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National Security Adviser. Memoranda of Conversations, 1973-1977

Collection Finding Aid and Links to Digital Files


Transcript-like records, and the notes from which they were prepared, of President Nixon’s and President Ford’s conversations with heads of state and foreign officials, senior intelligence and national security officials, American ambassadors, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors.  The memoranda of conversations (memcons) cover a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security topics, including the Middle East peace process, East-West relations, NATO and Europe, normalization of relations with the People’s Republic of China, Angola, foreign aid, arms control, energy, foreign economic affairs, investigations of the intelligence community, and much else.

The collection is available to researchers both in paper form at the Library and in digital form through the links on the container list of this finding aid.

8.4 linear feet (ca. 8,700 pages)

Gerald R. Ford (accession number 77-118)

Open, but some materials continue to be national security classified and restricted.  Access is governed by the donor’s deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, and National Archives and Records Administration regulations (36 CFR 1256).

Gerald Ford has donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections.  The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them.  Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain.

Prepared by Geir Gundersen, November 2004; revised by William McNitt, September 2009


The Memoranda of Conversations (memcons) is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance and nature of the Ford National Security Adviser Files as a whole are described in Appendix A.

The bulk of the memcons are based on Brent Scowcroft’s notes from meetings he attended in his capacity as Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and then Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.  In these meetings, Scowcroft took notes on topics pertaining to foreign affairs and national security matters.  His notes are not complete verbatim transcripts of conversations and at times appear to be somewhat selective.  The notes often include extended quotes from the participants, but occasionally they compress portions of conversations into single sentences such as “Discussion of floating interest rates” or “Described the Angola proposal.” 

Following the meetings, Scowcroft had his notes typed up in transcript form.  Because Scowcroft’s handwriting was often difficult for his secretaries to decipher, an NSC staff assistant, usually Peter Rodman, would compile the first draft of the memcons.  The person drafting the memcons would on occasion make editorial changes to the transcript, such as turning Scowcroft’s notes into complete sentences.  In other instances, blank spaces were left in the final draft when Scowcroft’s handwriting proved indecipherable. 

In his book Presidential Command: Power, Leadership, and the Making of Foreign Policy from Richard Nixon to George Bush (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009, page 86), Peter Rodman provides a description and analysis of the memcons:

The frequent Oval Office meetings between the new president and his secretary of state were remarkable, as Kissinger has said, for their lack of psychological undercurrents, complexes, or hidden motivations. Brent Scowcroft took rough notes of these meetings, and when they are declassified they will show a relationship of complete openness and mutual confidence. Kissinger kept nothing back, briefing Ford fully on events and personalities and strategies he was proposing. Ford grasped it easily and expressed his own preferences forthrightly. Where foreign policy issues had domestic political repercussions -- for example, in the debate over detente with the Soviet Union, or majority rule in Southern Africa -- Ford conveyed his judgment of his political circumstances and their implications. Where there was a congressional dimension, Ford himself was the master and educated his subordinates in the ins and outs and personalities that he knew better than anyone. Rough as Scowcroft's notes were, these records will show a relationship of trust and a fullness of deliberation going to the heart of the most sensitive issues of the period.

Scope and Content of the Materials
The collection chronicles the practice of diplomacy and presidential decision-making at the highest level.  There are more than 1,000 memcons addressing US foreign policy and national security issues during the latter part of the Nixon administration through the entire Ford administration.  The memcons are primarily from Presidential meetings in which President Nixon and President Ford met with foreign heads of state and officials, Cabinet members, White House staff members, Congressional leaders, American ambassadors, senior intelligence and national security officials, heads of federal agencies, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors, as well as many private consultative meetings with Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft.  While the majority of memcons are from meetings held in Washington, the collection also has memcons from a number of Presidential trips overseas.  Several of the memcons are from non-presidential meetings in which Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft was the lead participant. 

The discussions documented in the memcons are mostly substantive, but on occasion cover lighter fare.  Many of the meetings discussed multiple topics and were often very candid, such as when participants were critical of other people’s actions and abilities.  Topics addressed in the memcons run the gamut of US foreign policy and national security issues and touch on US relations with many countries from all regions of the world. 

The collection’s largest topic is the Middle East, in particular US-Israeli relations and the interim Sinai Agreement between Egypt and Israel.  There is information on US policy toward Israel and how this policy fit into the administration’s overall policy for the region, and Israeli concerns about US policy toward Israel and the region.  Of particular interest are the numerous discussions between President Ford and Henry Kissinger in which they formulate policy and strategy and candidly express their frustrations with Israel’s negotiating tactics and strategy during the peace process.  There is also much information on the roles and interests of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Another major topic is East–West relations, in particular US-Soviet relations.  There is information on the Vladivostok Summit, Congressional legislation linking US trade policy to Soviet emigration quotas, arms control and SALT negotiations, grain sales, and cultural exchanges.  There is also information on the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and US relations with other Eastern European countries, most notably Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia.

The memcons also provide much information on US relations with Western Europe.  The materials address diplomatic and economic relations with key allies such as the United Kingdom, West Germany, and France, and multilateral relations with the European Community within the context of NATO and the economic summit meetings.  There are important materials on political events in Portugal and Italy, Spain’s transition to democracy, and the Greek-Turkish conflict in Cyprus, including the Turkish arms embargo.

In regard to Asia and the Pacific, there is information on the prospective normalization of relations between the US and the People’s Republic of China and the impact on US-Taiwanese relations, US involvement and withdrawal from Vietnam, and the Mayaguez Incident.  There is also good material on US relations with key allies such as Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, and Indonesia, as well the fragile relationship between India and Pakistan.

In terms of Africa, the memcons primarily focus on the move to independence and the establishment of a new government in Angola, and the transition to majority rule in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.  There is also information on the regional roles and interests of Zaire, Zambia, and South Africa.

For Latin America, the most substantive materials pertain to US relations with Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, and Panama.  Topics include economic assistance, energy, trade, narcotics control, and the Panama Canal treaty negotiations.
The collection also contains information on a variety of other foreign policy and national security issues, including military base negotiations, mutual defense agreements, arms transfers, the defense budget, the intelligence investigations and the subsequent reorganization of the intelligence community, the US role in a post-Vietnam world, and the impact of the 1976 presidential campaign on foreign policy.

