Army Continuing Education Services (ACES)


Mission Statement: The Yongsan Army Education Center is committed through its many educational programs to promote lifelong learning opportunities, contribute to the professional growth, career enhancement and self-development of a multi-service community.

Counseling Services:  The Yongsan Education Center offers a wide variety of educational programs and services. Educational counseling is first and primary service provided and is available to all ID card holders in the Yongsan Area community. Education counselors can assist with the following area: identifying educational and career goals, planning educational programs for career development, enrolling in college classes, scheduling tests, and evaluating educational progression.

Education Programs: The Yongsan Education Center offers a wide variety of educational programs and services in the following areas:

Central Texas College: Associate degree programs in criminal justice, child development, general studies, legal services, and computer studies.

University of Maryland: Bachelor and Associated degree programs in general studies, Asian studies, computer studies, information system management, psychology, sociology, business management, business, criminology and others.

University of Phoenix: Masters in Education and Business Administration.

Troy University: Masters in International Relations

Testing Programs: Testing is available to all personnel serviced by the Area’s Education Centers. Most tests are FREE to US military members; other personnel must pay a fee for certain tests. Testing services are offered at each of the eight Education Centers located in Korea. Testing is done by appointment only.
For more information call DSN: 723-4298 or go to the Education Center for information, registration, and referral through your Education Counselor.

Distance Learning/Online Education: When a soldier is unable to participate in classroom education programs, or a desired course is not available locally, it may be appropriate to select a distance learning course or degree program. All schools with offices at the Education Center offer online courses for students who have scheduling difficulties. In addition, most schools located within the US offer online classes and can be taken through the GOARMYED portal.

Financial Assistance: Federal Student Aid, MYCAA, Spouse Assistance through Army Emergency Relief, Scholarship Search, Commissary Scholarship Programs and the Thrift Shop Scholarship Program.

Army Tuition Assistance: 100% Tuition Assistance is available in most cases for all undergraduates and a percentage for graduate programs. The Army Tuition Assistance Program may pay 100% of tuition costs for active duty members in most cases. Registration fees, books and other costs are not covered.

Veterans Benefits: Veterans benefits earned by individuals may also be used after completion of the initial 30 months of active duty, or upon reenlistment, depending upon the particular VA program the veteran has participated in. While on active duty, VA benefits will only reimburse for the cost of tuition. The GI Bill may also be used in the form of TOPUP, in the event that TA does not pay for the entire tuition. Please consult a counselor prior to enrolling with the veterans’ assistance program. Members who are currently participating in the MGIBill who wish to convert to the POST 9/11 GIBill may do so by visiting and processing for the new bill. The veterans’ administration has an office in Yongsan and can be reached at 738-5121. Information regarding the transfer of the GIBill to dependents is offered at both locations. However, the transferring of benefits is considered a retention tool and comes with a service obligation of 4 years and cannot be requested unless the Soldier has already completed 6 years of service.

Peterson’s OASC or Functional Academic skills Program (FAST): The main purpose of this program is assist Soldiers in raising their GT scores for reclassification/reenlistment. However, this Basic Skills program also provides soldiers job-related instruction to improve basic educational competencies necessary for job proficiency, skill qualification, advanced schooling, and career progression. The Basic Skills program focuses on reading, writing, speaking, math and science skills soldiers need on the job; for reenlistment and reclassification purposes; and in preparation for lifelong learning. This program is individualized and self-paced. The Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is administered for enrollment and placement. The Basic Skills is an on-duty program and requires commander approval/referral for attendance.  Furthermore, this program is available to dependents of active duty Soldiers and can be used to better one’s chances at passing the GED test.

Multi-Use Learning Facility: 15 computers stand available to serve the service members. The multi-use learning facility offers service members a variety of opportunities of learning. The MLF is equipped with computers, MOS materials, enrollment in Army Correspondence Courses, and computer assistance, other educational related study guides and materials are available at the MLF.

Troops to Teachers: Brochures and information packets are available.
Troops to Teachers is a U.S. Department of Education and Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.


The Yongsan Army Education Center in Area II is committed through its many educational programs to promote lifelong learning opportunities, contribute to the professional growth, career enhancement and self-development of a multi-service community.
The Yongsan Army Education Center is located in Building 2212 on Main Post, above the Post Office. A Sub-center is located at Seoul Air Base K-16 Airfield. The main center is open for operation Monday – Friday (0800 – 1700 Hours)
Located in the city of Seoul, Yongsan is the home of Headquarters, Eighth U.S. Army/Combined Forces Command. It functions as a joint multi-service education center in that it provides educational services to over 5,000 service members from 4 branches of service.
Korea, a peninsula in Asia, divided since 1948 into two political entities: the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). After World War II, a republic was set up in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula while a Communist-style government was installed in the north. The Korean War (1950-53) had US and other UN forces intervene to defend South Korea from North Korean attacks supported by the Chinese. An armistice was signed in 1953 splitting the peninsula along a demilitarized zone at about the 38th parallel.

Contact Us
For more information, please call DSN:  723-4290/4286/4298/7783. CML 011-822-7913/4290/4286/4298/7783.
Mailing Address:  Army Education Center, Area II Support Activity, ATTN:  IMYN-HRE, Unit 15556, APO AP  96205-5556

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Date created: 3/10/2011 3:38:17 PM
Date last updated: 3/15/2012 3:32:55 PM