trends in the service provision to the population. The addition of other programs into our analysis could provide important information on those programs. In particular, the addition of the new early intervention programs would be an important addition. Better tracking of these children from birth is also key to more complete and better monitoring.


  1. Throughout this report, AABD receipt is used as a proxy variable for SSI receipt. The table below presents the published numbers of children receiving SSI in the state of Illinois in December of each year. The measure in December represents the midpoint of each fiscal year. The AABD figures map nicely to the midpoints even during the period of rapid growth beginning in 1992.

      Number of Children in Illinois Receiving:
    Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 12,951 15,387 21,178 31,874 41,225
        July 1, 1989  
    June 30, 1990
      July 1, 1990  
    June 30, 1991
      July 1, 1991  
    June 30, 1992
      July 1, 1992  
    June 30, 1993
      July 1, 1993  
    June 30, 1994
    Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD)   12,184 14,839 19,986 33,555 43,941
    SOURCE: Social Security Bulletin, Annual Statistical Supplement, 1989-1993
  2. An error was found in the diagnosis field of our medical claims database for services received January 1993-June 1995. The error involved only institutional claims made during the time period, thus we did not expect our diagnosis code selection to be substantially affected. In order to measure the error introduced, we compared the number of children that we identified as disabled using all claims versus all non-institutional claims in fiscal year 1990. We found that using all types of claims in the diagnosis code selection gave us 42,147 Medicaid program participants versus 34,541 using only non-institutional claim records. This represents 82% of the total Medicaid population available to us if the diagnosis code of all claim records could have been used.

  3. The population incidence of 8% is based on 3,338,418 children living in Illinois according to the 1990 U.S. Census.


TABLE 1. Number of Children by Method of Disabling Condition in Medicaid Services Database: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
Infectious Diseases 41 0.2 60 0.2 63 0.2 115 0.3 143 0.2
   AIDS 20 0.1 43 0.2 53 0.2 102 0.2 127 0.2
   Other Infectious Diseases 21 0.1 17 0.1 10 0.0 13 0.0 16 0.0
Neoplasms 471 2.1 619 2.1 845 2.6 1,190 2.8 1,377 2.0
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 678 3.0 892 3.4 1,281 4.0 1,187 2.8 1,769 2.5
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,027 4.6 1,171 4.4 1,247 3.9 1,196 2.8 1,512 2.1
   Sickle Cell Anemia 850 3.8 941 3.6 987 3.1 909 2.1 1,127 1.6
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 177 0.8 230 0.9 260 0.8 287 0.7 385 0.5
Mental Disorders   7,776     34.9     9,305     35.3     12,481     39.1     20,740     48.5     37,984     54.0  
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 1,381 6.2 1,460 5.5 2,501 7.8 7,138 16.7 13,245 18.8
   Attention Deficit Disorders 1,920 8.6 2,645 10.0 3,623 11.3 4,800 11.2 6,734 9.6
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 176 0.8 288 1.1 599 1.9 1,106 2.6 7,952 11.3
   Other Mental Disorders 4,299 19.3 4,912 18.7 5,758 18.0 7,696 18.0 10,053 14.3
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 3,913 17.6 4,538 17.2 4,687 14.7 5,111 12.0 5,888 8.4
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,127 5.1 1,198 4.6 1,277 4.0 1,271 3.0 1,111 1.6
   Hearing Loss 2,241 10.1 2,751 10.4 2,837 8.9 3,217 7.5 3,963 5.6
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 545 2.4 589 2.2 573 1.8 623 1.5 814 1.2
Diseases of the Circulatory System 306 1.4 311 1.2 359 1.1 318 0.7 442 0.6
Diseases of the Respiratory System 1,992 8.9 1,861 7.1 2,276 7.1 2,119 5.0 2,576 3.7
   Asthma 1,982 8.9 1,855 7.0 2,272 7.1 2,111 4.9 2,572 3.7
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 10 0.0 6 0.0 4 0.0 8 0.0 4 0.0
Diseases of the Digestive System 68 0.3 75 0.3 76 0.2 57 0.1 83 0.1
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 216 1.0 198 0.8 207 0.6 202 0.5 255 0.4
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 0.0 4 0.0 4 0.0 8 0.0 7 0.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 264 1.2 300 1.1 314 1.0 302 0.7 329 0.5
Congenital Anomolies 2,392 10.7 2,849 10.8 3,069 9.6 2,999 7.0 3,734 5.3
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 26 0.1 90 0.3 69 0.2 73 0.2 100 0.1
Injury and Poisoning 39 0.2 31 0.1 80 0.3 111 0.3 126 0.2
Supplementary Classification 7 0.0 19 0.1 19 0.1 23 0.1 19 0.0
Multiple Diagnoses 3,056 13.7 4,006 15.2 4,874 15.3 6,973 16.3 14,039 19.9
Total Number of Children Identified by ICD-9-CM Diagnosis 22,276 100.0 26,329 100.0 31,951 100.0 42,724 100.0 70,383 100.0
Inpatient Hospitalization: 3 or more Hospitalizations 2,472 43.0 2,096 37.1 1,728 39.8 1,521 32.5 2,388 35.5
Inpatient Hospitalization: Hospitalization 20 Days or Longer 2,745 47.7 3,035 53.8 2,284 52.6 2,822 60.3 3,757 55.9
Inpatient Hospitalization: 3 or more Hospitalization and Hospitalization 20 Days or Longer 533 9.3 512 9.1 334 7.7 339 7.2 578 8.6
Total Number of Children Identified by Inpatient Hospitalization 5,750 100.0 5,643 100.0 4,346 100.0 4,682 100.0 6,723 100.0
Physical Therapists 14 0.2 12 0.2 33 0.4 41 0.1 71 0.4
Occupational Therapists 1 0.0 9 0.1 19 0.3 56 0.5 84 0.4
Speech Therapists 26 0.4 53 0.7 61 0.8 79 0.7 146 0.7
Audiologists 648 9.7 877 11.3 713 9.5 553 4.7 705 3.6
MR Facilities 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0 58 0.5 536 2.7
Psychiatric Hospitals 122 1.8 315 4.1 328 4.4 493 4.2 818 4.2
Rehabilitation Hospitals 128 1.9 136 1.8 194 2.6 340 2.9 482 2.4
Nursing Facilities 643 9.6 585 7.5 598 8.0 35 0.3 11 0.1
Long Term Care Facilities (State) 781 11.7 719 9.3 668 8.9 444 3.8 266 1.4
Mental Health Services Provider 40 0.6 349 4.5 1,504 20.0 5,694 48.8 11,216 57.0
ICF/MI Facility 2 0.0 4 0.1 3 0.0 4 0.0 1 0.0
Home Health Agencies 2,729 40.7 2,920 37.6 2,545 33.9 2,097 18.0 3,029 15.4
Community Health Agencies 1,367 20.4 1,484 19.1 529 7.1 503 4.3 714 3.6
DORS Schools 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 73 0.6 110 0.6
Multiple Service Providers 197 2.9 298 3.8 305 4.1 1,190 10.2 1,491 7.6
Total Number of Children Identified by Provider Type 6,698 100.0 7,761 100.0 7,502 100.0 11,660 100.0 19,680 100.0
DCFS Rehab Option 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1,423 4.8 3,775 7.7
Physical Therapy 90 0.7 115 0.7 168 0.9 234 0.8 339 0.7
Occupational Therapy 92 0.7 176 1.1 396 2.0 526 1.8 806 1.6
Speech Therapy 1,310 9.7 1,578 10.0 2,507 12.9 7,909 26.4 16,052 32.8
Audiology Services 683 5.0 779 4.9 949 4.9 1,312 4.4 2,337 4.8
Psychiatric Clinic Services 2,899 21.4 2,920 18.5 3,457 17.8 3,638 12.2 4,724 9.6
Rehab Clinic Services 96 0.7 132 0.8 158 0.8 243 0.8 194 0.4
DMHDD Clinic Option 40 0.3 348 2.2 1,175 6.0 1,132 3.8 1,506 3.1
DMHDD Rehab Option 0 0.0 0 0.0 265 1.4 2,462 8.2 4,573 9.3
Alcohol and Drug Services 454 3.4 683 4.3 759 3.9 973 3.3 1,301 2.7
Exceptional Care-Hosp Residing 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0
Prosthetic Devices 6,385 47.1 7,615 48.3 8,153 41.9 8,226 27.5 10,976 22.4
Targeted Case Management 0 0.0 0 0.0 62 0.3 630 2.1 1,308 2.7
LTC Skilled 6 0.0 11 0.1 8 0.0 5 0.0 5 0.0
LTC Intermediate 133 1.0 162 1.0 204 1.0 188 0.6 167 0.3
ICF/MR Skilled Pediatric 660 4.9 582 3.7 534 2.7 492 1.6 487 1.0
LTC Special Living Center 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0
MI Recipient Under 22 675 5.0 663 4.2 643 3.3 529 1.8 401 0.8
MI Recipient Non-matchable 0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0
LTC Day Care 20 0.1 14 0.1 10 0.1 8 0.0 10 0.0
Total Number of Children Identified by Category of Service 13,544 100.0 15,779 100.0 19,449 100.0 29,930 100.0 48,966 100.0

TABLE 2. Selection Method Used to Identify Disabling Conditions in the Medicaid Services Data: FY 1990-1994
Method 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Only   15,202     44.0     17,680     45.1     21,072     46.8     21,668     38.6     32,778     37.3  
Inpatient Service Only 2,240 6.5 1,941 4.9 1,349 3.0 1,427 2.5 1,927 2.2
Category of Service Only 6,353 18.4 7,232 18.4 8,316 18.5 8,671 15.5 10,425 11.9
Provider Type Only 1,377 4.0 1,408 3.6 1,219 2.7 942 1.7 1,303 1.5
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis and Category of Service 1,771 5.1 2,229 5.7 4,914 10.9 10,791 19.2 20,503 23.4
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis and Provider Type 245 0.7 396 1.0 409 0.9 494 0.9 807 0.9
Inpatient and ICD-9-CM Diagnosis 1,451 4.2 1,512 3.9 1,126 2.5 1,099 2.0 1,268 1.4
Inpatient and Category of Service 417 1.2 413 1.1 379 0.8 327 0.6 521 0.6
Inpatient and Provider Type 237 0.7 191 0.5 159 0.4 125 0.2 227 0.3
Provider Type and Category of Service 1,352 3.9 1,465 3.7 1,452 3.2 1,726 3.1 2,784 3.2
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis, Provider Type, and Category of Service 2,491 7.2 3,172 8.1 3,310 7.3 7,089 12.6 12,441 14.2
Inpatient, ICD-9-CM Diagnosis, and Category of Service 409 1.2 457 1.2 380 0.8 420 0.7 662 0.8
Inpatient, ICD-9-CM Diagnosis, and Provider Type 245 0.7 318 0.8 255 0.6 378 0.7 488 0.6
Inpatient, Provider Type, and Category of Service 289 0.8 246 0.6 213 0.5 121 0.2 194 0.2
Inpatient, ICD-9-CM Diagnosis, Provider Type, and Category of Service 462 1.3 565 1.4 485 1.1 785 1.4 1,436 1.6
Total Number of Children 34,541 100.0 39,225 100.0 45,038 100.0 56,063 100.0 87,764 100.0

TABLE 3. Demographic Profile of Children in AABD Programs: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
All AABD Children   12,148     100     14,839     100     19,986     100     33,555     100     43,941     100  
White 4,435 36.5 5,330 35.9 6,784 33.9 11,182 33.3 14,164 32.2
African American 6,216 51.2 7,659 51.6 10,876 54.4 18,894 56.3 25,477 58.0
Hispanic 1,395 11.5 1,715 11.6 2,169 10.9 3,221 9.6 3,986 9.1
Asian 88 0.7 120 0.8 139 0.7 212 0.6 250 0.6
Native American 13 0.1 14 0.1 18 0.1 46 0.1 64 0.1
Other 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Female 5,064 41.7 6,073 40.9 7,904 39.5 13,418 40.0 17,368 39.5
Male 7,084 58.3 8,766 59.1 12,082 60.5 20,137 60.0 26,573 60.5
Age at Beginning of Fiscal Year
Less than 1 year 436 3.6 605 4.1 720 3.6 1,365 4.1 1,909 4.3
1 year 424 3.5 528 3.6 786 3.9 1,062 3.2 1,348 3.1
2 years 470 3.9 598 4.0 819 4.1 1,306 3.9 1,515 3.4
3 years 530 4.4 651 4.4 858 4.3 1,368 4.1 1,802 4.1
4 years 560 4.6 690 4.6 932 4.7 1,455 4.3 1,923 4.4
5 years 626 5.2 714 4.8 941 4.7 1,536 4.6 1,999 4.5
6 years 659 5.4 759 5.1 1,062 5.3 1,620 4.8 2,131 4.8
7 years 701 5.8 895 6.0 1,141 5.7 1,790 5.3 2,339 5.3
8 years 750 6.2 918 6.2 1,297 6.5 1,972 5.9 2,552 5.8
9 years 703 5.8 942 6.3 1,313 6.6 2,119 6.3 2,719 6.2
10 years 736 6.1 896 6.0 1,379 6.9 2,253 6.7 2,867 6.5
11 years 691 5.7 930 6.3 1,306 6.5 2,252 6.7 3,044 6.9
12 years 725 6.0 875 5.9 1,316 6.6 2,270 6.8 3,037 6.9
13 years 697 5.7 902 6.1 1,200 6.0 2,275 6.8 3,074 7.0
14 years 721 5.9 863 5.8 1,239 6.2 2,110 6.3 2,987 6.8
15 years 736 6.1 878 5.9 1,115 5.6 2,208 6.6 2,800 6.4
16 years 802 6.6 917 6.2 1,155 5.8 1,993 5.9 2,885 6.6
17 years 1,181 9.7 1,278 8.6 1,407 7.0 2,601 7.8 3,010 6.9