Related Materials (November 2004):
Related materials are located in a number of other fully processed, partly processed, and unprocessed National Security Adviser collections.  For example, the Kissinger Reports to the President on USSR, China, and Middle East Discussions, the NSC Meeting Minutes, and the NSC International Economic Affairs Staff Files contain additional memoranda of conversations, while background and briefing materials are located in the Presidential Country Files, Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders, Presidential Transition File, Trip Briefing Books and Cables of Henry Kissinger, Trip Briefing Books and Cables of President Ford, and the Presidential Briefing Material for VIP Visits.  Researchers can identify the file locations of related open materials from PRESNET search reports.  As additional collections become available, the information is entered into the PRESNET database.  Researchers can also consult the Ford Library web site for announcements of collection openings. 

Series Descriptions

Boxes 1-4        Memoranda of Conversations - Nixon Administration, 1973-74.  (1.5 linear feet)
Primarily typed transcripts of discussions from President Nixon’s meetings with heads of state and other foreign officials, senior intelligence and national security officials, American Ambassadors, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors.  Also included are the meeting notes on which the transcripts are based.  Files contain substantive information on US foreign policy and relations with numerous countries, in particular Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Vietnam, China, and Japan.  There are materials on many substantive topics including the Middle East peace process and the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, NATO, foreign aid, energy, oil, trade, arms control, and military arms sales. Arranged chronologically by date of meeting.

Boxes 4-21      Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration, 1974-77.  (6.9 linear feet)
            Primarily typed transcripts of discussions from President Ford’s meetings with heads of state and other foreign officials, American Ambassadors, senior intelligence and national security officials, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other distinguished foreign and American visitors.  Also included are meeting notes on which the transcripts are based.  Files contain substantive information on US foreign policy and relations with numerous countries, including Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Soviet Union, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, China, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Angola, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Canada, Cuba, Chile, Panama, and Mexico.  There is substantive information on a multitude of topics, including the Middle East peace process, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO, the European Community, foreign aid, energy, oil, foreign economic affairs, trade, arms control, military arms sales, mutual defense agreements, Law of the Sea, the economic summit meetings, the Mayaguez Incident, military base negotiations, the intelligence investigations, and atomic energy. Arranged chronologically by date of meeting.

Container List

All of the memoranda of conversations open to research are available in digital form. Please click on folder titles to view PDF files of the documents.

Box 1   Memoranda of Conversations - Nixon Administration
Undated (Nixon Administration)
January 5, 1973 - President Nixon, Israeli President Zalman Shazar
January 5, 1973 - Nixon, Republic of China Officials
January 31, 1973 - Nixon, Former Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato
February 5, 1973 - Nixon, Coast Guard Aide A. R. Larzelere
February 8, 1973 - Nixon, Treasury Secretary George Shultz, Charles J. DiBona
February 10, 1973 - Nixon, Vice President Agnew
February 12, 1973 - Nixon, USSR Food Industry Representative Voldemar Lein
February 13, 1973 - Nixon, Ambassador John Scali (UN)
February 14, 1973 - Nixon, Ambassador Richard Helms (Iran)
February 15, 1973 - Nixon, General Andrew Goodpaster (SACEUR)
February 15, 1973 - Nixon, Defense Secretary Elliot Richardson
February 15, 1973 - Nixon, H.R. Haldeman
February 16, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting, EC Commissioner Christopher Soames
February 23, 1973 - Nixon, Hafiz Ismail (handwritten notes only, no memcon)
March 1, 1973 - Nixon, Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir
March 3, 1973 - Kissinger, Elliot Richardson
March 8, 1973 - NSC Meeting (handwritten notes only, no memcon)
March 9, 1973 - Nixon, Ambassador John Irwin (France)
March 14, 1973 - Kissinger, Charles DiBona
March 16, 1973 - Kissinger, Elliot Richardson
March 17, 1973 - Nixon, Irish Ambassador Warnock
March 20, 1973 - Nixon, NSF Director Guy Stever, Soviet Academician Vadim A. Trapeznikov
March 21, 1973 - Nixon, Soviet Women’s Gymnastics Team
March 23, 1973 - Scowcroft, OMB Director Roy Ash, Deputy Director Fred Malek
March 29, 1973 - Kissinger, Treasury Secretary George Shultz
April 11, 1973 - Kissinger, Elliot Richardson
April 11, 1973 - Nixon, POW/MIA Coordinator Roger Shields
April 12, 1973 - NSC Meeting
April 13, 1973 - Nixon, Japanese Prefecture Governors
April 14, 1973 - Kissinger, Fred Ikle (ACDA)
May 1, 1973 - Kissinger, Leonard Garment
May 8, 1973 - Nixon, Pele
May 8, 1973 - Nixon, Senate Commerce Committee Members Who Met with Brezhnev
May 15, 1973 - Nixon, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie
May 17, 1973 - Nixon, Mustafizur Rahman Siddiqi (Bangladesh)
May 17, 1973 - Nixon, Widows of U.S. Diplomats Murdered in Khartoum
May 18, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
May 25, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
June 5, 1973 - Nixon, Liberian President William R. Tolbert, Jr.
June 7, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
June 28, 1973 - Kissinger, CIA Employee
June 30, 1973 - Nixon, Congressional Delegation to PRC

Box 2   Memoranda of Conversations - Nixon Administration
July 2, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Moorer
July 3, 1973 - Kissinger, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
July 6, 1973 - Kissinger, PRC Ambassador Huang Chen
July 11, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
July 17, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
July 18, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
July 24, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
July 30, 1973 - Nixon, Nicaraguan Ambassador Dr. Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa
July 30, 1973 - Nixon, General Ryan (Air Force)
August 2, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
August 2, 1973 - Nixon, Gabon President Bongo
August 3, 1973 - Kissinger, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
August 9, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
August 9, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Pentagon Group
August 17, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, John S. Foster (DOD)
August 31, 1973 - Kissinger, French Defense Minister Galley
September 5, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
September 6, 1973 - Department of Justice Attorneys, Alan J. Hruska re Halperin Case
September 14, 1973 - Kissinger, Moorer
September 15, 1973 - Scowcroft, Pakistani Ambassador Sultan Khan
September 21, 1973 - Nixon, SEATO Secretary General Sunthorn
September 27, 1973 - Nixon, GOP Leadership
September 28, 1973 - Nixon, Kissinger, Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan (India)
September 29, 1973 - Nixon, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Willy Brandt
October 2, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
October 4, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
October 9, 1973 - Kissinger, Haig, Ziegler
October 9, 1973 - WSAG Meeting
October 10, 1973 - Nixon, Congressional Leadership
October 13, 1973 - WSAG Meeting
October 15, 1973 - Nixon, Upper Volta President Lamizana
October 17, 1973 - WSAG Meeting
October 18, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
October 19, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
October 24, 1973 - Kissinger, Clements, Moorer
October 24, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Moorer, Colby
October 31, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
November 3, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
November 6, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
November 12, 1973 - Nixon, Kissinger, Senator Jacob Javits
November 12, 1973 - Nixon, Chuck Connors
November 14, 1973 - Nixon, USSR Environmental Experts
November 15, 1973 - Nixon, Cambodian Foreign Minister Long Boret
November 23, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
November 27, 1973 - Nixon, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
November 29, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
November 29, 1973 - Nixon, Representatives Robert H. Steele and Louis Frey, Jr.
November 29, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer, Kenneth Rush

