
The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA) has a primary function to provide direct support to the Secretary of the Army. This mission effectively serves customers in the Army and Department of Defense communities with a wide range of executive services, operations support and business activities. In addition, for Headquarters, Department of the Army, and when specified, Direct Reporting Units, the AASA exercises the same authorities as commanders of Army Commands and Army Service Component Commands, as prescribed by regulation, policy, delegation, or other issuance.

The Office of the Administrative Assistant (OAA) manages Headquarters, Department of the Army resources, provides information technology services to the greater Pentagon community, and manages the Army’s historical and heraldry programs. OAA also provides Army publishing and visual information services, records management, security and safety, and religious services for a diverse customer base. To learn more about OAA services click here.

The Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (OAA) assists customers in a wide range of business activities. We are 2,300 strong in five states and help customers around the globe accomplish their missions. We offer our products and services at the highest levels of quality, professionalism and integrity. Our management team cares about its people and works well through collaboration, innovation, and team building to get the job done.

Click Here to access additional products and services.

Common Access Card (CAC) required to access this site.

OAA Employees may Click Here to access the OAA Employee Website.

Authorized Army account required to access this site. If you have trouble accessing the Employee Website, download the Accessing the Employee Website Instructions.

On September 11, 2001, 40 employees from the Office of the Administrative Assistant lost their lives in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon. The OAA 9/11 Memorial Website was created in their honor: for public access, Click Here; CAC-enabled users, Click Here.

OAA Video: The Heartbeat of the Army

To view the video Click here. (Windows Users)

To view the video Click here. (MAC Users)