TABLE 4. Demographic Profile of Children in the Special Education Program: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
All Special Education Children   228,762     100     229,015     100     240,417     100     217,946     100     198,020     100  
White 161,865 70.8 161,617 70.6 166,419 69.2 151,412 69.5 135,366 68.4
African American 49,886 21.8 49,792 21.7 54,304 22.6 48,370 22.2 45,627 23.0
Hispanic 14,198 6.2 14,868 6.5 16,927 7.0 15,616 7.2 14,884 7.5
Asian 2,530 1.1 2,480 1.1 2,526 1.1 2,353 1.1 1,972 1.0
Native American 187 0.1 177 0.1 190 0.1 165 0.1 162 0.1
Other 96 0.0 81 0.0 51 0.0 30 0.0 9 0.0
Female 74,241 32.5 75,635 33.0 79,884 33.2 73,171 33.6 65,553 33.1
Male 145,540 63.6 148,074 64.7 158,060 65.7 143,355 65.8 131,750 66.5
Unknown 8,981 3.9 5,306 2.3 2,473 1.0 1,420 0.7 717 0.4
Age at Beginning of Fiscal Year
Less than 1 year 724 0.3 656 0.3 623 0.3 1,508 0.7 597 0.3
1 year 267 0.1 420 0.2 413 0.2 1,670 0.8 1,110 0.6
2 years 1,594 0.7 1,711 0.7 1,974 0.8 2,503 1.1 1,414 0.7
3 years 5,351 2.3 5,463 2.4 5,791 2.4 5,546 2.5 2,817 1.4
4 years 8,971 3.9 9,206 4.0 9,051 3.8 8,439 3.9 5,862 3.0
5 years 13,490 5.9 13,486 5.9 13,883 5.8 11,534 5.3 8,157 4.1
6 years 18,386 8.0 17,154 7.5 17,938 7.5 15,301 7.0 11,473 5.8
7 years 20,792 9.1 20,875 9.1 20,661 8.6 18,539 8.5 14,798 7.5
8 years 21,202 9.3 21,019 9.2 22,119 9.2 18,895 8.7 17,208 8.7
9 years 19,794 8.7 20,375 8.9 20,794 8.6 18,829 8.6 17,237 8.7
10 years 17,860 7.8 19,109 8.3 20,197 8.4 17,566 8.1 17,406 8.8
11 years 16,838 7.4 17,439 7.6 19,250 8.0 17,230 7.9 16,819 8.5
12 years 16,540 7.2 16,686 7.3 17,786 7.4 16,907 7.8 17,117 8.6
13 years 15,249 6.7 16,161 7.1 16,980 7.1 15,500 7.1 16,545 8.4
14 years 14,998 6.6 14,508 6.3 16,096 6.7 14,503 6.7 14,896 7.5
15 years 14,159 6.2 14,012 6.1 14,540 6.0 13,516 6.2 13,768 7.0
16 years 12,624 5.5 11,875 5.2 12,828 5.3 11,322 5.2 12,096 6.1
17 years 9,923 4.3 8,860 3.9 9,493 3.9 8,638 4.0 8,700 4.4

TABLE 5. Demographic Profile of Children in Medicaid Services Program: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
All Medicaid Services Children   34,541     100     39,225     100     45,038     100     56,063     100     87,764     100  
White 15,233 44.1 17,986 45.9 21,099 46.8 26,175 46.7 36,987 42.1
African American 15,874 46.0 16,940 43.2 18,771 41.7 23,222 41.4 39,587 45.1
Hispanic 3,158 9.1 3,928 10.0 4,693 10.4 6,057 10.8 10,235 11.7
Asian 222 0.6 299 0.8 413 0.9 529 0.9 837 1.0
Native American 53 0.2 59 0.2 47 0.1 64 0.1 108 0.1
Other 1 0.0 13 0.0 15 0.0 16 0.0 10 0.0
Female 15,373 44.5 17,337 44.2 19,259 42.8 23,497 41.9 35,896 40.9
Male 19,168 55.5 21,888 55.8 25,779 57.2 32,566 58.1 51,868 59.1
Age at Beginning of Fiscal Year
Less than 1 year 8,733 25.3 9,974 25.4 10,277 22.8 10,791 19.2 14,476 16.5
1 year 1,888 5.5 2,317 5.9 2,815 6.3 2,908 5.2 3,724 4.2
2 years 1,656 4.8 1,949 5.0 2,371 5.3 2,885 5.1 3,849 4.4
3 years 1,548 4.5 1,820 4.6 2,270 5.0 2,859 5.1 4,269 4.9
4 years 1,575 4.6 1,770 4.5 2,195 4.9 2,987 5.3 4,549 5.2
5 years 1,612 4.7 1,886 4.8 2,306 5.1 3,223 5.7 5,250 6.0
6 years 1,676 4.9 1,788 4.6 2,373 5.3 3,349 6.0 5,417 6.2
7 years 1,722 5.0 1,865 4.8 2,258 5.0 3,430 6.1 5,510 6.3
8 years 1,570 4.5 1,773 4.5 2,132 4.7 3,039 5.4 5,522 6.3
9 years 1,466 4.2 1,631 4.2 1,976 4.4 2,739 4.9 4,995 5.7
10 years 1,341 3.9 1,572 4.0 1,849 4.1 2,628 4.7 4,562 5.2
11 years 1,245 3.6 1,454 3.7 1,837 4.1 2,411 4.3 4,347 5.0
12 years 1,315 3.8 1,397 3.6 1,857 4.1 2,464 4.4 4,269 4.9
13 years 1,369 4.0 1,583 4.0 1,797 4.0 2,381 4.2 4,161 4.7
14 years 1,548 4.5 1,638 4.2 1,890 4.2 2,317 4.1 3,948 4.5
15 years 1,497 4.3 1,694 4.3 1,734 3.9 2,201 3.9 3,482 4.0
16 years 1,487 4.3 1,569 4.0 1,682 3.7 1,925 3.4 3,116 3.6
17 years 1,293 3.7 1,545 3.9 1,419 3.2 1,526 2.7 2,318 2.6

TABLE 6. Demographic Profile of Children in DMH Inpatient Programs: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
All DMH Inpatient Children   294     100     257     100     319     100     255     100     199     100  
White 143 48.6 129 50.2 150 47.0 131 51.4 97 48.7
African American 122 41.5 110 42.8 132 41.4 98 38.4 83 41.7
Hispanic 26 8.8 16 6.2 31 9.7 24 9.4 17 8.5
Asian 0 0.0 1 0.4 4 1.3 2 0.8 2 1.0
Native American 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Other 3 1.0 1 0.4 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Female 113 38.4 148 57.6 113 35.4 95 37.3 588 295.5
Male 144 49.0 171 66.5 142 44.5 104 40.8 736 369.8
Age at Beginning of Fiscal Year
Less than 1 year 15 5.1 13 5.1 23 7.2 12 4.7 5 2.5
1 year 5 1.7 5 1.9 11 3.4 9 3.5 7 3.5
2 years 2 0.7 8 3.1 9 2.8 5 2.0 5 2.5
3 years 4 1.4 8 3.1 8 2.5 9 3.5 5 2.5
4 years 1 0.3 5 1.9 8 2.5 9 3.5 11 5.5
5 years 18 6.1 2 0.8 7 2.2 4 1.6 4 2.0
6 years 8 2.7 16 6.2 4 1.3 7 2.7 4 2.0
7 years 9 3.1 8 3.1 18 5.6 8 3.1 4 2.0
8 years 12 4.1 12 4.7 9 2.8 14 5.5 5 2.5
9 years 12 4.1 9 3.5 8 2.5 14 5.5 12 6.0
10 years 12 4.1 13 5.1 24 7.5 10 3.9 13 6.5
11 years 18 6.1 14 5.4 24 7.5 18 7.1 8 4.0
12 years 23 7.8 19 7.4 23 7.2 18 7.1 20 10.1
13 years 25 8.5 18 7.0 23 7.2 23 9.0 25 12.6
14 years 26 8.8 26 10.1 30 9.4 21 8.2 14 7.0
15 years 34 11.6 34 13.2 27 8.5 30 11.8 12 6.0
16 years 37 12.6 20 7.8 35 11.0 27 10.6 28 14.1
17 years 33 11.2 27 10.5 28 8.8 17 6.7 17 8.5

TABLE 7. Primary Characteristic Category for Children in Special Ed: FY 1990-1994
Category 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
Deaf and Blind 3,842 1.7 3,864 1.7 4,073 1.7 3,942 1.8 4,044 2.0
Learning Disabled   100,382     43.9     103,440     45.2     112,210     46.7     100,699     46.2     96,556     48.8  
Mentally Retarded 21,904 9.6 21,688 9.5 22,578 9.4 19,909 9.1 20,809 10.5
Physical Disability 3,200 1.4 3,230 1.4 3,121 1.3 3,402 1.6 3,013 1.5
Speech or Language Disorder 68,199 29.8 68,515 29.9 68,389 28.4 63,918 29.3 48,522 24.5
Severely Emotionally Disturbed 29,256 12.8 26,241 11.5 27,771 11.6 22,015 10.1 21,769 11.0
Other Type of Disability 1,978 0.9 2,037 0.9 2,275 0.9 4,061 1.9 3,307 1.7
Total Number of Children 228,762 100.0 229,015 100.0 240,417 100.0 217,946 100.0 198,020 100.0

TABLE 8. Number of Children Selected from the Medicaid Services Database by ICD-9 Diagnostic Category: FY 1990-1994
Diagnostic Category 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
Infectious Diseases 78 0.2 90 0.2 107 0.2 177 0.3 215 0.2
   AIDS 16 0.0 35 0.1 42 0.1 86 0.2 97 0.1
   Other Infectious Diseases 62 0.2 55 0.1 65 0.1 91 0.2 118 0.1
Neoplasms 433 1.3 558 1.4 772 1.7 1,122 2.0 1,299 1.5
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 628 1.8 847 2.2 1,200 2.7 1,132 2.0 1,733 2.0
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 956 2.8 1,090 2.8 1,175 2.6 1,140 2.0 1,331 1.5
   Sickle Cell Anemia 800 2.3 882 2.2 936 2.1 867 1.5 985 1.1
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 156 0.5 208 0.5 239 0.5 273 0.5 346 0.4
Mental Disorders   7,214     20.9     8,574     21.9     11,697     26.0     19,748     35.2     35,707     40.7  
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 1,255 3.6 1,305 3.3 2,268 5.0 6,603 11.8 12,235 13.9
   Attention Deficit Disorders 1,875 5.4 2,574 6.6 3,544 7.9 4,694 8.4 6,465 7.4
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 164 0.5 268 0.7 571 1.3 1,044 1.9 7,603 8.7
   Other Mental Disorders 3,920 11.3 4,427 11.3 5,314 11.8 7,407 13.2 9,404 10.7
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 3,113 9.0 3,558 9.1 3,865 8.6 4,453 7.9 5,324 6.1
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 515 1.5 528 1.3 539 1.2 711 1.3 666 0.8
   Hearing Loss 1,983 5.7 2,377 6.1 2,543 5.6 2,934 5.2 3,651 4.2
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 615 1.8 653 1.7 783 1.7 808 1.4 1,007 1.1
Diseases of the Circulatory System 290 0.8 297 0.8 340 0.8 315 0.6 418 0.5
Diseases of the Respiratory System 1,728 5.0 1,572 4.0 1,888 4.2 3,248 5.8 4,671 5.3
   Asthma 1,657 4.8 1,519 3.9 1,827 4.1 2,915 5.2 4,230 4.8
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 71 0.2 53 0.1 61 0.1 333 0.6 441 0.5
Diseases of the Digestive System 103 0.3 107 0.3 111 0.2 109 0.2 134 0.2
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 207 0.6 194 0.5 211 0.5 197 0.4 251 0.3
Complications of Pregnancy 43 0.1 56 0.1 116 0.3 115 0.2 140 0.2
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 33 0.1 33 0.1 34 0.1 32 0.1 38 0.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 238 0.7 270 0.7 302 0.7 365 0.7 481 0.5
Congenital Anomolies 1,849 5.4 2,282 5.8 2,572 5.7 2,571 4.6 3,251 3.7
Conditions Orignating in the Perinatal Period 338 1.0 420 1.1 405 0.9 839 1.5 1,336 1.5
Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 167 0.5 235 0.6 321 0.7 645 1.2 1,054 1.2
Injury and Poisoning 247 0.7 208 0.5 266 0.6 432 0.8 706 0.8
Supplementary Classification 415 1.2 448 1.1 197 0.4 587 1.0 1,760 2.0
Multiple Diagnoses 4,953 14.3 6,169 15.7 7,449 16.5 9,611 17.1 16,765 19.1
Unrequired Code 3,642 10.5 4,452 11.3 4,848 10.8 2,390 4.3 1,835 2.1
Institutional Claim 7,866 22.8 7,765 19.8 7,162 15.9 7,162 12.8 9,315 10.6
Total Number of Children 34,541 100.0 39,225 100.0 45,038 100.0 56,063 100.0 87,764 100.0
* Note: Multiple Diagnosis refers to the presence of diagnoses in more than one valid three digit diagnostic category during an fiscal year.
** Note: ICD-9 codes are not entered on claims for medical supplies and equipment.