Box 3   Memoranda of Conversations - Nixon Administration
December 5, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
December 5, 1973 - Cabinet Meeting
December 12, 1973 - George Shultz, Claude Brinegar, Melvin Laird, Bryce Harlow
December 12, 1973 - Scowcroft, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
December 14, 1973 - Nixon, Apostolic Delegate Jean Jadot
December 18, 1973 - Nixon, Senator James McClure
December 19, 1973 - Nixon, Schlesinger, OMB Director Roy Ash
December 22, 1973 - Nixon, Schlesinger, Joint Chiefs
December 26, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
December 28, 1973 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
January 8, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
January 10, 1974 - Kissinger, Senators Bartlett, Fannin, Hansen
January 16, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Anthony D. Marshall (Kenya)
January 17, 1974 - Nixon, British Ambassador Earl of Cromer
January 21, 1974 - Nixon, Bipartisan Leadership
January 22, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
January 23, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
January 24, 1974 - NSC Meeting
February 1, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
February 7, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Walter Stoessel (USSR)
February 7, 1974 - Nixon, Saudi Ambassador Al Sowayel
February 8, 1974 - Nixon, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
February 9, 1974 - Nixon, Kissinger, George Shultz, William Simon
February 11, 1974 - Nixon, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Committee
February 21, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
February 28, 1974 - Nixon, Ernesto Navarro Richardson
February 28, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Shirley Temple Black (Ghana)
March 6, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
March 8, 1974 - Nixon, GOP Congressional Leadership
March 8, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
March 8, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Moorer
March 11, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Joint Chiefs
March 19, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
March 26, 1974 - Nixon, Andrew Goodpaster (SACEUR)
March 28, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
March 28, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Philip W. Manhard
March 28, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Henry J. Tasca (Greece)
March 30, 1974 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
April 2, 1974 - Nixon, Commerce Secretary Frederick B. Dent
April 4, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Marion Smoak
April 11, 1974 - Nixon, Algerian President Boumediene
April 17, 1974 - Nixon, Berlin Mayor Klaus Schuetz
April 18, 1974 - Nixon, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi
April 19, 1974 - Nixon, Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal
April 23, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
April 24, 1974 - Nixon, Vice President Ford, Kissinger, Congressional Leadership
April 29, 1974 - Cabinet, Haig, St. Clair (Watergate)

Box 4   Memoranda of Conversations - Nixon Administration
May 8, 1974 - Scowcroft, Dr. Harold Agnew (Los Alamos)
May 9, 1974 - Nixon, Republican Congressional Leadership
May 15, 1974 - Nixon, John Thomas (handwritten notes only)
May 21, 1974 - Nixon, Japanese Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira
May 21, 1974 - Nixon Message to Brezhnev
May 22, 1974 - Nixon, CENTO Foreign Ministers
May 23, 1974 - Nixon, Senators Long and Bennett (no memcon, just a summary of the discussion and background documents)
May 23, 1974 - Nixon, Soviet Parliamentary Delegation
May 23, 1974 - Nixon, Pakistani Foreign Minister Aziz Ahmed
May 28, 1974 - Nixon, Delegation of Soviet Governors
May 28, 1974 - Nixon, Soviet Ambassador Anatoli Dobrynin
May 28, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
May 31, 1974 - Nixon, Kissinger, Alexander Haig
May 31, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador Ross Adair (Ethiopia)
May 31, 1974 - Nixon, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
June 1, 1974 - Nixon, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, Ambassador John Scali (UN)
June 6, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador John Volpe (Italy)
June 6, 1974 - Nixon, Kissinger, Saudi Prince Fahd
June 6, 1974 - Nixon, Schlesinger
June 11, 1974 - Nixon, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky
June 13, 1974 - Kissinger, General Guay (Defense Attache in Cairo)
June 15, 1974 - Kissinger, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Umar al-Saqqaf
June 15, 1974 - Kissinger, Crown Prince Khalid, Other Saudi Officials
June 17, 1974 - Nixon, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
June 18, 1974 - Nixon, Jordan’s King Hussein
June 20, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
June 20, 1974 - Nixon, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
June 21, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
June 22, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
June 26, 1974 - Nixon, Italian Prime Minister Mariano Rumor
June 28 - July 3, 1974 - Moscow Summit Private and Plenary Sessions (for some meetings there are only handwritten notes)
July 9, 1974 - Nixon, William Simon
July 9, 1974 - Nixon, Ambassador James Hodgson (Japan)
July 10, 1974 - Nixon, Joint Congressional Leadership
July 11, 1974 - Nixon, Portugal’s President Antonio de Spinola
July 11, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
July 30, 1974 - Nixon, William Simon
August 2, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
August 2, 1974 - Nixon, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
August 3, 1974 - Kissinger, William Simon, Arthur Burns, Robert Ingersoll, Thomas Enders)
Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
August 9, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Arab Envoys
August 9, 1974 - Ford, South Vietnamese Ambassador Tran Kim Phuong
August 9, 1974 - Ford, PRC Ambassador Huang Chen
August 9, 1974 - Ford, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
August 10, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
August 12, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Joint Chiefs
August 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 14, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 5   Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
August 15, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 15, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Jackson, Javits, and Ribicoff
August 16, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 16, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Jordanian King Hussein
August 17, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 20, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leaders
August 21, 1974 - Ford, Congressional Black Caucus
August 21, 1974 - Ford, Indian Ambassador Triloki Nath Kaul
August 21, 1974 - Ford, Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi
August 21, 1974 - Ford, Lt. Gen. Daniel (“Chappie”) James
August 21, 1974 - Ford, Pakistani Ambassador Yaqub-Khan
August 23, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam
August 23, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 24, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, French Ambassador Kosciusko-Morizet
August 24, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 26, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
August 26, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 27, 1974 - Ford, Romanian Presidential Counselor Pungan
August 28, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 29, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
August 29, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Umar al-Saqqaf
August 29, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Mexican Foreign Secretary Emilio Rabasa
August 30, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
September 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Jerrold Schecter (TIME Magazine)
September 6, 1974 - Ford, Ambassador Walter Annenberg (UK)
September 6, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 6, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller
September 9, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 9, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Kurt Waldheim, USUN Officials
September 10, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath
September 10, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
September 10, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 12, 1974 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
September 12, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 12, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
September 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Graham Martin (South Vietnam)
September 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
September 14, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 14, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Stanley Resor (MBFR Negotiator)
September 16, 1974 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership, and Others
September 17, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
September 17, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Butz, Ash, Greenspan
September 17, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 18, 1974 - Ford, NATO Parliamentarians
September 19, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Indian Foreign Minister Singh
September 20, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Senator Henry Jackson

