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Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow

Barstow, California
Checking In

Reporting In
Arrival and check-in requirements need to be coordinated with your sponsor and the Military Personnel Division. Your check-in process will begin at the administration division located in Building 15. Your check-in sheet, along with your sponsor, will guide you through the process.

Reporting After Hours
After 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, weekends and holidays, personnel should report to the base duty officer located in Building 15. The BDO's phone number is (760) 577-6961.


To minimize or avoid a delay in housing assignment upon arrival, military personnel with accompanying family members should contact the Housing Office as soon as they become aware of their duty station change. Notification and/or applications may be submitted via the following:
Phone (760) 577-6707
DSN Phone 282 plus one of the following ext. 6707, 6872 or 5810
Fax: (760) 577-6071
DSN Fax: 282-6071

Be sure to:

  • State any special needs, such as handicap ramp, in the remarks column.
  • Specify any married dependents (i.e., parents) since they will occupy the same bedroom.
  • Include your spouse's birth date even though that block is shaded on the application.
  • Include work, home, cell and vacation phone numbers.
  • State date housing is needed.

Two common pets are allowed. Potentially dangerous dogs, such as Pit Bulls, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Rottweiler's, are not allowed aboard the installation. Please see housing office for official list.

Although base housing is not mandatory, Marines must contact the MCLB command before securing off-base housing. Once cleared through the command, Marines are advised to contact the Fort Irwin Housing Referral Office at (760) 380-3576 or DSN: 470-3576, or visit the Automated Housing Referral Network at, for a listing of suitable houses in town.

The Housing Office is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Billeting and Lodging
The Oasis Temporary Lodging Facility offers short-term housing accommodations for military members, their families and guests. For lodging availability and 24-hour message service, call (760) 577-6418. The TLF office is located in Building 185, Room "A" and is open seven days a week, 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Relocation Assistance

The Relocation Assistance Office is located in Building 129. Personnel there can help you prepare for your move to a new duty station, help you find that "perfect" place to settle after military service, and provide incoming personnel with information on the Barstow or High Desert area.

The Relocation Assistance Office also offers the SITES (Standard Information Topic Exchange Services) CD ROM, a program that allows you to look up your next duty station and download/print out information about schools, housing costs, employment and things to do in the area.

Call (760) 577-6533 or DSN 252-6533. PCSing soon? Check out