TABLE 9. Number of Children Age 13 and Under by Consequtive Years of Program Participation: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
  New Entry Cohort   1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
N % N % N % N % N %
FY 1991 3,685 100.0 3,376 91.6 2,856 77.5 2,578 70.0    
FY 1992 5,729 100.0 5,331 93.1 4,900 85.5        
FY 1993 10,968 100.0 10,353 94.4            
FY 1994 10,327 100.0                
FY 1991   53,346     100.0     40,387     75.7     27,933     52.4     21,271     39.9      
FY 1992 52,241 100.0 35,970 68.9 27,316 52.3        
FY 1993 43,667 100.0 31,385 71.9            
FY 1994 14,799 100.0                
FY 1991 21,217 100.0 6,943 32.7 3,245 15.3 2,351 11.1    
FY 1992 22,950 100.0 7,391 32.2 4,219 18.4        
FY 1993 28,422 100.0 12,754 44.9            
FY 1994 42,355 100.0                
FY 1991 82 100.0 16 19.5 12 14.6 11 13.4    
FY 1992 123 100.0 28 22.8 17 13.8        
FY 1993 64 100.0 13 20.3            
FY 1994 46 100.0                

TABLE 10. Number of Children Entering Disability Programs by Participation in the Past Year: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
  Any Other Participation Last Year Participation in AABD Last Year Participation in Special Education Last Year Participation in Medicaid Last Year Participation in DMH Last Year Total
N % N % N % N % N % N
FY 1991
New AABD Participants 2,487 47.2 N/A N/A 1,678 31.8 1,129 21.4 5 0.1 5,274
New Special Education Participants 1,988 3.2 570 0.9 N/A N/A 1,700 2.7 8 0.0 63,060
New Medicaid Service Participants 3,753 14.2 991 3.8 3,351 12.7 N/A N/A 2 0.0 26,390
New DMH Participants 31 22.1 10 7.1 25 17.9 19 13.6 N/A N/A 140
FY 1992
New AABD Participants 3,971 51.2 N/A N/A 2,732 35.2 1,764 22.7 5 0.1 7,757
New Special Education Participants 2,476 4.0 813 1.3 N/A N/A 2,043 3.3 4 0.0 62,208
New Medicaid Service Participants 4,074 14.7 874 3.1 3,738 13.5 N/A N/A 2 0.0 27,763
New DMH Participants 45 22.1 12 5.9 33 16.2 25 12.3 N/A N/A 204
FY 1993
New AABD Participants 6,873 41.5 N/A N/A 5,151 31.1 2,576 15.6 9 0.1 16,543
New Special Education Participants 2,793 5.5 845 1.7 N/A N/A 2,429 4.8 7 0.0 50,325
New Medicaid Service Participants 6,365 18.7 1,224 3.6 5,981 17.5 N/A N/A 2 0.0 34,122
New DMH Participants 30 24.0 8 6.4 23 18.4 18 14.4 N/A N/A 125
FY 1994
New AABD Participants 5,854 39.3 N/A N/A 3,923 26.4 2,856 19.2 4 0.0 14,879
New Special Education Participants 1,978 10.8 848 4.6 N/A N/A 1,481 8.1 2 0.0 18,246
New Medicaid Service Participants   10,630     20.6     3,044     5.9     9,435     18.3     N/A     N/A   3 0.0   51,522  
New DMH Participants 12 15.2 8 10.1 10 12.7 8 10.1   N/A     N/A   79

TABLE 11. Number of Children Per Fiscal Year by Type of Service Category: FY 1990-1994
Type of Service 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N % N %
AABD Services Only 3,939 1.5 4,712 1.8 5,954 2.1 14,374 5.3 18,021 6.5
Special Education Services Only   216,987     83.7     215,265     81.6     221,722     79.3     193,464     70.9     163,210     58.8  
Medicaid Services Only 24,230 9.4 27,395 10.4 29,918 10.7 35,395 13.0 54,172 19.5
DMH Services Only 195 0.1 173 0.1 226 0.1 183 0.1 147 0.1
Special Education and Medicaid Services 5,501 2.1 6,046 2.3 7,710 2.8 10,150 3.7 16,201 5.8
AABD and Medicaid Services 1,971 0.8 2,445 0.9 3,074 1.1 4,853 1.8 7,316 2.6
AABD and Special Education Services 3,444 1.3 4,376 1.7 6,661 2.4 8,692 3.2 8,539 3.1
Medicaid and DMH Services 8 0.0 10 0.0 14 0.0 20 0.0 6 0.0
Special Education and DMH Services 6 0.0 5 0.0 5 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0
AABD and DMH Services 0 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 3 0.0 1 0.0
AABD, Medicaid, and DMH Services 7 0.0 6 0.0 3 0.0 8 0.0 6 0.0
AABD, Special Education and Medicaid Services 2,747 1.1 3,262 1.2 4,250 1.5 5,599 2.1 10,031 3.6
AABD, Special Education, and DMH Services 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0
Special Education, Medicaid, and DMH Services 38 0.0 25 0.0 27 0.0 9 0.0 8 0.0
AABD, Special Education, Medicaid, and DMH Services 39 0.0 36 0.0 42 0.0 29 0.0 24 0.0
Total Number of Children 259,113 100.0 263,758 100.0 279,608 100.0 272,779 100.0 277,689 100.0

TABLE 12. Summary of Multi-Service Utilization by Program Type: FY 1990-1994
  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
ALL DISABLED CHILDREN   259,113     263,758     279,608     272,779     277,689  
   Multi-Service Users 13,762 16,213 21,788 29,366 42,139
   Services 5.3% 6.1% 7.8% 10.8% 15.2%
  Number of Children
AABD 12,148 14,839 19,986 33,555 43,941
   AABD and Special Education 6,231 7,674 10,954 14,320 18,597
   AABD and Medicaid 4,764 5,749 7,369 10,489 17,377
   AABD and DMH 40 38 44 32 28
   AABD and any other service 8,209 10,127 14,032 19,184 25,920
  Percentage of AABD Children
   % of AABD and Special Education 51.3% 51.7% 54.8% 42.7% 42.3%
   % of AABD and Medicaid 39.2% 38.7% 36.9% 31.3% 39.5%
   % of AABD and DMH 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1%
   % of AABD and any other service 67.6% 68.2% 70.2% 57.2% 59.0%
  Number of Children
SPECIAL EDUCATION 228,763 229,015 240,418 217,946 198,020
   Special Education and AABD 6,231 7,674 10,954 14,320 18,597
   Special Education and Medicaid 8,325 9,369 12,029 15,787 26,264
   Special Education and DMH 84 66 75 41 39
   Special Education and any other service 11,776 13,750 18,696 24,482 34,810
  Percentage of Special Education Children
   % of Special Education and AABD 2.7% 3.4% 4.6% 6.6% 9.4%
   % of Special Education and Medicaid 3.6% 4.1% 5.0% 7.2% 13.3%
   % of Special Education and DMH 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
   % of Special Education and any other service 5.1% 6.0% 7.8% 11.2% 17.6%
  Number of Children
MEDICAID SERVICES 34,541 39,225 45,038 56,063 87,764
   Medicaid and AABD 4,764 5,749 7,369 10,489 17,377
   Medicaid and Special Education 8,325 9,369 12,029 15,787 26,264
   Medicaid and DMH 92 77 86 66 44
   Medicaid and any other service 10,311 11,830 15,120 20,668 33,592
  Percentage of Medicaid Children
   % of Medicaid and AABD 13.8% 14.7% 16.4% 18.7% 19.8%
   % of Medicaid and Special Education 24.1% 23.9% 26.7% 28.2% 29.9%
   % of Medicaid and DMH 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1%
   % of Medicaid and any other service 29.9% 30.2% 33.6% 36.9% 38.3%
  Number of Children
DMH SERVICES 294 257 319 255 199
   DMH and AABD 47 44 47 40 34
   DMH and Special Education 84 66 75 41 39
   DMH and Medicaid 92 77 86 66 44
   DMH and any other service 99 84 93 72 52
  Percentage of DMH Children
   % of DMH and AABD 16.0% 17.1% 14.7% 15.7% 17.1%
   % of DMH and Special Education 28.6% 25.7% 23.5% 16.1% 19.6%
   % of DMH and Medicaid 31.3% 30.0% 27.0% 25.9% 22.1%
   % of DMH and any other service 33.7% 32.7% 29.2% 28.2% 26.1%

TABLE 13. Number of Children Per Fiscal Year of Entry by Type of Service Category: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
Type of Service 1991 1992 1993 1994
N % N % N % N %
AABD Services Only 1,771 2.1 2,104 2.5 6,849 8.7 5,642 9.6
Special Education Services Only   59,338     70.5     56,972     68.6     44,017     56.0     14,052     23.8  
Medicaid Services Only 20,697 24.6 21,109 25.4 24,018 30.6 36,103 61.2
DMH Services Only 102 0.1 149 0.2 90 0.1 60 0.1
Special Education and Medicaid Services 1,262 1.5 1,472 1.8 1,858 2.4 1,245 2.1
AABD and Medicaid Services 550 0.7 541 0.7 948 1.2 1,495 2.5
AABD and Special Education Services 344 0.4 554 0.7 544 0.7 243 0.4
Medicaid and DMH Services 1 0.0 4 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0
Special Education and DMH Services 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0
AABD and DMH Services 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0
AABD, Medicaid, and DMH Services 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
AABD, Special Education and Medicaid Services 122 0.1 166 0.2 228 0.3 172 0.3
AABD, Special Education, and DMH Services 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special Education, Medicaid, and DMH Services 5 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
AABD, Special Education, Medicaid, and DMH Services 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total Number of Children 84,193 100.0 83,073 100.0 78,553 100.0 59,014 100.0

TABLE 14. Summary of Multi-Service Utilization by Program Type: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1994
  1991 1992 1993 1994
ALL DISABLED CHILDREN   84,193     83,073     78,553     59,014  
   Multi-Service Users 2,285 2,739 3,579 3,157
   Services 2.7% 3.3% 4.6% 5.3%
  Number of Children
AABD 2,787 3,365 8,570 7,552
   AABD and Special Education 466 720 772 415
   AABD and Medicaid 672 707 1,176 1,667
   AABD and DMH 0 0 1 0
   AABD and any other service 1,016 1,216 1,721 1,910
  Percentage of AABD Children
   % of AABD and Special Education 16.7% 21.4% 9.0% 5.5%
   % of AABD and Medicaid 24.1% 21.0% 13.7% 22.1%
   % of AABD and DMH 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
   % of AABD and any other service 36.5% 37.5% 20.1% 25.3%
  Number of Children
SPECIAL EDUCATION 61,072 59,166 46,647 15,713
   Special Education and AABD 466 720 772 415
   Special Education and Medicaid 672 707 1,176 1,667
   Special Education and DMH 6 2 0 1
   Special Education and any other service 1,734 2,194 2,630 1,661
  Percentage of Special Education Children
   % of Special Education and AABD 0.8% 1.2% 1.7% 2.6%
   % of Special Education and Medicaid 1.1% 1.2% 2.5% 10.6%
   % of Special Education and DMH 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
   % of Special Education and any other service 2.8% 3.7% 5.6% 10.6%
  Number of Children
MEDICAID SERVICES 22,637 23,293 27,052 39,016
   Medicaid and AABD 672 707 1,176 1,667
   Medicaid and Special Education 1,389 1,639 2,086 1,417
   Medicaid and DMH 6 5 0 1
   Medicaid and any other service 1,940 2,184 3,034 2,913
  Percentage of Medicaid Children
   % of Medicaid and AABD 3.0% 3.0% 4.3% 4.3%
   % of Medicaid and Special Education 6.1% 7.0% 7.7% 3.6%
   % of Medicaid and DMH 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
   % of Medicaid and any other service 8.6% 9.4% 11.2% 7.5%
  Number of Children
DMH SERVICES 109 055 91 62
   DMH and AABD 0 0 1 0
   DMH and Special Education 6 2 0 1
   DMH and Medicaid 6 5 0 1
   DMH and any other service 7 6 1 2
  Percentage of DMH Children
   % of DMH and AABD 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 0.0%
   % of DMH and Special Education 5.5% 1.3% 0.0% 1.6%
   % of DMH and Medicaid 5.5% 3.2% 0.0% 1.6%
   % of DMH and any other service 6.4% 3.9% 1.1% 3.2%

TABLE 15. Number of Single Service Children Indicated for Future Multi-Service Use: Entry Cohorts FY 1991-1993
Initial Type of Service   Fiscal Year  
of Entry
After 1 Year After 2 Years After 3 Years Total
N % N % N % N
All Single Service Users 1991   3,559     4.3     6,823     8.3     9,637     11.8     81,908  
1992 5,038 6.3 8,744 10.9     80,334
1993 4,592 6.1         74,974
AABD Services Only 1991 299 16.9 411 23.2 505 28.5 1,771
1992 325 15.4 552 26.2 - - 2,104
1993 740 10.8 - - - - 6,849
Special Education Services Only   1991 1,419 2.4 3,259 5.5 5,391 9.1 59,338
1992 2,590 4.5 5,313 9.3 - - 56,972
1993 2,002 4.5 - - - - 44,107
Medicaid Services Only 1991 1,839 8.9 3,149 15.2 3,737 18.1 20,697
1992 2,122 10.1 2,875 13.6 - - 21,109
1993 1,848 7.7 - - - - 24,018
DMH Services Only 1991 2 2.0 4 3.9 4 3.9 102
1992 1 0.7 4 2.7 - - 149
1993 2 2.2 - - - - 90