Box 6   Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
September 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Argentine Foreign Minister Alberto Vignes
September 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
September 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko
September 24, 1974 - Ford, British Foreign Minister James Callaghan
September 25, 1974 - Ford, Italian President Giovanni Leone, Foreign Minister Aldo Moro
September 25, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik
September 25, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 26, 1974 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
September 26, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Italian President Giovanni Leone, Foreign Minister Aldo Moro
September 26, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Colby, Vernon Walters
September 26, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher
September 28, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues
September 29, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
September 29, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Brazilian Foreign Minister Silveira
October 1, 1974 - Ford, Bangladesh Prime Minister Rahman
October 4, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
October 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Australian Prime Minister Whitlam
October 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, South Vietnamese Foreign Minister Vuong Van Bac
October 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Simon, Greenspan, Ash, Eberle, Seidman, Burns
October 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi
October 7, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
October 7, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Archbishop Iakovos
October 7, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, AID Officials
October 7, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
October 8, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
October 8, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Edward Gierek of Poland
October 10, 1974 - Ford, Schlesinger
October 11, 1974 - Ford, Representative David Henderson, Five Other Representatives
October 15, 1974 - Ford, Canadian Ambassador Marcel Cadieux
October 15, 1974 - Ford, George Bush
October 17, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Pakistani Foreign Minister Aziz Ahmed
October 18, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
October 18, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Portuguese President Costa Gomes, Foreign Minister Mario Soares
October 18, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Jackson and Javits, Representative Charles Vanik
October 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
October 21, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Mexican President Luis Echeverria
October 22, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
October 25, 1974 - Ford, NSF Director Guy Stever, Vladimir Kirillin (Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministries)
October 29, 1974 - Scowcroft, Georgetown University Undergraduates
October 30, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
October 30, 1974 - Ford, Barbara Hutchison, Eugene Kopp
October 31, 1974 - Ford, Schlesinger, Ash, Ogilvie

Box 7   Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
November 5, 1974 - Ford, Liberian President William R. Tolbert
November 6, 1974 - Ford, Ambassador John Sherman Cooper (GDR)
November 6, 1974 - Ford, Israeli Minister and Charge Mordechai Shalev
November 8, 1974 - Ford, Ambassador Kenneth Rush (France)
November 10, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
November 11, 1974 - Ford, John McCone (Former DCI )
November 11, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
November 12, 1974 - Ford, Ambassador David Bruce (North Atlantic Council)
November 12, 1974 - Ford, Ambassador Shirley Temple Black (Ghana)
November 12, 1974 - Ford, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky
November 12, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
November 13, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
November 13, 1974 - Kissinger, William Simon
November 14, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
November 15, 1974 - Cabinet Meeting
November 15, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger
November 16, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
November 19, 1974 - Ford, Mayor of Tokyo Ryokichi Minobe
November 19, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
November 20, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
November 22, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, South Korean President Park Chung-Hee
November 24, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, USSR Leader Leonid Brezhnev
November 25, 1974 - Ford, Schlesinger
November 26, 1974 - Ford, Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz
November 26, 1974 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
November 27, 1974 - Ford, George Meany
December 2, 1974 - Ford, Linwood Holton
December 3, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 3, 1974 - Ford, Senator John Sparkman
December 3, 1974 - Ford, Senator John Stennis
December 4, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 4, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau
December 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
December 5, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 6, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 6, 1974 - Ford, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
December 6, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
December 7, 1974 - Ford, Energy Briefing Group
December 7, 1974 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
December 9, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 9, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon
December 10, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 11, 1974 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
December 13, 1974 - Ford, Senator Harry Byrd
December 13, 1974 - Ford, Senator Barry Goldwater
December 14, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 8   Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
December 15, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues (Meeting One)
December 15, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Simon, French President Valery Giscard’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues (Meeting Two)
December 16, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues
December 17, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
December 18, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger, Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir
December 18, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 19, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
December 20, 1974 - Ford, Kissinger
January 1975 - List of Memcons
January 3, 1975 - Ford, Colby, Buchen, Marsh
January 3, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, Marsh, Buchen
January 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 4, 1975 - Ford, Former CIA Director Richard Helms
January 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Marsh, Rumsfeld, Buchen
January 6, 1975 - Ford, ACDA Director Fred Ikle
January 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 7, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
January 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador William Crawford (Cyprus), Ambassador Jack Kubisch (Greece), Ambassador William Macomber (Turkey)
January 8, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
January 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 8, 1975 - Scowcroft, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
January 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Omani Sultan Qaboos bin Said
January 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon
January 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 17, 1975 - Rockefeller, Kissinger, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon
January 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 22, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 22, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, British Ambassador Sir Peter Ramsbotham
January 22, 1975 - Ford, Max Fisher
January 22, 1975 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
January 22, 1975 - Staff Meeting Excerpt
January 23, 1975 - Ford, Delegation of Young Soviet Journalists
January 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 23, 1975 - Ford, Walter Judd
January 27, 1975 - Ford, Senators Strom Thurmond and William L. Scott
January 27, 1975 - Kissinger, Deputy Secretary of Defense William Clements
January 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
January 29, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
January 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 9   Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
January 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
January 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 31, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
January 31, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
February 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Brown, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
February 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Max Fisher
February 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto
February 5, 1975 - Kissinger, Scowcroft, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
February 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Case and Sparkman and Representatives Broomfield and Morgan
February 6, 1975 - Ford, Senators Pastore and Baker
February 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, George Shultz
February 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, General David C. Jones, Rumsfeld
February 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 8, 1975 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
February 12, 1975 - Ford, TIME Middle East News Tour Group
February 14, 1975 - Ford, Count Otto Lambsdorff ( FRG )
February 15, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador Graham Martin ( South Vietnam )
February 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Representative Otto Passman
February 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Congressional Leadership
February 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 20, 1975 - Kissinger, Schlesinger, Colby, Philip Areeda, Laurence Silberman, Martin Hoffman
February 21, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
February 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Marsh
February 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Eric Eustace Williams
February 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns
February 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 27, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador Mark Evans Austad (Finland)
February 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Elliot Richardson (Great Britain)
February 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
February 27, 1975 - Ford, Peruvian Ambassador Fernando Berckemeyer
February 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 3, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
March 3, 1975 - Ford, Israeli President Dr. Ephraim Katzir, Ambassador Dinitz
March 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Democratic Freshman Representatives
March 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Iranian Finance Minister Hushang Ansari,  Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi
March 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Frank Church and James Pearson
March 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Frank Church and John Tower
March 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Congressional Vietnam Delegation

