GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Visualizations - Mesoscale Dynamics

Mesoscale Circulation Modeling

A stand alone explicit convection ZETAC model simulation was done for the globe with an astonishing averaged grid resolution of about 10-12 km. To compare the resolution of these cases with present GMCM's (Global Mesoscale Circulation Models), it's better than an N770 or a spectral T1400. This 24 hour high-resolution experiment (TERRA HRG_a) is visualized below, in addition to lower resolution experiments that have been simulated for up to 80 days total (TERRA HRG_00).

Limited region experiments applicable to Pacific Storm Tracking are also presented below.

Model name n/a
Scientist(s) Isidoro Orlanski
Steve Garner
Christopher Kerr
Date created July 2003
Visualization Personnel Remik Ziemlinski
Files Tiff (30 MB)
1/8 Degree Avi (3.2 MB)
Png (701 KB)

Title TERRA HRG_00
Model name n/a
Scientist(s) Isidoro Orlanski
Steve Garner
Christopher Kerr
Date created July 2003
Visualization Personnel Remik Ziemlinski
Files 1 Degree Avi (3.2 MB)
½ Degree Avi (1 MB)
¼ Degree Avi (1.3 MB)
Png (742 KB)

Model name n/a
Scientist(s) Isidoro Orlanski
Steve Garner
Christopher Kerr
Date created July 2003
Visualization Personnel Remik Ziemlinski
Files 1/425 Degree Avi (2.7 MB)
1/8.5 Degree Avi (4.5 MB)
Png (1.1 MB)


Cyclones and Storms

Title Pacific Storm Track
Description Developed at GFDL, ZETANC is a high resolution, non-hydrostatic, fully compressible model of hemispheric extent. The model is being used for the simulation of the detailed structure of extra-tropical storms and storm tracks. The studies are aimed in particular at a more definitive understanding of the effects of moist convection on storm structure and evolution. These simulations will be used to evaluate parameterizations in global climate models. The model will also will be used to study the seasonal cycle and inter-annual variability of the storm tracks and their sensitivity to climate change, placing particular emphasis on extreme extra-tropical weather. ZETANC could be used to simulate phenomena at any meteorological scale since it does not require the standard restricted assumptions. In order to illustrate the versatility of the model, two extreme experiments are shown: a) Bubble convection in an isentropic environment, and b) the life-cycle of baroclinic eddies.
Model name n/a
Scientist(s) n/a
Date created n/a
Visualization Personnel n/a

Title Liquid Water
Description The eddy activity along the storm track has been simulated without the standard moist parameterizations. Actual individual clouds are explicitly resolved in these runs using explicit moist convection in the non hydrostatic compressible hemispheric model ZETANC. The animation shows only a very small portion of the total integration. The integrated column of liquid water is shown in gray.
Model name n/a
Scientist(s) n/a
Date created n/a
Visualization Personnel n/a