TABLE 16. Number of Children Receiving Special Education by Primary Characteristic Category and Type of Service: FY 1990-1994
Category Special Education Special Education and
AABD Services
Special Education and
Medicaid Services
Percent of Special
  Education Children in  
AABD or Medicaid
N % N % N % %
FY 1990
Deaf and Blind 3,843 1.7 476 7.6 309 3.7 15.5
Learning Disabled 100,382 43.9 585 9.4 1,768 21.2 2.2
Mentally Retarded 21,904 9.6 3,303 53.0 2,112 25.4 18.3
Physical Disability 3,200 1.4 668 10.7 616 7.4 25.0
Speech or Language Disorder 68,199 29.8 181 2.9 1,156 13.9 1.9
Severely Emotionally Disturbed   29,256 12.8 763 12.2 2,110 25.3 8.7
Other Type of Disability 1,978 0.9 255 4.1 254 3.1 18.8
Total Number of Children 228,762 100.0 6,231 100.0 8,325 100.0 5.1
FY 1991
Deaf and Blind 3,864 1.7 525 6.8 410 4.4 18.1
Learning Disabled 103,440 45.2 958 12.5 2,168 23.1 2.8
Mentally Retarded 21,688 9.5 3,804 49.6 2,272 24.3 21.0
Physical Disability 3,230 1.4 758 9.9 715 7.6 28.3
Speech or Language Disorder 68,515 29.9 259 3.4 1,299 13.9 2.1
Severely Emotionally Disturbed 26,241 11.5 1,042 13.6 2,167 23.1 10.6
Other Type of Disability 2,037 0.9 328 4.3 338 3.6 23.8
Total Number of Children 229,015 100.0 7,674 100.0 9,369 100.0 6.0
FY 1992
Deaf and Blind 4,073 1.7 654 6.0 432 3.6 20.0
Learning Disabled 112,210 46.7 2,177 19.9 3,113 25.9 4.2
Mentally Retarded 22,578 9.4 4,895 44.7 2,759 22.9 25.7
Physical Disability 3,121 1.3 755 6.9 715 5.9 29.6
Speech or Language Disorder 68,389 28.4 493 4.5 1,916 15.9 3.2
Severely Emotionally Disturbed 27,771 11.6 1,587 14.5 2,687 22.3 13.1
Other Type of Disability 2,275 0.9 393 3.6 407 3.4   25.5  
Total Number of Children   240,417     100.0     10,954     100.0     12,029     100.0   7.8
FY 1993
Deaf and Blind 3,942 1.8 705 4.9 592 3.7 22.4
Learning Disabled 100,699 46.2 3,875 27.1 3,962 25.1 6.8
Mentally Retarded 19,909 9.1 5,312 37.1 3,031 19.2 31.6
Physical Disability 3,402 1.6 891 6.2 937 5.9 33.9
Speech or Language Disorder 63,918 29.3 953 6.7 3,859 24.4 6.9
Severely Emotionally Disturbed 22,015 10.1 1,984 13.9 2,596 16.4 17.5
Other Type of Disability 4,061 1.9 600 4.2 810 5.1 26.0
Total Number of Children 217,946 100.0 14,320 100.0 15,787 100.0 11.2
FY 1994
Deaf and Blind 4,044 2.0 830 4.5 845 3.2 26.2
Learning Disabled 96,556 48.8 5,752 30.9 8,429 32.1 12.1
Mentally Retarded 20,809 10.5 6,536 35.1 5,123 19.5 39.3
Physical Disability 3,013 1.5 855 4.6 930 3.5 36.2
Speech or Language Disorder 48,522 24.5 1,150 6.2 5,534 21.1 12.3
Severely Emotionally Disturbed 21,769 11.0 2,783 15.0 4,567 17.4 26.5
Other Type of Disability 3,307 1.7 691 3.7 836 3.2 31.6
Total Number of Children 198,020 100.0 18,597 100.0 26,264 100.0 17.6

TABLE 17a. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1990
Type of Selection   Medicaid Services     Medicaid Services and  
Special Education
  Medicaid Services  
and AABD
Percent of Medicaid
  Services Receiving Special  
Education or AABD
N % N % N % %
Infectious Diseases 41 0.1 4 0.0 4 0.1 19.5
   AIDS 20 0.1 0 0.0 2 0.0 10.0
   Other Infectious Diseases 21 0.1 4 0.0 2 0.0 28.6
Neoplasms 471 1.4 70 0.8 86 1.8 27.0
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 678 2.0 70 0.8 70 1.5 16.4
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,027 3.0 96 1.2 219 4.6 26.0
   Sickle Cell Anemia 850 2.5 72 0.9 194 4.1 26.5
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 177 0.5 24 0.3 25 0.5 23.7
Mental Disorders 7,776 22.5 2,837 34.1 583 12.2 38.9
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 1,381 4.0 769 9.2 115 2.4 57.6
   Attention Deficit Disorders 1,920 5.6 861 10.3 127 2.7 46.1
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 176 0.5 52 0.6 8 0.2 31.8
   Other Mental Disorders 4,299 12.4 1,155 13.9 333 7.0 30.0
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 3,913 11.3 1,355 16.3 1,130 23.7 44.0
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,127 3.3 666 8.0 784 16.5 80.9
   Hearing Loss 2,241 6.5 569 6.8 234 4.9 28.7
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 545 1.6 120 1.4 112 2.4 30.3
Diseases of the Circulatory System 306 0.9 35 0.4 18 0.4 14.1
Diseases of the Respiratory System 1,992 5.8 111 1.3 94 2.0 9.1
   Asthma 1,982 5.7 109 1.3 94 2.0 9.0
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 10 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 20.0
Diseases of the Digestive System 68 0.2 11 0.1 6 0.1 22.1
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 216 0.6 24 0.3 19 0.4 18.5
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 25.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 264 0.8 56 0.7 43 0.9 29.2
Congenital Anomolies 2,392 6.9 318 3.8 389 8.2 21.8
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 26 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Injury and Poisoning 39 0.1 4 0.0 3 0.1 12.8
Supplementary Classification 7 0.0 1 0.0 4 0.1 57.1
Multiple Diagnoses 3,056 8.8 1,183 14.2 716 15.0 48.5
Inpatient Hospitalization 3,183 9.2 237 2.8 157 3.3 10.7
Provider Type 2,729 7.9 695 8.3 524 11.0 31.7
Category of Service 6,353 18.4 1,217 14.6 699 14.7 23.1
Total Number of Children   34,541     100.0     8,325     100.0     4,764     100.0     29.8  

TABLE 17b. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1991
Type of Selection   Medicaid Services     Medicaid Services and  
Special Education
  Medicaid Services  
and AABD
Percent of Medicaid
  Services Receiving Special  
Education or AABD
N % N % N % %
Infectious Diseases 60 0.2 3 0.0 7 0.1 15.0
   AIDS 43 0.1 3 0.0 6 0.1 18.6
   Other Infectious Diseases 17 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 5.9
Neoplasms 619 1.6 67 0.7 101 1.8 22.9
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 892 2.3 85 0.9 87 1.5 16.0
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,171 3.0 117 1.2 285 5.0 28.7
   Sickle Cell Anemia 941 2.4 94 1.0 240 4.2 29.6
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 230 0.6 23 0.2 45 0.8 24.8
Mental Disorders 9,305 23.7 3,221 34.4 852 14.8 37.8
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 1,460 3.7 751 8.0 155 2.7 55.0
   Attention Deficit Disorders 2,645 6.7 1,077 11.5 223 3.9 43.0
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 288 0.7 86 0.9 17 0.3 32.3
   Other Mental Disorders 4,912 12.5 1,307 14.0 457 7.9 30.2
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 4,538 11.6 1,499 16.0 1,251 21.8 41.6
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,198 3.1 705 7.5 815 14.2 79.5
   Hearing Loss 2,751 7.0 647 6.9 291 5.1 26.5
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 589 1.5 147 1.6 145 2.5 34.8
Diseases of the Circulatory System 311 0.8 24 0.3 16 0.3 10.6
Diseases of the Respiratory System 1,861 4.7 118 1.3 103 1.8 10.2
   Asthma 1,855 4.7 116 1.2 102 1.8 10.1
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 6 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 33.3
Diseases of the Digestive System 75 0.2 10 0.1 9 0.2 21.3
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 198 0.5 25 0.3 16 0.3 18.2
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 25.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 300 0.8 76 0.8 42 0.7 31.7
Congenital Anomolies 2,849 7.3 386 4.1 441 7.7 21.4
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 90 0.2 1 0.0 0 0.0 1.1
Injury and Poisoning 31 0.1 2 0.0 3 0.1 16.1
Supplementary Classification 19 0.0 3 0.0 6 0.1 31.6
Multiple Diagnoses 4,006 10.2 1,552 16.6 1,005 17.5 49.7
Inpatient Hospitalization 2,791 7.1 189 2.0 157 2.7 10.7
Provider Type 2,873 7.3 629 6.7 497 8.6 27.9
Category of Service 7,232 18.4 1,361 14.5 871 15.2 23.5
Total Number of Children 39,225 100.0 9,369 100.0 5,749 100.0 30.1

TABLE 17c. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1992
Type of Selection   Medicaid Services     Medicaid Services and  
Special Education
  Medicaid Services  
and AABD
Percent of Medicaid
  Services Receiving Special  
Education or AABD
N % N % N % %
Infectious Diseases 63 0.1 10 0.1 14 0.2 36.5
   AIDS 53 0.1 8 0.1 10 0.1 34.0
   Other Infectious Diseases 10 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.1 50.0
Neoplasms 845 1.9 76 0.6 114 1.5 19.4
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 1,281 2.8 112 0.9 113 1.5 14.4
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,247 2.8 128 1.1 352 4.8 32.1
   Sickle Cell Anemia 987 2.2 104 0.9 295 4.0 33.8
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 260 0.6 24 0.2 57 0.8 25.4
Mental Disorders 12,481 27.7 5,002 41.6 1,483 20.1 43.8
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 2,501 5.6 1,649 13.7 429 5.8 69.9
   Attention Deficit Disorders 3,623 8.0 1,518 12.6 430 5.8 45.7
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 599 1.3 181 1.5 59 0.8 33.6
   Other Mental Disorders 5,758 12.8 1,654 13.8 565 7.7 32.4
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 4,687 10.4 1,594 13.3 1,330 18.0 42.6
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,277 2.8 767 6.4 871 11.8 81.1
   Hearing Loss 2,837 6.3 679 5.6 314 4.3 27.0
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 573 1.3 148 1.2 145 2.0 33.9
Diseases of the Circulatory System 359 0.8 31 0.3 20 0.3 12.3
Diseases of the Respiratory System 2,276 5.1 168 1.4 194 2.6 13.4
   Asthma 2,272 5.0 168 1.4 194 2.6 13.4
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Diseases of the Digestive System 76 0.2 8 0.1 11 0.1 19.7
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 207 0.5 27 0.2 24 0.3 20.8
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 314 0.7 83 0.7 59 0.8 35.7
Congenital Anomolies 3,069 6.8 466 3.9 527 7.2 23.4
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 69 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Injury and Poisoning 80 0.2 7 0.1 2 0.0 11.3
Supplementary Classification 19 0.0 5 0.0 11 0.1 63.2
Multiple Diagnoses 4,874 10.8 1,995 16.6 1,404 19.1 53.3
Inpatient Hospitalization 2,100 4.7 150 1.2 173 2.3 12.4
Provider Type 2,671 5.9 573 4.8 498 6.8 27.9
Category of Service 8,316 18.5 1,594 13.3 1,040 14.1 24.1
Total Number of Children 45,038 100.0 12,029 100.0 7,369 100.0 33.5

TABLE 17d. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1993
Type of Selection   Medicaid Services     Medicaid Services and  
Special Education
  Medicaid Services  
and AABD
Percent of Medicaid
  Services Receiving Special  
Education or AABD
N % N % N % %
Infectious Diseases 115 0.2 8 0.1 31 0.3 31.3
   AIDS 102 0.2 6 0.0 30 0.3 32.4
   Other Infectious Diseases 13 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 23.1
Neoplasms 1,190 2.1 74 0.5 131 1.2 15.0
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 1,187 2.1 92 0.6 143 1.4 15.8
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,196 2.1 94 0.6 364 3.5 33.1
   Sickle Cell Anemia 909 1.6 77 0.5 308 2.9 36.5
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 287 0.5 17 0.1 56 0.5 22.3
Mental Disorders 20,740 37.0 8,539 54.1 3,401 32.4 47.5
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 7,138 12.7 4,948 31.3 1,481 14.1 74.3
   Attention Deficit Disorders 4,800 8.6 1,602 10.1 793 7.6 40.9
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 1,106 2.0 273 1.7 132 1.3 30.4
   Other Mental Disorders 7,696 13.7 1,716 10.9 995 9.5 29.3
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 5,111 9.1 1,544 9.8 1,502 14.3 41.0
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,271 2.3 733 4.6 837 8.0 79.5
   Hearing Loss 3,217 5.7 664 4.2 491 4.7 26.9
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 623 1.1 147 0.9 174 1.7 35.0
Diseases of the Circulatory System 318 0.6 30 0.2 31 0.3 16.0
Diseases of the Respiratory System 2,119 3.8 125 0.8 223 2.1 14.3
   Asthma 2,111 3.8 124 0.8 222 2.1 14.3
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 8 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 12.5
Diseases of the Digestive System 57 0.1 7 0.0 12 0.1 22.8
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 202 0.4 14 0.1 47 0.4 26.2
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 8 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 302 0.5 67 0.4 73 0.7 38.1
Congenital Anomolies 2,999 5.3 504 3.2 632 6.0 27.7
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 73 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Injury and Poisoning 111 0.2 4 0.0 7 0.1 8.1
Supplementary Classification 23 0.0 5 0.0 16 0.2 69.6
Multiple Diagnoses 6,973 12.4 2,818 17.9 2,304 22.0 54.1
Inpatient Hospitalization 2,000 3.6 87 0.6 141 1.3 10.1
Provider Type 2,668 4.8 571 3.6 463 4.4 29.2
Category of Service 8,671 15.5 1,204 7.6 968 9.2 20.2
Total Number of Children 56,063 100.0 15,787 100.0 10,489 100.0 36.8