Box 10 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
March 6, 1975 - Ford, Admiral John S. McCain
March 6, 1975 - Ford, Senators John Sparkman, Clifford Case, Hubert Humphrey
March 11, 1975 - Ford, Chairman of Panel on International Information Frank Stanton
March 11, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
March 12, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
March 13, 1975 - Ford, General William Westmoreland
March 14, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
March 14, 1975 - Ford, Don Kendall, Soviet Minister Lein and Food Ministers
March 17, 1975 - Ford, Irish Ambassador John Gerald Molloy
March 18, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership, Five Cabinet Members
March 19, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, Colby, Buchen, Marsh, Rumsfeld
March 19, 1975 - Ford, Kuwaiti Ambassador Salem S. Al-Sabah
March 19, 1975 - Ford, James M. Wilson (Northern Marianas Official)
March 21, 1975 - Ford, Representatives John Brademas, Paul Sarbanes, Benjamin Rosenthal
March 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
March 24, 1975 - Ford, Rockefeller, Kissinger
March 25, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador John Volpe (Italy)
March 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, General Frederick Weyand, Ambassador Graham Martin (South Vietnam)
March 25, 1975 - Ford, South Vietnamese Officials
March 26, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
March 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
March 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Former FRG Chancellor Willy Brandt
March 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Max Fisher
March 27, 1975 - Ford, SACEUR Alexander M. Haig, Donald Rumsfeld
March 27, 1975 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Richard L. Sneider (South Korea)
March 28, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador Designate Eugene V. McAuliffe (Hungary)
March 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller
March 28, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, Rumsfeld, Marsh, Buchen
March 29, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador James D. Hodgson (Japan)
April 1975 (Day Unknown) - Ford, Kissinger
April 2, 1975 - Kissinger, Schlesinger
April 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 9, 1975(?) - Ford, Joint Congressional Leadership
April 10, 1975 - Kissinger, TV Network Representatives
April 11, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador and Mrs. Peter Dominick (Switzerland)
April 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, General Brown, Rumsfeld, Buchen, Marsh
April 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan (UN)
April 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Japanese Foreign Minister Kiichi Miyazawa
April 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
April 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Atherton, U.S. Ambassadors Keating (Israel), Eilts (Egypt), Pickering (Jordan), Murphy (Syria)
April 15, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 11 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
April 16, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
April 17, 1975 - Ford, Eugene Rostow (briefing paper only -- no notes or memcon)
April 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Rumsfeld, Marsh
April 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador John Sherman Cooper (GDR)
April 18, 1975 - Ford, Rockefeller, Kissinger
April 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 19, 1975 - Ford, Zambian President Kenneth D. Kaunda, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vernon Mwaanga
April 21, 1975 - Ford, Henry Cabot Lodge
April 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 22, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Republican Congressional Leadership
April 24, 1975 - Ford, Representative Paul Findley
April 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller
April 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 24, 1975 - NSC Meeting
April 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, AHEPA
April 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 25, 1975 - Kissinger, State Legislators
April 25, 1975 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Charles S. Whitehouse (Thailand)
April 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 29, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
April 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Congressional Bipartisan Leadership
April 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
April 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Jordanian King Hussein
April 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Egyptian Parliamentary Group
April 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 1, 1975 - Rockefeller, Egyptian Parliamentary Group
May 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Tunisian Prime Minister Hedi Nouira
May 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Dean Brown, Republican Congressional Leadership
May 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
May 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, New Zealand Prime Minister W. E. Rowling
May 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam
May 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew
May 8, 1975 - Ford, South Korean Officials
May 8, 1975 – Scowcroft, Ambassador William Kintner (Thailand)
May 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Soviet Ambassador Anatoliy Dobrynin
May 10, 1975 - Ford, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing (telephone call)
May 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
May 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Netherlands Prime Minister Johannes den Uyl
May 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 15, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
May 15, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
May 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Turkish Ambassador Melih Esenbel
May 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Marsh, Senators Mansfield, Sparkman, Case

Box 12 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
May 22, 1975 - Ford, Senegal President Leopold Senghor
May 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rockefeller
May 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Simon, Burns, Morton, Dunlop, Greenspan
May 27, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, Colby, Rumsfeld, Ingersoll
May 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Belgian Prime Minister Leo Tindemans
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Greek Prime Minister Karamanlis
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger , Luxembourg Prime Minister Thorn
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Portuguese Prime Minister Goncalves
May 29, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Turkish Prime Minister Demirel
May 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
May 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, European Community Officials
May 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau
May 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Iceland Prime Minister Geir Hallgrimsson
May 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Norwegian Prime Minister Trygve Bratteli
May 31, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, General Francisco Franco, Spanish Prime Minister Carlos Arias Navarro, Foreign Minister Pedro Cortina Mauri
June 2, 1975 - Ford, Egyptian Newspaper Editors
June 2, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky
June 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Italian President Giovanni Leone, Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Foreign Minister Mariano Rumor
June 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Casaroli
June 4, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
June 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 5, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
June 5, 1975 - Kissinger, Rockefeller, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
June 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
June 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
June 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu
June 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 12, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
June 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Max Fisher
June 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG President Walter Scheel, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hans-Dietrich Genscher
June 16, 1975 - Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Under Secretary of State Charles Robinson
June 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 18, 1975 - Ford, Soviet Construction Committee Chairman Ignatiy Novikov
June 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 13 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
June 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Representatives Rosenthal, Hamilton, Whalen, Fascell, Brademas, and Sarbanes
June 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns, NATO Ambassadors
June 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 20, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister Abd al-Halim Kaddam
June 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Hermann F. Eilts (Egypt), Joseph Sisco
June 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 22, 1975 - Ford, Staff Meeting (handwritten notes only, no memcon)
June 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Minister of Economics Hans Friderichs
June 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Marsh, Friedersdorf, Representatives Hamilton, Whalen, Sarbanes
June 23, 1975 - Ford, Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin, Soviet Pilots
June 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan House Leadership
June 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Malcolm Toon (Israel)
June 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 26, 1975 - Ford, National Association of Arab Americans (briefing papers only, no memcon)
June 26, 1975 - Ford, Energy Officials, Selected Members of Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
June 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
June 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz
June 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Senator Jacob K. Javits
June 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Italian Ambassador Egidio Ortona
July 2, 1975 - Ford, Senator J.W. Fulbright
July 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Indonesian President Suharto
July 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 7, 1975 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Senators Dewey Bartlett and Robert Griffin
July 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 10, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
July 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 14, 1975 - Ford , Argentina Ambassador Rafael Maximiano Vazquez
July 14, 1975 - Ford, Canadian Ambassador Jack Hamilton Warren
July 14, 1975 - Ford, Hungarian Ambassador Ferenc Esztergalyos
July 14, 1975 - Ford, Italian Ambassador Gaja
July 14, 1975 - Ford, Joint Congressional Leadership
July 14, 1975 - Ford, Kuwaiti Ambassador Khalid Muhammad Jaffar
July 15, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, Clements, General Brown
July 15, 1975 - Ford, Thomas Pappas
July 16, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
July 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 18, 1975 - Ford, Butz, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Lynn
July 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, General Brown

