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Title: Variable response by aquatic invertebrates to experimental manipulations of leaf litter input into seasonal woodland ponds

Author: Batzer, Darold P.; Palik, Brian J.

Year: 2007

Publication: Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 168: 155-162.

Abstract: Aquatic invertebrates are crucial components of foodwebs in seasonal woodland ponds, and leaf litter is probably the most important food resource for those organisms. We quantified the influence of leaf litter inputs on aquatic invertebrates in two seasonal woodland ponds using an interception experiment. Ponds were hydrologically split using a sandbag-plastic barrier, and a mesh canopy was suspended over one-half of each pond to intercept autumn leaf fall for four years. Subsequently the mesh canopies were removed so recovery could be assessed.

Last Modified: 1/3/2008

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