TABLE 17e. Number of Children Receiving Medicaid Services by Type of Selection and Type of Service: FY 1994
Type of Selection   Medicaid Services     Medicaid Services and  
Special Education
  Medicaid Services  
and AABD
Percent of Medicaid
  Services Receiving Special  
Education or AABD
N % N % N % %
Infectious Diseases 143 0.2 8 0.0 33 0.2 25.2
   AIDS 127 0.1 8 0.0 31 0.2 26.8
   Other Infectious Diseases 16 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0 12.5
Neoplasms 1,377 1.6 49 0.2 139 0.8 12.1
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 1,769 2.0 71 0.3 169 1.0 11.4
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 1,512 1.7 82 0.3 396 2.3 28.2
   Sickle Cell Anemia 1,127 1.3 65 0.2 344 2.0 32.4
   Other Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs 385 0.4 17 0.1 52 0.3 15.8
Mental Disorders 37,984 43.3 16,234 61.8 7,282 41.9 49.0
   Developmental Speech or Language Disorder 13,245 15.1 8,148 31.0 2,796 16.1 66.1
   Attention Deficit Disorders 6,734 7.7 1,811 6.9 1,130 6.5 35.0
   Disturbance of Emotions Specific to Childhood and Adolescence 7,952 9.1 4,199 16.0 2,088 12.0 59.7
   Other Mental Disorders 10,053 11.5 2,076 7.9 1,268 7.3 27.3
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 5,888 6.7 1,370 5.2 1,420 8.2 32.9
   Infantile Cerebral Palsy 1,111 1.3 602 2.3 717 4.1 77.7
   Hearing Loss 3,963 4.5 645 2.5 522 3.0 21.8
   Other Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs 814 0.9 123 0.5 181 1.0 25.9
Diseases of the Circulatory System 442 0.5 26 0.1 38 0.2 11.5
Diseases of the Respiratory System 2,576 2.9 107 0.4 298 1.7 14.2
   Asthma 2,572 2.9 107 0.4 298 1.7 14.2
   Other Diseases of the Respiratory System 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Diseases of the Digestive System 83 0.1 5 0.0 8 0.0 13.3
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 255 0.3 17 0.1 37 0.2 18.0
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 7 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 14.3
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 329 0.4 61 0.2 74 0.4 33.1
Congenital Anomolies 3,734 4.3 392 1.5 665 3.8 21.4
Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 100 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Injury and Poisoning 126 0.1 5 0.0 6 0.0 7.1
Supplementary Classification 19 0.0 4 0.0 11 0.1 68.4
Multiple Diagnoses 14,039 16.0 6,252 23.8 4,987 28.7 57.3
Inpatient Hospitalization 2,869 3.3 65 0.2 232 1.3 9.4
Provider Type 4,087 4.7 579 2.2 516 3.0 20.7
Category of Service 10,425 11.9 937 3.6 1,065 6.1 15.8
Total Number of Children 87,764 100.0 26,264 100.0 17,377 100.0 38.3

TABLE 18. Relative Odds of Being a Multi-Service User within a Fiscal Year: Cross Sections FY 1990-1994 by Program Type--Estimates from Logit Models
Variable Odds Ratios
  (model 1)  
  Special Education  
(model 2)
  Medicaid Services  
(model 3)
Male 1.00 1.00 1.00
Female 0.80 1.13 0.75
White 1.00 1.00 1.00
African-American   0.70 3.39 1.21
Hispanic 0.85 1.99 1.03*
Other 0.20 1.79 0.95**
Age 1 and under 0.58 0.94* 0.15
Ages 2 and 3 0.54 1.44 0.44
Ages 4 and 5 0.77 1.23 0.75
Ages 6 and 7 1.00 1.00 1.00
Ages 8 and 9 1.15 0.88 1.27
Ages 10 and 11 1.16 0.80 1.42
Ages 12 and 13 1.10 0.78 1.37
Ages 14 and 15 0.93 0.81 1.22
Ages 16 to 18 0.69 0.81 1.30
FY 1990 1.00 1.00 1.00
FY 1991 1.73 0.78 1.89
FY 1992 1.93 1.05 1.68
FY 1993 0.96* 1.05 1.74
FY 1994 1.99 2.24 2.15
Severely Emotionally Disturbed   1.00  
Mentally Retarded   1.75  
Learning Disabled   0.34  
Physically Disabled   2.23  
Deaf and/or Blind   1.32  
Speech or Language Disorder   0.30  
Other Disability   1.62  
1 or more Mental Disorder Diagnoses     1.27
1 or more Non-Mental Disorder Diagnoses     1.00
Combination of Mental and Non-Mental Diagnoses       2.72
Provider or Category of Service Selection     0.71
NOTE: Baseline categories are indicated by a relative odds of 1.

** Estimates are not statistically significant at the .05 level.
* Estimates are not statistically significant at the .01 level.

TABLE 19. Relative Odds of Entering AABD within Three Years Given Medicaid Service Participation: Cross Sections FY 1990-1992--Estimates from Logit Models
Variable   Odds Ratios  
Male 1.00
Female 0.79
White 1.00
African-American   1.38
Hispanic 1.37
Other 1.07**
Age 1 and under 0.35
Ages 2 and 3 0.78
Ages 4 and 5 0.92
Ages 6 and 7 1.00
Ages 8 and 9 1.18
Ages 10 and 11 1.19
Ages 12 and 13 1.22
Ages 14 and 15 1.14
Ages 16 to 18 1.44
FY 1990 1.00
FY 1991 2.61
FY 1992 3.23
1 or more Mental Disorder Diagnoses 0.42
1 or more Non-Mental Disorder Diagnoses 1.00
Combination of Mental and Non-Mental Diagnoses   1.46
Provider or Category of Service Selection 0.59
NOTE: Baseline categories are indicated by a relative odds of 1.

** Estimates are not statistically significant at the .05 level.


Table of Contents

Mulsculoskeletal System
Special Senses and Speech
Respiratory System
Cardiovasulare System
Digestive System
Genito-Urinary System
Hemic and Lymphatic System
Endocrine System
Multiple Body Systems
Mental Disorders
Neoplastic Diseases-Malignant
Immune System

The use of ICD-9-CM codes to approximate eligibility for SSI and thus disability was developed from two sources: 1.) Input from the Medstat Group based on their ongoing research on the incidence of chronically and severely disabled children on Medicaid. 2.) An examination of the List of impairments for children published in Disability Evaluation Under Social Security by the Social Security Administration. Although the majority of the ICD-9-CM codes were captured in the list from the Medstat Group, staff at Chapin Hall added codes as identified in the listing of impairments for children.

Although the listing of impairments specifies conditions that map neatly to the ICD-9-CM codes, there was no way for us to approximate the functional criteria or level of severity that were also included in some sections in the instructions for determining disability. In some cases, this meant excluding a specified ICD-9-CM code because the code in and of itself would grossly exaggerate the number of disabled children. For example, hundreds of children had non-specific diagnostic codes for malignant neoplasms, such as malignant neoplasms of the bone NOS and soft tissues of the bone NOS. Without a measure of severity, we did not include the NOS diagnostic codes in our selection criteria. In many other cases, there were specific ICD-9-CM codes for the listed impairments, but these were insufficient to determine severity. For example impairment 101.08, chronic osteomyelitis with persistence, would be coded ICD-9-CM 730.1, chronic osteomyelitis. Under the disability determination criteria, this condition must be unresponsive to treatment for six months. In still other cases, service indicators were used to approximate the severity of a particular condition. For example, asthma without an idea of severity would be a poor indicator of disability. As suggested by the Medstat group's criteria, the presence of three or more emergency room visits or two or more hospitalizations in combination with a diagnosis of asthma was used to indicate disability.

The following table lists all of the ICD-9-CM codes that were used in our selection criterion as well as the corresponding category number used in the SSA listing of impairments for children. The ICD-9-CM codes that were not included in the Medstat Group's list are also indicated.

