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Education at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary comes in many shapes and sizes, just like the unique habitats of the sanctuary. No one is too young or too old to learn about the sanctuary. From students and teachers to recreational divers, to industry representatives, the sanctuary delivers a message of conservation, appreciation, and action.

SCUBA divers make up one of the largest groups of visitors to the Flower Garden Banks. Sanctuary staff share their messages with divers through scheduled dive club presentations and events such as dive and travel shows.

Teachers examining plankton under microscopes on board the R/V Manta

Of course, educators are also an important part of our sanctuary audience. This includes classroom teachers as well as aquarium, zoo and museum educators who are looking for exciting information and activities to share with their students and/or visitors.

From professional development opportunities to interdisciplinary curriculum, presentations at education conferences, student fun and web links, to other resources, we strive to make coral reef education something you’ll want to dive right into!

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Pale yellow sea slug with bright orange and blue ruffle down its back and bright orange spots on the end of its antennae.  Sea slug looks like a snail without its shell and is only a couple inches long.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves