Welcome to WCRP



Science Highlights

SPARC General Assembly 2014


WCRP Open Science Conference 2012


WMO Global Framework for Climate Services


Future Earth
Research for Global Sustainability


IOC Framework for Ocean Observing


US National Climate Assessment Released for Comments 30.01.2013
The US National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee (NCADAC) has released the Third National Climate Assessment Report for public comment. The draft report is available for download, both as a single document and by chapter. The public comment period for the report will run January 14-April 12, 2013. All comments must be submitted via the online comment tool available here.


GEC Directors Guiding Future Earth Implementation 21.01.2013
The Chairs of Scientific Committees and Directors of the four international Global Environmental Change (GEC) research programmes, DIVERSITAS, IGBP, IHDP and WCRP, meet in London, UK, on 14-15 January 2013, to discuss transition of Earth system Science Partnership onto the Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability.  The International Council for Science and its Alliance (ICSU) of partners are supporting and guiding this transition, with active engagement of the GECs.


Welcome to WCRP New Members 12.01.2013
WCRP welcomes the new leaders and members of its International Projects’ Scientific Steering Groups, Working Groups and Panels and thanks those who are rotating off... see the complete list

Datasets for Indices of Climate Extremes 31.01.2013
The CLIMDEX Project aims to produce a suite of in situ and gridded land-based global datasets of indices representing the more extreme aspects of climate. Indices are derived from daily temperature and precipitation data using the definitions recommended by the CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). The project also aims to develop software tools to allow users to access the resulting datasets via a Web interface... for more information click here


CORDEX Has 13 Domains... and Growing 10.01.2013
Find out more about CORDEX development and progress by visiting the new and informative webpage:
The CORDEX flyer, recently published, provides description of Regional Climate Downscaling and its use in climate change adaptation and impact assessment... read more.
An International Conference on CORDEX will take place on 4-7 November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. Read the announcement


Assessment of the Cloud Data Products for Climate 05.12.2012
The results of the GEWEX evaluation of the overall quality of the global, long-term cloud data products have been published recently in a report. The need of periodic assessments is a requirement for long-term, consistent data products. It is imperative that the long-term products be compared with more recent state of the art products to assess not only their fidelity, but their quality in light of increasingly accurate measurements... read the report





Last update: 12.12.2012 - [webmaster]
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