Listing of Social Security Administration Impairments and Corresponding ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
(The listing of impairments is based on the most recent version: September 1994)
Section Name   Category Number  
from Listing of
  Category Name     ICD-9-CM  
  ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Name  
Mulsculoskeletal System 101.02 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 714.3 JUV CHRON POLYARTHRITIS*
101.02 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 714.30 JUV RHEUM ARTHRITIS NOS
101.02 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 714.31 POLYART JUV RHEUM ARTHR
101.02 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 714.32 PAUCIART JUV RHEUM ARTHR
101.02 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 714.33 MONOART JUV RHEUM ARTHR
101.03 function 728.3 MUSCLE DISORDERS NEC
101.03 function 732.1 JUV OSTEOCHONDROS PELVIS
101.03 function 732.2 FEMORAL EPIPHYSIOLYSIS
101.03 function 749.00 CLEFT PALATE NOS
101.03 function 749.20 CLEFT PALATE & LIP NOS
101.03 function 749.21 UNIL CLEFT PALAT/ LIP-COM
101.03 function 749.22 UNIL CLEFT PALAT/ LIP-INC
101.03 function 756.4 CHONDRODYSTROPHY
101.03 function 756.51 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA
101.03 function 756.7 ABDOMINAL WALL ANOMALIES
101.03 function 897.6 AMULTATION LEG BILAT
101.03 function 897.7 AMPUTAT LEG BILAT-COMPL
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806. VERTEBRAL FX W CORD INJ* *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.0 CLOS CERV FX W CORD INJ* *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.00 C1-C4 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.01 C1-C4 FX-CL/ COM CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.02 C1-C4 FX-CL/ ANT CORD SYN *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.03 C1-C4 FX-CL/ CEN CORD SYN *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.04 C1-C4 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.05 C5-C7 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.06 C5-C7 FX-CL/ CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.08 C5-C7 FX-CL/ CEN CORD SYN *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.09 C5-C7 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.1 OPEN CERV FX W CORD INJ* *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.10 C1-C4 FX-OP/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.11 C1-C4 FX-OP/ COM CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.15 C5-C7 FX-OP/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.16 C5-C7 FX-OP/ COM CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.2 CL DORSAL FX W CORD INJ* *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.20 T1-T6 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.21 T1-T6 FX-CL/ COM CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.24 T1-T6 FX-CL/ CORD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.25 T7-T12 FX-CL/ CRD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.26 T7-T12 FX-CL/ COM CRD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.28 T7-T12 FX-CL/ CEN CRD SYN *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.29 T7-T12 FX-CL/ CRD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.3 OPN DORSAL FX W CORD INJ *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.30 T1-T6 FX-OP/ CORD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.31 T1-T6 FX-OP/ COM CORD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.34 T1-T6 FX-OP/ CORD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.35 T7-T12 FX-OP/ CRD INJ NOS *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.36 T7-T12 FX-OP/ COM CRD LES *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.39 T7-T12 FX-OP/ CRD INJ NEC *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.4 CL LUMBAR FX W CORD INJ *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.5 OPN LUMBAR FX W CORD INJ *
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.6 FX SACRUM-CL W CORD INJ*
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.60 FX SACRUM-CL/ CRD INJ NOS
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.62 FX SACR-CL/ CAUDA INJ NEC
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.70 FX SACRUM-OP/ CRD INJ NOS
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.8 VERT FX NOS-CL W CRD INJ
101.05 Disorders of the spine 806.9 VERT FX NOS-OP W CRD INJ
Special Senses and Speech 102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369. BLINDNESS AND LOW VISION
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.0 PROFOUND BLIND BOTH EYES
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.00 BOTH EYES BLIND-WHO DEF
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.01 TOT IMPAIRMENT-BOTH EYES
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.02 ONE EYE-NEAR TOT/OTH-NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.03 ONE EYE-NEAR TOT/OTH-TOT
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.04 NEAR-TOT IMPAIR-BOTH EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.08 PROFOUND IMPAIR BOTH EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.1 MOD/ SEV W PROFND IMPAIR*
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.10 BLINDNESS/ LOW VISION
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.11 1 EYE-SEV/ OTH-BLIND NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.12 ONE EYE-SEVERE/ OTH-TOTAL
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.14 ONE EYE-SEV/ OTH-PRFND
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.15 ONE EYE-MOD/ OTH-BLIND
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.2 MOD/ SEV IMPAIR-BOTH EYES
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.20 LOW VISION 2 EYES NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.21 ONE EYE-SEVERE/ OTH-NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.23 ONE EYE-MODERATE/ OTH-NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.25 MODERATE IMPAIR-BOTH EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.3 BLINDNESS NOS BOTH EYES
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.4 LEGAL BLINDNESS-USA DEF
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.6 PROFOUND IMPAIR-ONE EYE*
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.60 BLINDNESS ONE EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.61 ONE EYE-TOTAL/ OTH-UNKNWN
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.63 ONE EYE-TOTAL/ OTH-NORMAL
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.64 ONE EYE-NEAR TOT/ OTH-NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.66 NEAR-TOTAL IMPAIR/ NORMAL
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.67 ONE EYE-PRFOUND/ OTH-UNKN
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.69 PROFOUND IMPAIR/ NORMAL
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.7 MOD/ SEVERE IMPAIR 1 EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.70 LOW VISION ONE EYE
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.71 ONE EYE-SEVERE/ OTH-UNKNW
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.74 ONE EYE-MOD/ OTHER-UNKNWN
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.75 ONE EYE-MOD/ OTH-NR NORM
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.76 ONE EYE-MOD/ OTH NORMAL
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.8 VISUAL LOSS ONE EYE NOS
102.02 Impairments of central visual acuity 369.9 VISUAL LOSS NOS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389. HEARING LOSS*
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.0 CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS*
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.00 CONDUCT HEARING LOSS NOS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.01 CONDUCT HEAR LOSS EXT EAR
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.02 CONDUCT HEAR LOSS TYMPAN
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.03 CONDUC HEAR LOSS MID EAR
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.04 COND HEAR LOSS INNER EAR
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.08 COND HEAR LOSS COMB TYPE
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.1 SENSORINEURAL HEAR LOSS*
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.10 SENSORNEUR HEAR LOSS NOS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.11 SENSORY HEARING LOSS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.12 NEURAL HEARING LOSS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.14 CENTRAL HEARING LOSS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.18 SENSORNEUR LOSS COMB TYP
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.2 MIXED HEARING LOSS
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.7 DEAF MUTISM NEC
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.8 HEARING LOSS NEC
102.08 Hearing impairments 389.9 HEARING LOSS NOS
Respiratory System 103.00 Respiratory System 135. SARCOIDOSIS
103.02 Chronic pulmonary insufficiency 491.2 OBSTRUCT CHR BRONCHITIS*
103.02 Chronic pulmonary insufficiency 491.20 OBS CHR BRNC W/O ACT EXA
103.02 Chronic pulmonary insufficiency 491.21 OBS CHR BRNC W ACT EXA
103.03 Asthma 493. ASTHMA*
103.03 Asthma 493.0 EXTRINSIX ASTHMA*
103.03 Asthma 493.00 EXT ASTHMA W/O STAT ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.01 EXT ASTHMA W STATUS ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.1 INTRINSIC ASTHMA*
103.03 Asthma 493.10 INT ASTHMA W/O STAT ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.11 INT ASTHMA W STATUS ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.2 CHR OBS ASTHMA W/COPD
103.03 Asthma 493.20 CH OB ASTH W/O STAT ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.21 CH OB ASTHMA W STAT ASTH
103.03 Asthma 493.9 ASTHMA NOS*
103.03 Asthma 493.90 ASTHMA W/O STATUS ASTHM
103.03 Asthma 493.91 ASTHMA W STATUS ASTHMAT
103.04 Cystic fibrosis 277.0 CYSTIC FIBROSIS*
103.04 Cystic fibrosis 277.00 CYSTIC FIBROS W/O ILEUS
103.04 Cystic fibrosis 277.01 CYSTIC FIBROSIS W ILEUS
Cardiovasulare System 104.02 Chronic heart failure 428. HEART FAILURE* *
104.02 Chronic heart failure 428.0 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE *
104.02 Chronic heart failure 428.1 LEFT HEART FAILURE *
104.02 Chronic heart failure 428.9 HEART FAILURE NOS *
104.03 Hypertensive cardiovascular disease 401.0 MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION *
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.0 COMMON TRUNCUS
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.1 TRANSPOS OF GREAT VESSEL
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.10 COMPL TRANSPOS GREAT VES
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.11 DOUBLE OUTLET RT VENTRIC
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.12 CORRECT TRANSPO GRT VES
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.19 TRANSPOS GREAT VESS NEC
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.2 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.3 COMMON VENTRICLE
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.4 VENTRICULAR SEPT DEFECT
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.5 SECUNDUM ATRIAL SEPT DUF
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.60 ENDOCARD CUSHION DEF NOS
104.06 Congential heart disease 745.61 OSTIUM PRIMUM DEFECT
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.00 PULMONARY VALVE ANOM NOS
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.01 CONG PULMON VALV ATRESIA
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.02 CONG PULMON VALVE STENOS
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.1 CONG TRICUSP ATRES/ STEN
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.2 EBSTEIN'S ANOMALY
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.3 CONG AORTA VALV STENOSIS
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.4 CONG AORTA VALV INSUFFIC
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.5 CONGEN MITRAL STENOSIS
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.6 CONG MITRAL INSUFFICIENC
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.7 HYPOPLAS LEFT HEART SYND
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.81 CONG SUBAORTIC STENOSIS
104.06 Congential heart disease 746.83 INFUNDIB PULMON STENOSIS
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.0 PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.10 COARCTATION OF AORTA
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.21 ANOMALIES OF AORTIC ARCH
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.3 PULMONARY ARTERY ANOM
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.41 TOT ANOM PULM VEN CONNEC
104.06 Congential heart disease 747.42 PART ANOM PULM VEN CONN
104.07 Valvular heart disease or other stenotic defects, or valvulare regurgitation 424.1 AORTIC VALVE DISORDER
104.07 Valvular heart disease or other stenotic defects, or valvulare regurgitation 424.3 PULMONARY VALUE DISORDER
104.08 Cardiomyopathies 425.1 HYPERTR OBSTR CARDIOMYOP
104.08 Cardiomyopathies 425.3 ENDOCARD FIBROELASTOSIS
104.09 Cardiac transplantation V42.1 HEART TRANSPLANT STATUS *
104.13 Chronic rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease 398.90 RHEUMATIC HEART DIS NOS
104.14 Hyperlipidemia 272.0 PURE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEM
104.15 Kawasaki syndrome 446.1 MUCOCUTAN LYMPH NODE SYN
Digestive System 105.00 Digestive System 577.1 CHONRIC PANCREATITIS
105.00 Digestive System 579.0 CELIAC DISEASE
105.03 Esphogeal obstruction-caused by atresia, stricture, or stenosis 530.3 ESOPHAGEAL STRICTURE *
105.03 Esphogeal obstruction-caused by atresia, stricture, or stenosis 750.3 CONG ESOPH FISTULA/ ATRES
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571. CHR LIVER DIS/ CIRRHOSIS*
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571.4 CHRONIC HEPATITIS*
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571.40 CHRONIC HEPATITIS NOS
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571.41 CHR PERSISTENT HEPATITIS
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571.49 CHRONIC HEPATITIS NEC
105.05 Chronic liver disease 571.6 BILIARY CIRRHOSIS
105.05 Chronic liver disease 572.2 HEPATIC COMA
Genito-Urinary System 106.02 Chronic renal disease 580.4 AC RAPIDLY PROGR NEPHRIT
106.02 Chronic renal disease 582.0 CHR PROLIFERAT NEPHRITIS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 582.1 CHR MEMBRANOUS NEPHRITIS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 582.2 CHR MEMBRANOPROLIF NEPHR
106.02 Chronic renal disease 582.4 CHR RAPID PROGR NEPHRIT
106.02 Chronic renal disease 582.9 CHRONIC NEPHRITIS NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.0 PROLIFERAT NEPHRITIS NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.1 MEMBRANOUS NEPHRITIS NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.2 MEMBRANOPROLIF NEPHR NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.4 RAPIDLY PROG NEPHRIT NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.8 NEPHRITIS NOS W OTH LES*
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.81 NEPHRITIS NOS IN OTH DIS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.89 NEPHRITIS NEC
106.02 Chronic renal disease 583.9 NEPHRITIS NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease 585 CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE
106.02 Chronic renal disease 586 RENAL FAILURE NOS
106.02 Chronic renal disease V42.0 KIDNEY TRANSPLANT STATUS *
106.02 Chronic renal disease V45.1 RENAL DIALYSIS STATUS *
106.06 Nephrotic syndrome with edema 581.0 NEPHROTIC SYN PROLIFER
106.06 Nephrotic syndrome with edema 581.1 EPIMEMBRANOUS NEPHRITIS
106.06 Nephrotic syndrome with edema 581.2 MEMBRANOPROLIF NEPHROSIS
106.06 Nephrotic syndrome with edema 581.3 MINIMAL CHANGE NEPHROSIS
106.06 Nephrotic syndrome with edema 581.9 NEPHROTIC SYNDROME NOS
Hemic and Lymphatic System 107.00 Hemic and Lympatic System 237.7 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS*
107.00 Hemic and Lympatic System 284.0 CONGEN APLASTIC ANEMIA
107.00 Hemic and Lympatic System 284.8 APLASTIC ANEMIAS NEC
107.00 Hemic and Lympatic System 284.9 APLASTIC ANEMIA NOS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.0 HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.3 ENZYME DEFIC ANEMIA NEC
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.6 SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA*
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.60 SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA NOS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.61 HB-S DISEASE W/O CRISIS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.62 HB-S DISEASE WITH CRISIS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.63 SICKLE-CELL/ HB-C DISEASE
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.69 SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA NEC
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 282.7 HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES NEC
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 283.0 AUTOIMMUN HEMOLYTIC ANEM
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 283.1 NONAUTOIMMU HEMOLYT ANEM
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 283.10 NONAUTO HEM ANEMIA NOS
107.03 Hemolytic anemia (due to any cause) 283.11 HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYND
107.05 Sickle cell disease 282.4 THALASSEMIAS
107.08 Inherited coagulation disorder 286.0 CONG FACTOR VIII DIORD
107.08 Inherited coagulation disorder 286.1 CONG FACTOR IX DISORDER
107.08 Inherited coagulation disorder 286.2 CONG FACTOR XI DISORDER
107.08 Inherited coagulation disorder 286.4 VON WILLEBRAND'S DISEASE
107.11 Acute leukemia 204.0 ACUTE LYMPHOID LEUKEMIA*
107.11 Acute leukemia 204.00 ACT LYM LEUK W/O RMSION
107.11 Acute leukemia 204.01 ACT LYM LEUK W RMSION
107.11 Acute leukemia 205.0 ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA*
107.11 Acute leukemia 205.00 ACT MYL LEUK W/O RMSION
107.11 Acute leukemia 205.01 ACT MYL LEUK W RMSION
107.11 Acute leukemia 206.0 ACUTE MONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA
107.11 Acute leukemia 206.00 ACT MONO LEUK W/O RMSION
107.11 Acute leukemia 207.0 ACUTE ERYTHREMIA*
107.11 Acute leukemia 207.00 ACT ERTH/ ERYLK W/O RMSON
107.11 Acute leukemia 208.0 ACT LEUK UNS CL W/O RMSN *
107.11 Acute leukemia 208.00 ACT LEUK UNS CL W/O RMSN *
107.11 Acute leukemia 208.01 ACT LEUK UNS CL W RMSON *
Endocrine System 109.00 Endocrine System 245.2 CHR LYMPHOCYT THYROIDIT
109.00 Endocrine System 253.2 PANHYPOPITUITARISM
109.02 Thyroid Disorders 242.0 TOXIC DIFFUSE GOITER*
109.02 Thyroid Disorders 242.00 TOX DIF GOITER NO CRISIS
109.02 Thyroid Disorders 242.01 TOX DIF GOITER W CRISIS
109.02 Thyroid Disorders 243. CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDSM *
109.05 Diabetes insipidus 253.5 DIABETES INSIPIDUS
109.05 Diabetes insipidus 588.1 NEPHROGEN DIABETES INSIP
109.08 Juvenile diabetes mellitus 250.13 DMI KETOACD UNCONTROLD *
109.08 Juvenile diabetes mellitus 250.33 DMI OTH COMA UNCONTROLD *
109.10 Pituitary dwarfism 253.3 PITUITARY DWARFISM
109.11 Adrenogenital syndrome 255.2 ADRENOGENITAL DISORDERS
109.13 Gonadal dysgenesis (Turners Syndrome) 758.6 GONADAL DYSGENESIS
Multiple Body Systems 110.06 Down syndrome (excluding mosaic Down syndrome) 758.0 DOWN'S SYNDROME
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 268.0 RICKETS ACTIVE
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 268.1 RICKETS LATE EFFECT
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.0 AMINO-ACID TRANSPORT DIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.1 PHENYLKETONURIA-PKU
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.2 AROM AMIN-ACID METAB NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.3 BRAN-CHAIN AMIN-ACID DIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.4 SULPH AMINO-ACID MET DIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.5 DIS HISTIDINE METABOLISM
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.6 DIS UREA CYCLE METABOL
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.7 STRAIG AMIN-ACID MET NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 270.8 DIS AMINO-ACID METAB NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 271.0 CLYCOGENOSIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 271.1 GALACTOSEMIA
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 271.3 DISACCHARIDASE DEF/ MALAB
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 271.8 DIS CARBOHYDR METAB NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 272.5 LIPOPROTEIN DEFICIENCIES