Box 14 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
July 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Republican Congressional Leadership
July 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 22, 1975 - Ford, Representative Sonny Montgomery, Senator Robert Packwood, MIA Families
July 22, 1975 - Ford, Representative Dan Rostenkowski
July 22, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 23, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Soviet Ambassador Anatoli F. Dobrynin
July 23, 1975 - Ford, Paul Miller of Gannett Newspapers
July 24, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
July 24, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
July 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
July 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Congressmen, Eastern Europe Advocates
July 25, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
July 27-28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher
July 28, 1975 - Ford, Polish First Secretary Edward Gierek
July 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
July 30, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Greek Prime Minister Karamanlis, Foreign Minister Bitsios
July 31, 1975 - Quadripartite Luncheon in Helsinki (US, UK, France, FRG )
July 31, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Turkish Prime Minister Demirel
August 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnagues
August 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Foreign Minister Mariano Rumor
August 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Spanish Prime Minister Arias, Foreign Minister Cortina
August 2-3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu
August 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito
August 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Yugoslavian Officials Bijedic and Minic
August 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
August 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito, Foreign Affairs Secretary Milos Minic
August 5, 1975 - Ford, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki
August 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Rumsfeld, Paul O’Neill
August 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
August 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki
August 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
August 7, 1975 - Rockefeller, Kissinger, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
August 8, 1975 - Cabinet Meeting
August 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FEA Administrator Frank Zarb, CEA Chairman Alan Greenspan
August 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
August 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
August 9, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger, General Brown
August 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
August 26, 1975 - Ford, Labor Secretary Dunlop, Labor Leaders
August 27, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan (UN)

Box 15 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
September 2, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador Walter J.P. Curley, Jr. ( Ireland )
September 2, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
September 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 8, 1975 - Ford, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
September 8, 1975 - Ford, Congressional Delegation to China
September 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Max Fisher and American Jewish Leaders
September 9, 1975 - Ford, Representative Heckler, Portuguese-American Delegation
September 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
September 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Tex McCrary
September 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns
September 10, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
September 12, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 12, 1975 - Ford, Turkish Businessmen
September 15, 1975 - Ford, William P. Clements, Gen. George S. Brown
September 15, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 16, 1975 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Charles Whitehouse (Thailand)
September 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, George Shultz
September 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud ibn Faisal
September 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 18, 1975 - Ford, Margaret Thatcher, British Ambassador Sir Peter Ramsbotham
September 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 23, 1975 - Ford, Italian Foreign Minister Mariano Rumor
September 24, 1975 - Ford, Samali Ambassador Abdullahi Ahmed Addou
September 24, 1975 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
September 25, 1975 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
September 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Colombian President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen
September 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Colombian President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen
September 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues
September 27, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
September 27, 1975 - Kissinger, William Clements, General George S. Brown
September 27, 1975 - Ford, PRC Scientific and Technical Delegation
September 29, 1975 - Ford, Peter Agris of Hellenic Chronicle
September 30, 1975 - Ford, Mauritius Prime Minister Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
October 2, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
October 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Indian Foreign Minister Y. B. Chavan
October 6, 1975 - Kissinger, Transportation Secretary William T. Coleman
October 7, 1975 - Ford, Congressional Group on Fisheries
October 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 7, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Republican Congressional Leaders
October 7, 1975 - Ford, US/USSR Trade Council
October 8, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Pakistani Foreign Minister Aziz Ahmed
October 9, 1975 - Ford, OAS Secretary General Orfila, Ambassador William Maillard

Box 16 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
October 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Portuguese Foreign Minister Antunes
October 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Norwegian King Olaf V
October 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Schlesinger, Levi, Lynn, Colby, Buchen, Marsh, Raoul-Duval, Rumsfeld
October 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, General Alexander Haig (SACEUR)
October 14, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Levi, Marsh
October 15, 1975 - Ford, Schlesinger
October 16, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Jack B. Kubisch (Greece)
October 17, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 25, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 27-28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Egyptian President Mohammed Anwar al-Sadat, Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy
October 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, OMB Director James T. Lynn
October 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
October 29, 1975 - Scowcroft, Indonesian Officials
October 31, 1975 - Ford, EPA Administrator Russell Train, USSR Environmental Expert Yuri Izrael
October 31, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 3, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
November 4, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 4, 1975 - Ford, Senator Gale McGee, Representatives Donald Fraser and John Buchanan
November 4, 1975 - Ford, Romanian Foreign Trade Minister Ion Patan
November 5, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 6, 1975 - Ford, Ambassador John A. Volpe (Italy)
November 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 8, 1975 - Ford, Lowell Thomas
November 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 11, 1975 - Ford, House Speaker Carl Albert, Israeli Parliamentarians
November 11, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 11, 1975 - Ford, Senate Republican Steering Committee
November 12, 1975 - Ford, Luxembourg Prime Minister Gaston Thorn
November 13, 1975 - Ford, Danish Prime Minister Anker Henrik Jorgensen
November 13, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 15-17, 1975 - Rambouillet Economic Summit
November 19, 1975 - Ford, Congressional 200-Mile Limit Group
November 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Richard W. Murphy (Syria)
November 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Berlin Mayor Klaus Schuetz
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Malawi Ambassador Jacob T.X. Muwamba
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Nigerian Ambassador Edward Olusola Sanu
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Guyana Ambassador Laurence Everil Mann
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Yugoslavian Ambassador Dimce Belovski
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Bangladesh Ambassador Mustafizur Rahman Siddiqi
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Jamaican Ambassador Alfred Adolphus Rattray
November 21, 1975 - Ford, Saudi Arabian Ambassador Ali Abdallah Alireza
November 26, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
November 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Ambassador Malcolm Toon (Israel)
November 28, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft

Box 17 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
December 1, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
December 6, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
December 9, 1975 - Ford, Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan
December 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin
December 9, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger
December 10, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Simon, Republican Congressional Leadership
December 11, 1975 - Ford, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld
December 12, 1975 - Ford, Hugh Sidey of TIME Magazine
December 12, 1975 - Ford, Max Fisher
December 17, 1975 - Ford, Scowcroft, Representatives Montgomery, Gilman, and McCloskey
December 18, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
December 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Golda Meir
December 19, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld
December 22, 1975 - Ford, Apostolic Delegate to the U.S. Jean Jadot
December 22, 1975 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
January 2, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft
January 6, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
January 7, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld
January 7, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Middle East Ambassadors
January 8, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
January 8, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
January 10, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador T. Vincent Learson (Law of the Sea Negotiations)
January 10, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador William Porter (Saudi Arabia)
January 14, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
January 14, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, Ambassador Designate Anne Armstrong (Great Britain)
January 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
January 21, 1976 - Scowcroft, Arthur House, John McGoff, Les Devilliers
January 22, 1976 - Ford, House International Relations Committee
January 23, 1976 - Ford, Benin Ambassador Sentonji Thomas Boya
January 23, 1976 - Ford, Nepalese Ambassador Padma Bahadur Khatri
January 23, 1976 - Ford, Papua New Guinea Ambassador Paulias N. Matane
January 25, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
January 26, 1976 - Ford, House Select Committee on MIAs
January 26, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld
January 27, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan (UN)
January 27, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
January 28, 1976 - Ford, General Alexander Haig (SACEUR)
January 28, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, ACDA Director Fred Ikle
January 28, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, Japanese Ambassador Yasukawa
January 29, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
February 2, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld
February 4, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador John Sherman Cooper (GDR)
February 5, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
February 6, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador James W. Hargrove (Australia)
February 6, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
February 9, 1976 - Ford, Barbados Ambassador Maurice Athelstan King
February 9, 1976 - Ford, Central African Republic Ambassador Christopher Maidou
February 9, 1976 - Ford, NATO Secretary General Luns
February 9, 1976 - Ford, Peru Ambassador Carlos Garcia-Bedoya
February 9, 1976 - Ford, Thai Ambassador Upadit Pachariyangkhun
February 11, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Zaire Foreign Minister Nguza and Senegal Ambassador Andre Coulbary
February 11, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
February 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
February 15, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld
February 16, 1976 - Ford, AID Administrator Daniel P. Parker
February 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
February 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, ACDA Director Fred Ikle
February 16, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, JCS Chairman General George Brown

Box 18 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
February 19, 1976 - Ford, Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Goren
February 19, 1976 - Ford, Representative Otto Passman, OMB Director James Lynn
February 23, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Robert Anderson (Morocco)
February 24, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Willard A. DePree (Mozambique)
February 24, 1976 - Ford, Danish Ambassador Otto Rose Borch
February 24, 1976 - Ford, EC President Francois-Xavier Ortoli
February 24, 1976 - Ford, Japanese Ambassador Fumihiko Togo
February 24, 1976 - Ford, Swiss Ambassador Raymond Probst
February 25, 1976 - Ford, Clare Boothe Luce (PFIAB)
February 25, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
February 26, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
March 1, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld
March 2, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Senators re Defense Budget
March 2, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Representatives re Defense Budget
March 4, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 8, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
March 8, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, House Budget Committee Members
March 9, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Herman Eilts (Egypt)
March 9, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 9, 1976 - Ford, Max Fisher
March 10, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 10, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Senate Budget Committee Members
March 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 16, 1976 - Ford, Australian Ambassador Nicholas F. Parkinson
March 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, American Jewish Leadership Group
March 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Irish Prime Minister Liam Cosgrave, Foreign Minister Garret FitzGerald
March 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
March 18, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 18, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Bush, Ikle (ACDA), Rockefeller
March 19, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Chief-Designate of USLO Thomas S. Gates (Peking)
March 19, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
March 24, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Bipartisan Group of Senators
March 24, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, JCS Chairman Brown, ACDA Director Ikle
March 24, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Turkish Foreign Minister Caglayangil
March 24, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft
March 25, 1976 - Ford, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Ingersoll
March 29, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Iranian Finance Minister Hushang Ansary, Ambassador Zahedi
March 29, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft
March 29, 1976 - Ford, Max Friedersdorf, Representatives Mahon, Passman, Shriver, Cederberg
March 30, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
March 30, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Jordanian King Hussein
March 31, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft, Lynn (OMB)
March 31, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Jordanian King Hussein, Prime Minister Zaid Rifai
April 5, 1976 - Ford, Alex DeMar, Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholas
April 5, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
April 5, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf
April 5, 1976 - Ford, U.S. and Canadian Commissioners
April 6, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft

Box 19 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
April 7, 1976 - Ford, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
April 8, 1976 - Ford, Don Kendall
April 8, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Jack Hamilton Warren (Canada), Governor General of Canada Jules Leger
April 8, 1976 - Scowcroft, Senator Robert Taft, Edwin Dodd (Owens-Illinois)
April 12, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
April 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Philippine Foreign Minister Carlos P. Romulo
April 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld
April 14, 1976 - Cabinet Meeting
April 14, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, Senator Jacob Javits
April 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
April 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Greek Foreign Minister Dimitrios Bitsios
April 15, 1976 - Ford, Lebanon Interest Group
April 15, 1976 - Kissinger, South African Ambassador R. F. Botha
April 20, 1976 - Ford, Max Fisher
April 21, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
April 22, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Albert Fay (Trinidad)
April 26, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Marquita Maytag (Nepal)
April 27, 1976 - Ford, Republican Congressional Leadership
April 27, 1976 - Ford, Special Emissary to Lebanon Dean Brown
May 1976 (date unknnown) - Ford, Senator Clifford Case (notes only, no memcon)
May 4, 1976 - Ford, Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Gyula Szeker
May 4, 1976 - Ford, Helmut Kohl ( FRG )
May 4, 1976 - Scowcroft, Joseph Sisco (State), Former Lebanese President Charles Helou
May 9, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
May 10, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Ambassador Francis E. Meloy, Jr. (Lebanon)
May 10, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
May 12, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
May 14, 1976 - Kissinger, South African Ambassador R.F. Botha
May 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
May 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues
May 17, 1976 - Ford, Rockefeller, Scowcroft
May 18, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
May 18, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues
May 19, 1976 - Ford, Golda Meir
May 21, 1976 - Ford, General Alexander Haig (SACEUR)
May 28, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Sierra Leone President Siaka P. Stevens, Foreign Minister Minah
June 2, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Spanish King Juan Carlos, Foreign Minister Areilza
June 2, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Richard Cheney, Stu Spencer
June 2, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
June 4, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador William Scranton (UN)
June 5, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, Ambassador Rosemary Ginn (Luxembourg)
June 9, 1976 - Ford, Botswana President Sir Seretse Khama
June 9, 1976 - Ford, Leo Cherne and Edward Bennett Williams (PFIAB)
June 10, 1976 - Ford, Sudan President Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiri
June 14, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
June 15, 1976 - Ford, Canadian Opposition Leader Joe Clark
June 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
June 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, Minister of Finance Donald Macdonald
June 16, 1976 - Ford, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush, William Clements
June 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Cheney
June 17, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, General George Brown
June 18, 1976 - Cabinet Meeting
June 21, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador Talcott Seelye (Lebanon)
June 21, 1976 - Ford, Polish Parliamentary Delegation

