Monitoring weather and climate from space

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Lightning Plot
MTG lightning imager contract signed
On 7 February in Florence, Italy, EUMETSAT Director-General Alain Ratier attended the signing of the contract for the lightning imager (LI) of the future Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite.
Product Navigator screenshot
Product Navigator upgrade
Today (7 Feb) we have released an upgrade of the Product Navigator, the catalogue for all EUMETSAT data and products disseminated via EUMETCast.
IASI instrument
IASI — improving weather forecasting accuracy
To celebrate global IASI data from Metop-B, becoming available to our Cal/Val partners this month, we take a closer look at the IASI instrument.
External training provided by EUMETSAT
EUMETSAT trainer Vesa Nietosvaara gives an overview of the training we provide around the world.
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