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 272.6 LIPODYSTROPHY
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 272.7 LIPIDOSES
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 275.0 DIS IRON METABOLISM
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 275.1 DIS COPPER METABOLISM
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 277.4 DIS BILIRUBIN EXCRETION
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 277.5 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 277.6 DEFIC CIRCUL ENZYME NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 277.8 METABOLISM DISORDER NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 742.0 ENCEPHALOCELE
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 742.1 MICROCEPHALUS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 742.3 CONGENITAL HYDROCEPHALUS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 742.4 BRAIN ANOMALY NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 742.8 NERVOUS SYSTEM ANOM NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 758.7 KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 758.8 SEX CHROMOSOME ANOM NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.3 SITUS INVERSUS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.5 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.6 HAMARTOSES NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.7 MULT CONGEN ANOMAL NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.81 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.82 MARFAN SYNDROME
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 759.89 SPECFIED CONG ANOMAL NEC
110.07 Multiple body dysfunction 771.0 CONGENITAL RUBELLA
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 330.0 LEUKODYSTROPHY
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 330.1 CEREBRAL LIPIDOSES
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 330.2 CEREB DEGEN IN LIPIDOSIS
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 330.3 CERB DEG CHLD IN OTH DIS
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 330.8 CEREB DEGEN IN CHILD NEC
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 331.81 REYE'S SYNDROME
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 740.0 ANENCEPHALUS
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 758.1 PATAU'S SYNDROME *
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 758.2 EDWARD'S SYNDROME *
110.08 Catastrophic congenital abnormalities or disease 758.3 AUTOSOMAL DELETION SYND *
Neurological 111.00 Neurological 348.3 ENCEPHALOPATHY NOS
111.02 Major motor seizures 345.1 GEN CONVULSIVE EPILEPSY*
111.02 Major motor seizures 345.10 GEN CNV EPIL W/O INTR EP
111.02 Major motor seizures 345.11 GEN CNV EPI W/INT EP
111.02 Major motor seizures 345.11 GEN CNV EPIL W INTR EPIL
111.02 Major motor seizures 345.3 GRAND MAL STATUS
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345. EPILEPSY*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.0 GEN NONCONVULS EPILEPSY*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.00 GEN NONCV EP W/O INTR EP
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.01 GEN NONCONV EP W INTR EP
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.2 PETIT MAL STATUS
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.4 PSYCHOMOTOR EPILEPSY*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.40 PSYMOTR EPIL W/O INT EPI
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.41 PSYMOTR EPIL W INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.5 PARTIAL EPILEPSY NEC*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.50 PART EPIL W/O INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.51 PART EPI W/INT EP
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.51 PART EPIL W INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.6 INFANTILE SPASMS*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.60 INF SPASM W/O INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.7 EPILEPS PARTIAL CONTINUA
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.70 EPIL PAR CONT W/O INT EP
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.71 EPIL PAR CONT W INTR EPI
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.8 EPILEPSY NEC*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.80 EPILEP NEC W/O INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.81 EPILEPSY NEC W INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.9 EPILEPSY NOS*
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.90 EPILEP NOS W/O INTR EPIL
111.03 Minor motor seizures 345.91 EPILEPSY NOS W INTR EPIL
111.05 Brain tumors 191.0 MALIGN NEOPL CEREBRUM
111.05 Brain tumors 191.5 MAL NEO CEREB VENTRICLE
111.05 Brain tumors 191.6 MAL NEO CEREBELLUM NOS
111.05 Brain tumors 191.7 MAL NEO BRAIN STEM
111.05 Brain tumors 191.9 MALIG NEO BRAIN NOS *
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045. ACUTE POLIOMYELITIS*
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.0 ACUTE BULBAR POLIO*
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.00 AC BULBAR POLIO-TYPE NOS
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.1 AC PARALYTIC POLIO NEC*
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.10 PARAL POLIO NEC-TYPE NOS
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.2 ACUTE NONPARALYTIC POLIO
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.9 ACUTE POLIOMYELITIS NOS*
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 045.90 AC POLIO NOS-TYPE NOS
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 341.0 NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 341.1 SCHILDER'S DISEASE
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 344.0 QUADRIPLEGIA NOS*
111.06 Motor dysfunction (due to any neurological disorder) 359.1 HERED PROG MUSC DYSTRPHY
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343. INFANTILE CEREBRAL PALSY
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.0 CONGENITAL DIPLEGIA
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.1 CONGENITAL HEMIPLEGIA
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.2 CONGENITAL QUADRIPLEGIA
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.3 CONGENITAL MONOPLEGIA
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.4 INFANTILE HEMIPLEGIA
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.8 CEREBRAL PALSY NEC
111.07 Cerebral palsy 343.9 CEREBRAL PALSY NOS *
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.0 SPINA BIF W HYDROCEPHAL*
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.00 SPIN BIF W HYDROCEPH NOS
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.01 SPIN BIF W HYDRCEPH-CERV
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.02 SPIN BIF W HYDRCEPH-DORS
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.03 SPIN BIF W HYDRCEPH-LUMB
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.9 SPINA BIFIDA*
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.90 SPINA BIFIDA
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.91 SPINA BIFIDA-CERV
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.92 SPINA BIFIDA-DORSAL
111.08 Meningomyelocele (and related disorders) 741.93 SPINA BIFIDA-LUMBAR
Mental Disorders 112.00 Mental Disorders 300. NEUROTIC DISORDERS*
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.0 ANXIETY STATES*
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.00 ANXIETY STATE NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.01 PANIC DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.02 GENERALIZED ANXIETY DIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.09 ANXIETY STATE NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.1 HYSTERIA*
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.10 HYSTERIA NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.11 CONVERSION DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.12 PSYCHOGENIC AMNESIA
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.13 PSYCHOGENIC FUGUE
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.14 MULTIPLE PERSONALITY
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.15 DISSOCIATIVE REACT NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.16 FACTITIOUS ILL W SYMPTOM
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.19 FACTITIOUS ILL NEC/NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.2 PHOBIC DISORDERS*
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.20 PHOBIA NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.21 AGORAPHOBIA WITH PANIC
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.22 AGORAPHOBIA W/O PANIC
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.23 SOCIAL PHOBIA
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.29 ISOLATED PHOBIAS NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.3 OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.4 NEUROTIC DEPRESSION
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.5 NEURASTHENIA
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.6 DEPERSONALIZATION SYND
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.7 HYPOCHONDRIASIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.8 NEUROTIC DISORDERS NEC*
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.81 SOMATIZATION DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.89 NEUROTIC DISORDERS NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 300.9 NEUROTIC DISORDER NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 309. ADJUSTMENT REACTION*
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.0 BRIEF DEPRESSIVE REACT
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.1 PROLONG DEPRESSIVE REACT
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.2 ADJUST REACT/OTH EMOTION
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.21 SEPARATION ANXIETY
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.22 EMANCIPATION DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.23 ACADEMIC/WORK INHIBITION
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.24 ADJ REACT-ANXIOUS MOOD
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.28 ADJ REACT-MIXED EMOTION
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.29 ADJ REACT-EMOTION NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.3 ADJUST REACT-CONDUCT DIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.4 ADJ REACT-EMOTION/ CONDUC
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.8 OTHER ADJUST REACTION*
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.81 PROLONG POSTTRAUM STRESS
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.82 ADJUST REACT-PHYS SYMPT
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.83 ADJUST REACT-WITHDRAWAL
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.89 ADJUSTMENT REACTION NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 309.9 ADJUSTMENT REACTION NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 315. SPECIFIC DEVELOP DELAYS*
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.0 SPECIFIC READING DIS*
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.00 READING DISORDER NOS
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.01 ALEXIA
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.02 DEVELOPMENTAL DYSLEXIA
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.09 READING DISORDER NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.1 ARITHMETICAL DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.2 OTH LEARNING DIFFICULTY
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.3 SPEECH/ LANGUAGE DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.31 DEVELOPMENT LANGUAGE DIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.39 SPEECH/ LANGUAGE DIS NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.4 COORDINATION DISORDER
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.5 MIXED DEVELOPMENT DIS
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.8 DEVELOPMENT DELAYS NEC
112.00 Mental Disorders 315.9 DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY NOS
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293. TRANSIENT ORG MENTAL DIS
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.0 ACUTE DELIRIUM
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.1 SUBACUTE DELIRIUM
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.8 OTH TRANSIENT ORG MENTAL
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.81 ORGANIC DELUSIONAL SYND
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.82 ORGANIC HALLUCINOSIS SYN
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.83 ORGANIC AFFECTIVE SYND
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.89 TRANSIENT ORG MENTAL NEC
112.02 Organic mental disorders 293.9 TRANSIENT ORG MENTAL NOS
112.02 Organic mental disorders 294. OTHER ORGANIC PSYCH COND
112.02 Organic mental disorders 294.0 AMNESTIC SYNDROME
112.02 Organic mental disorders 294.1 DEMENTIA IN OTH DISEASES
112.02 Organic mental disorders 294.8 ORGANIC BRAIN SYND NEC
112.02 Organic mental disorders 294.9 ORGANIC BRAIN SYND NOS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295. SCHIZOPHRENIC DISORDERS*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.0 SIMPLE SCHIZOPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.00 SIMPL SCHIZOPHREN-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.01 SIMPL SCHIZOPHREN-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.02 SIMPLE SCHIZOPHREN-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.03 SIMP SCHIZ-SUBCHR/ EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.1 HEBEPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.10 HEBEPHRENIA-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.11 HEBEPHRENIA-SUBCHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.12 HEBEPHRENIA-CHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.13 HEBEPHREN-SUBCHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.14 HEBEPHRENIA-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.15 HEBEPHRENIA-REMISSION
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.2 CATATONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.20 CATATONIA-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.21 CATATONIA-SUBCHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.22 CATATONIA-CHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.23 CATATONIA-SUBCHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.24 CATATONIA-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.25 CATATONIA-REMISSION
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.3 PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.30 PARANOID SCHIZO-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.31 PARANOID SCHIZO-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.32 PARANOID SCHIZO-CHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.33 PARAN SCHIZO-SUBCHR/ EXAC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.34 PARAN SCHIZO-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.35 PARANOID SCHIZO-REMISS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.4 AC SCHIZOPHRENIC EPISODE
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.40 AC SCHIZOPHRENIA-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.41 AC SCHIZOPHRENIA-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.42 AC SCHIZOPHRENIA-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.43 AC SCHIZO-SUBCHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.44 AC SCHIZOPHR-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.5 LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.50 LATENT SCHIZOPHREN-UNSP
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.52 LATENT SCHIZOPHREN-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.53 LAT SCHIZO-SUBCHR/ EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.6 RESIDUAL SCHIZOPHRENIA*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.60 RESID SCHIZOPHREN-UNSP
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.61 RESID SCHIZOPHREN-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.62 RESIDUAL SCHIZOPHREN-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.63 RESID SCHIZO-SUBCHR/ EXAC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.64 RESID SCHIZO-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.65 RESID SCHIZOPHREN-REMISS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.7 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE TYPE*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.70 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.71 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.72 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE-CHRONIC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.73 SCHIZOAFF-SUBCHR/ EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.74 SCHIZOAFFECT-CHR/ EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.8 SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.80 SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.82 SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.83 SCHIZO NEC-SUBCHR/EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.84 SCHIZO NEC-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.9 SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.90 SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS-UNSPEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.91 SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS-SUBCHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.92 SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS-CHR
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.93 SCHIZO NOS-SUBCHR/ EXACER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.94 SCHIZO NOS-CHR/ EXACERB
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 295.95 SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS-REMISS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297. PARANOID STATES*
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.0 PARANOID STATE SIMPLE
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.1 PARANOIA
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.2 PARAPHRENIA
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.3 SHARED PARANOID DISORDER
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.8 PARANOID STATES NEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 297.9 PARANOID STATE NOS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298. OTH NONORGANIC PSYCHOSES
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.0 REACT DEPRESS PSYCHOSIS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.1 EXCITATIV TYPE PSYCHOSIS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.2 REACTIVE CONFUSION
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.3 ACUTE PARANOID REACTION
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.4 PSYCHOGEN PARANOID PSYCH
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.8 REACT PSYCHOSIS NEC/ NOS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 298.9 PSYCHOSIS NOS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.1 DISINTEGRATIVE PSYCHOSIS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.10 DISINTEGR PSYCH-ACTIVE
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.8 EARLY CHLD PSYCHOSES NEC
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.80 CHILD PSYCHOS NEC-ACTIVE
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.81 CHILD PSYCHOS NEC-RESID
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.9 EARLY CHLD PSYCHOSIS NOS
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.90 CHILD PSYCHOS NOS-ACTIVE
112.03 Schizophrenic/ delusional/ schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders 299.91 CHILD PSYCHOS NOS-RESID
112.04 Mood disorders 296. AFFECTIVE PSYCHOSES*
112.04 Mood disorders 296.0 MANIC DIS SINGL EPISODE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.00 MANIC DISORDER-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.01 MANIC DISORDER-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.02 MANIC DISORDER-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.03 MANIC DISORDER-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.1 MANIC RECURRENT EPISODE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.10 RECUR MANIC DIS-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.12 RECUR MANIC DIS-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.13 RECUR MANIC DIS-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.14 RECUR MANIC-SEV W PSYCHO