Box 20 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
June 22, 1976 - Ford, Malaysian Ambassador Zain Azraai
June 22, 1976 - Ford, Brazilian Ambassador Joao Baptista Pinheiro
June 22, 1976 - Ford, Guatemalan Ambassador Abundio Maldonado
June 22, 1976 - Ford, Romanian Officials
June 23, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld
June 23, 1976 - Ford, Senators Case, Inouye, Humphrey, Javits
June 23, 1976 - Kissinger, South Africa Prime Minister Balthazar Johannes Vorster
June 24, 1976 - Ford, Jewish Leaders
June 29, 1976 - Cabinet Meeting
June 30, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
June 30, 1976 - Ford, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki
July 1, 1976 - Ford, Afghanistan Envoy Mohammad Aziz Naim
July 1, 1976 - Scowcroft, Ambassador James D. Hodgson (Japan)
July 2, 1976 - Ford, Norwegian Crown Prince Harald and Princess Sonja
July 2, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Max Fisher
July 2, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, FRG Defense Minister Georg Leber
July 2, 1976 - Ford, Tunisian Special Envoy Habib Bourguiba, Jr.
July 6, 1976 - Ford, Delegation from Linz, FRG
July 7, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
July 8, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador William Scranton (UN)
July 8, 1976 - Ford, Rumsfeld, Kissinger
July 9, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Saudi Second Deputy Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz-Saud
July 9, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
July 12, 1976 - Scowcroft, Chilean Admiral Jose Toribio Merino
July 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
July 14, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Rumsfeld, Cheney
July 14, 1976 - Ford, Egyptian Vice Admiral Fuad Zikry
July 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
July 15, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
July 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
July 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
July 19, 1976 - Ford, Argentine Ambassador Arnaldo T. Musich
July 19, 1976 - Ford, Cape Verde Ambassador Raul Querido Varela
July 19, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
July 19, 1976 - Ford, Iceland Ambassador Hans Georg Andersen
July 19, 1976 - Ford, Liberian Ambassador Francis A. W. Dennis
July 26, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
July 27, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Australian Prime Minister J. Malcolm Fraser
July 27, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
July 28, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Senator Hugh Scott
July 29, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Rumsfeld
July 29, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Former Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit
July 30, 1976 - Scowcroft, Tunisian Ambassador Ali Hedda
July 31, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Ambassador Richard Murphy (Syria)
August 3, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
August 3, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Finnish President Urho Kekkonen
August 4, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador William Scranton (UN)
August 4, 1976 - Ford, Scowcroft, Italian-American Leaders
August 4, 1976 - Ford, Zambian Foreign Minister Mwale
August 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
August 30, 1976 - Cabinet Meeting
August 30, 1976 - Ford, Ambassador William Scranton (UN)
August 30, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Senators Case and Javits
August 30, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger

Box 21 Memoranda of Conversations - Ford Administration
September 1, 1976 - Ford, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy members
September 2, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
September 10, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk
September 11, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
September 16, 1976 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Charles Whitehouse (Thailand), William Gleysteen (NSC)
September 17, 1976 - Ford, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud Bin Faisal Al-Saud
September 19, 1976 - Scowcroft, Ambassador John Holdridge (Singapore)
September 21, 1976 - Ford, Liberian President William R. Tolbert
September 24, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
September 24, 1976 - Ford, Mexican President-Elect Jose Lopez Portillo
September 28, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Bipartisan Congressional Leadership
September 28, 1976 - Cabinet Meeting
September 28, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, FRG Vice Chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher
September 29, 1976 - Ford, Italian Foreign Minister Arnaldo Forlani
October 1, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud
October 1, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
October 1, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, USSR Foreign Minister Andrey Gromyko
October 3, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
October 5, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
October 7, 1976 - Ford, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik
October 11, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
October 11, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon
October 13, 1976 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Anthony D. Marshall (Kenya)
October 15, 1976 - Scowcroft, Ambassador Francis Underhill (Malaysia)
October 18, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
October 19, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
October 21, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
November 4, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
November 5, 1976 - Ford, Senator Mike Mansfield
November 6, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
November 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
November 18 (?), 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
November 23 (?), 1976 - Ford, FRG Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (phone call)
November 23, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
November 29, 1976 - Ford, Saudi Ambassador Ali Alireza
December 1, 1976 - Ford, Venezuelan Ambassador Ignacio Iribarren Borges
December 3, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
December 4, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger
December 6, 1976 - Ford, Commerce Secretary Elliot Richardson
December 6, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Italian Prime Minister Andreotti
December 7, 1976 - Ford, CEA Chairman Alan Greenspan, Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi
December 10, 1976 - Ford, Japanese Ambassador Togo
December 10, 1976 - Ford, Nepalese Prince Gyanendra
December 13, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
December 14, 1976 - Ford, Saudi Ambassador Ali Alireza
December 14, 1976 - Scowcroft, William Spengler and John Andrews (Owens-Illinois)
December 16, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft
December 17, 1976 - Ford, Senators Curtis, Bayh, and Johnston (PRC Delegation)
January 4, 1977 - Ford, Henry Cabot Lodge (Presidential Emissary to the Holy See)
January 4, 1977 - Ford, Kissinger
January 13, 1977 - Ford, Argentine Ambassador Aja Espil
January 13, 1977 - Ford. Mexican Ambassador Margain
January 14, 1977 - Ford, Ambassador Kenneth Rush (France)