112.04 Mood disorders 296.15 RECUR MANIC-PART REMISS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.2 DEPR PSYCH SINGL EPISOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.20 DEPRESS PSYCHOSIS-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.21 DEPRESS PSYCHOSIS-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.22 DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.23 DEPRESS PSYCHOSIS-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.24 DEPR PSYCHOS-SEV W PSYCH
112.04 Mood disorders 296.25 DEPR PSYCHOS-PART REMISS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.26 DEPR PSYCHOS-FULL REMISS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.3 DEPR PSYCH RECUR EPISOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.30 RECURR DEPR PSYCHOS-UNSP
112.04 Mood disorders 296.31 RECURR DEPR PSYCHOS-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.32 RECURR DEPR PSYCHOS-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.33 RECUR DEPR PSYCH-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.34 REC DEPR PSYCH-PSYCHOTIC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.35 RECUR DEPR PSYC-PART REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.36 RECUR DEPR PSYC-FULL REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.4 BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE MANIC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.40 BIPOL AFF MANIC-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.41 BIPOLAR AFF MANIC-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.42 BIPOLAR AFFEC MANIC-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.43 BIPOL AFF MANIC-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.44 BIPOL MANIC-SEV W PSYCH
112.04 Mood disorders 296.45 BIPOL AFF MANIC-PART REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.46 BIPOL AFF MANIC-FULL REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.5 BIPOLAR AFFECT DEPRESS*
112.04 Mood disorders 296.50 BIPOLAR AFF DEPR-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.51 BIPOLAR AFFEC DEPR-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.52 BIPOLAR AFFEC DEPR-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.53 BIPOL AFF DEPR-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.54 BIPOL DEPR-SEV W PSYCH
112.04 Mood disorders 296.55 BIPOL AFF DEPR-PART REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.56 BIPOL AFF DEPR-FULL REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.6 BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE MIXED
112.04 Mood disorders 296.60 BIPOL AFF MIXED-UNSPEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.61 BIPOLAR AFF MIXED-MILD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.62 BIPOLAR AFFEC MIXED-MOD
112.04 Mood disorders 296.63 BIPOL AFF MIXED-SEVERE
112.04 Mood disorders 296.64 BIPOL MIXED-SEV W PSYCH
112.04 Mood disorders 296.65 BIPOL AFF MIX-PART REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.66 BIPOL AFF MIX-FULL REM
112.04 Mood disorders 296.7 BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE NOS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.8 MANIC-DEPRESSIVE NEC/ NOS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.80 MANIC-DEPRESSIVE NOS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.81 ATYPICAL MANIC DISORDER
112.04 Mood disorders 296.82 ATYPICAL DEPRESSIVE DIS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.89 MANIC-DEPRESSIVE NEC
112.04 Mood disorders 296.9 AFFECT PSYCHOSES NEC/ NOS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.90 AFFECTIVE PSYCHOSIS NOS
112.04 Mood disorders 296.99 AFFECTIVE PSYCHOSES NEC
112.04 Mood disorders 311. DEPRESSIVE DISORDER NEC
112.05 Mental retardation 317. MILD MENTAL RETARDATION
112.05 Mental retardation 318. OTHER MENTAL RETARDATION
112.05 Mental retardation 318.0 MOD MENTAL RETARDATION
112.05 Mental retardation 318.1 SEVERE MENTAL RETARDAT
112.05 Mental retardation 318.2 PROFOUND MENTAL RETARDAT
112.08 Personality disorders 301. PERSONALITY DISORDERS*
112.08 Personality disorders 301.0 PARANOID PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.1 AFFECTIVE PERSONALITY*
112.08 Personality disorders 301.10 AFFECTIV PERSONALITY NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 301.11 CHRONIC HYPOMANIC PERSON
112.08 Personality disorders 301.12 CHR DEPRESSIVE PERSON
112.08 Personality disorders 301.13 CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER
112.08 Personality disorders 301.2 SCHIZOID PERSONALITY*
112.08 Personality disorders 301.20 SCHIZOID PERSONALITY NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 301.21 INTROVERTED PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.22 SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.3 EXPLOSIVE PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.4 COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.5 HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY*
112.08 Personality disorders 301.50 HISTRIONIC PERSON NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 301.51 CHR FACTITIOUS ILLNESS
112.08 Personality disorders 301.59 HISTRIONIC PERSON NEC
112.08 Personality disorders 301.6 DEPENDENT PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.7 ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.8 OTHER PERSONALITY DIS*
112.08 Personality disorders 301.81 NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.82 AVOIDANT PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.83 BORDERLINE PERSONALITY
112.08 Personality disorders 301.84 PASSIVE-AGGRESSIV PERSON
112.08 Personality disorders 301.89 PERSONALITY DISORDER NEC
112.08 Personality disorders 301.9 PERSONALITY DISORDER NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 312. CONDUCT DISTURBANCE NEC*
112.08 Personality disorders 312.0 UNSOCIALIZED AGGRESSION*
112.08 Personality disorders 312.00 UNSOCIAL AGGRESS-UNSPEC
112.08 Personality disorders 312.01 UNSOCIAL AGGRESSION-MILD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.02 UNSOCIAL AGGRESSION-MOD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.03 UNSOCIAL AGGRESS-SEVERE
112.08 Personality disorders 312.1 UNSOCIALIZ UNAGGRESSIVE
112.08 Personality disorders 312.10 UNSOCIAL UNAGGRESS-UNSP
112.08 Personality disorders 312.11 UNSOCIAL UNAGGRESS-MILD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.12 UNSOCIAL UNAGGRESS-MOD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.13 UNSOCIAL UNAGGR-SEVERE
112.08 Personality disorders 312.2 SOCIALIZED CONDUCT DIS*
112.08 Personality disorders 312.20 SOCIAL CONDUCT DIS-UNSP
112.08 Personality disorders 312.21 SOCIAL CONDUCT DIS-MILD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.22 SOCIAL CONDUCT DIS-MOD
112.08 Personality disorders 312.23 SOCIAL CONDUCT DIS-SEV
112.08 Personality disorders 312.3 IMPULSE CONTROL DIS NEC*
112.08 Personality disorders 312.30 IMPULSE CONTROL DIS NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 312.32 KLEPTOMANIA
112.08 Personality disorders 312.33 PYROMANIA
112.08 Personality disorders 312.34 INTERMITT EXPLOSIVE DIS
112.08 Personality disorders 312.35 ISOLATED EXPLOSIVE DIS
112.08 Personality disorders 312.39 IMPULSE CONTROL DIS NEC
112.08 Personality disorders 312.4 MIX DIS CONDUCT/ EMOTION
112.08 Personality disorders 312.8 OTHER CONDUCT DISTURB*
112.08 Personality disorders 312.9 CONDUCT DISTURBANCE NOS
112.08 Personality disorders 313. EMOTIONAL DIS CHILD/ ADOL
112.08 Personality disorders 313.0 OVERANXIOUS DISORDER
112.08 Personality disorders 313.1 MISERY & UNHAPPINESS DIS
112.08 Personality disorders 313.2 SENSITIVITY & WITHDRAWAL
112.08 Personality disorders 313.21 SHYNESS DISORDER-CHILD
112.08 Personality disorders 313.22 INTROVERTED DIS-CHILD
112.08 Personality disorders 313.23 ELECTIVE MUTISM
112.08 Personality disorders 313.3 RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS
112.08 Personality disorders 313.8 OTH EMOTIONAL DIS CHILD*
112.08 Personality disorders 313.81 OPPOSITIONAL DISORDER
112.08 Personality disorders 313.82 IDENTITY DISORDER
112.08 Personality disorders 313.83 ACADEMIC UNDERACHIEVMENT
112.08 Personality disorders 313.89 EMOTIONAL DIS CHILD NEC
112.08 Personality disorders 313.9 EMOTIONAL DIS CHILD NOS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291. ALCOHOLIC PSYCHOSES*
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.0 DELIRIUM TREMENS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.1 ALCOHOL AMNESTIC SYND
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.2 ALCOHOLIC DEMENTIA NEC
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.3 ALCOHOL HALLUCINOSIS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.4 PATHOLOGIC ALCOHOL INTOX
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.8 ALCOHOLIC PSYCHOSIS NEC
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 291.9 ALCOHOLIC PSYCHOSIS NOS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292. DRUG PSYCHOSES*
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.0 DRUG WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.1 DRUG PARANOID/ HALLUCINOS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.11 DRUG PARANOID STATE
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.12 DRUG HALLUCINOSIS
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.2 PATHOLOGIC DRUG INTOX
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.8 OTHER DRUG MENTAL DIS*
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.81 DRUG-INDUCED DELIRIUM
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.82 DRUG-INDUCED DEMENTIA
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.84 DRUG DEPRESSIVE SYNDROME
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.89 DRUG MENTAL DISORDER NEC
112.09 Psychoactive substance dependence disorder 292.9 DRUG MENTAL DISORDER NOS
112.10 disorders 299.0 INFANTILE AUTISM*
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314. HYPERKINETIC SYNDROME*
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.0 ATTENTION DEFICIT DIS*
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.00 ATTN DEFIC NONHYPERACT
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.01 ATTN DEFICIT W HYPERACT
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.1 HYPERKINET W DEVEL DELAY
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.2 HYPERKINETIC CONDUCT DIS
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.8 OTHER HYPERKINETIC SYND
112.11 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 314.9 HYPERKINETIC SYND NOS
Neoplastic Diseases-Malignant 113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.1 LYMPHOSARCOMA*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.10 LYMPHSRC UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.13 LYMPHOSARCOMA ABDOM
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.15 LYMPHOSARCOMA INGUIN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.18 LYMPHOSARCOMA MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.2 BURKITT'S TUMOR/ LYMPHOMA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.20 BRKT TMR UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.21 BURKITT'S TUMOR HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.23 BURKITT'S TUMOR ABDOM
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.28 BURKITT'S TUMOR MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 200.80 OTH VARN UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.0 HODGKIN'S PARAGRANULOMA*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.00 HDGK PRG UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.01 HODGKINS PARAGRAN HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.03 HODGKINS PARAGRAN ABDOM
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.10 HDGK GRN UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.4 HODGKINS LYMPH-HISTIOCYT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.40 LYM-HST UNSP XTRNDL ORGN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.44 HODG LYMPH-HISTIO AXILLA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.5 HODGKINS NODULAR SCLEROS
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.50 NDR SCLR UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.51 HODG NODUL SCLERO HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.52 HODG NODUL SCLERO THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.58 HODG NODUL SCLERO MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.6 HODGKINS MIX CELLULARITY
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.60 MXD CELR UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.61 HODGKINS MIX CELL HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.9 HODGKINS DISEASE NOS*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.90 HDGK DIS UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.91 HODGKINS DIS NOS HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.92 HODGKINS DIS NOS THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.93 HODGKINS DIS NOS ABDOM
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.94 HODGKINS DIS NOS AXILLA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.95 HODGKINS DIS NOS INGUIN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.96 HODGKINS DIS NOS PELVIC
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 201.98 HODGKINS DIS NOS MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202. OTH MAL NEO LYMPH/ HISTIO *
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.0 NODULAR LYMPHOMA*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.00 NDLR LYM UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.02 NODULAR LYMPHOMA THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.04 NODULAR LYMPHOMA AXILLA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.1 MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.10 MYCS FNG UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.11 MYCOSIS FUNDOIDES HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.2 SEZARY'S DISEASE*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.20 SZRY DIS UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.21 SEZARY'S DISEASE HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.22 SEZARY'S DISEASE THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.24 SEZARY'S DISEASE AXILLA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.25 SEZARY'S DISEASE INGUIN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.3 MALIGNANT HISTIOCYTOSIS*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.30 MLG HIST UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.31 MAL HISTIOCYTOSIS HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.32 MAL HISTIOCYTOSIS THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.38 MAL HISTIOCYTOSIS MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.4 LEUKEM RETICULOENDOTHEL*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.5 LETTERER-SIWE DISEASE*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.50 LTR-SIWE UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.51 LETTERER-SIWE DIS HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.6 MALIG MAST CELL TUMORS*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.60 MLG MAST UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.61 MAL MASTOCYTOSIS HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.62 MAL MASTOCYTOSIS THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.8 LYMPHOMAS NEC*
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 208.80 OTH LYMP UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.81 LYMPHOMAS NEC HEAD
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.82 LYMPHOMAS NEC THORAX
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.83 LYMPHOMAS NEC ABDOM
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.84 LYMPHOMAS NEC AXILLA
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.85 LYMPHOMAS NEC INGUIN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.86 LYMPHOMAS NEC PELVIC
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.87 LYMPHOMAS NEC SPLEEN
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.88 LYMPHOMAS NEC MULT
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.9 MAL NEO LYM/ HIST TIS NEC
113.02 Lymphoreticular malignant neoplasms 202.90 UNSP LYM UNSP XTRNDL ORG
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 159. OTH MALIG NEO GI/ PERITON
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 159.0 MALIG NEO INTESTINE NOS
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 159.8 MAL NEO GI/ INTRA-ABD NEC
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 159.9 MAL NEO GI TRACT ILL-DEF
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 164.0 MALIGNANT NEOPL THYMUS
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 189. MAL NEO URINARY NEC/ NOS*
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 189.0 MALIG NEOPL KIDNEY
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 189.2 MALIGN NEOPL URETER
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 189.3 MALIGN NEOPL URETHRA
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 189.9 MAL NEO URINARY NOS
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 192.1 MAL NEO CEREBRAL MENING
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 194.0 MALIGN NEOPL ADRENAL
113.03 Malignant solid tumors 190.5 MALIGN NEOPL RETINA *
Immune System 114.02 Systemic lupus erythematosus 695.4 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
114.02 Systemic lupus erythematosus 710.0 SYST LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
114.04 Systemic sclerosis and sclerodernia 710.1 SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.0 DEFIC HUMORAL IMMUNITY* *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.00 HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.01 SELECTIVE IGA IMMUNODEF *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.02 SELECTIVE IGM IMMUNODEF *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.03 SELECTIVE IG DEFIC NEC *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.04 CONG HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.05 IMMUNODEFIC W HYPER-IGM *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.06 COMMON VARIABL IMMUNODEF *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.09 HUMORAL IMMUNITY DEF NEC *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.1 DEFIC CELLULAR IMMUNITY* *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.10 IMMUNDEF T-CELL DEF NOS *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.11 DIGEORGE'S SYNDROME *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.12 WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.13 NEZELOF'S SYNDROME *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.19 DEFIC CELL IMMUNITY NOS *
114.07 Congenital immune deficiency disease 279.2 COMBINED IMMUNITY DEFIC *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 042. HUMAN IMMUNO VIRUS DIS
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 042.0 HIV W/SPECIF INFECTIONS
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 042.1 HIV CAUS OTH SPEC INFEC
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 042.2 HIV W/SPEC MALIG NEOPLS
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 042.9 AIDS UNSPECIFIED
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 043.0 HIV CAUS LYMPHADENOPATH *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 043.1 HIV CAUS SP CNS DISEASE *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 043.2 HIV CAUS OT DISOR IMMUN *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 043.3 HIV CAUS OTH SPECIF CON *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 043.9 ARC UNSPECIFIED *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 044.0 HIV CAUS ACUTE INFECTIO *
114.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 044.9 HIV UNSPECIFIED *
Uncertain - Uncertain 237.70 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS NOS
- Uncertain 302. SEXUAL DISORDERS*
- Uncertain 302.1 ZOOPHILIA
- Uncertain 302.2 PEDOPHILIA
- Uncertain 302.3 TRANSVESTISM
- Uncertain 302.4 EXHIBITIONISM
- Uncertain 302.50 TRANS-SEXUALISM NOS
- Uncertain 302.8 PSYCHOSEXUAL DIS NEC*
- Uncertain 302.81 FETISHISM
- Uncertain 302.82 VOYEURISM
- Uncertain 302.84 SEXUAL SADISM
- Uncertain 302.85 GEND IDEN DIS ADOL/ ADULT
- Uncertain 302.89 PSYCHOSEXUAL DIS NEC
- Uncertain 302.9 PSYCHOSEXUAL DIS NOS
- Uncertain 740.2 INIENCEPHALY
* ICD-9-CM code was not included in the Medstat group selection criteria.

To obtain a printed copy of this report, send the full report title and your mailing information to:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy
Room 424E, H.H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
FAX:  202-401-7733
Email:  webmaster.DALTCP@hhs.gov


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