Army Resources and Programs Agency - Excellent Customer Service is our Mission

Human Resource Management Directorate

The Human Resource Management Directorate executes functions associated with the Office of the Administrative Assistant’s responsibility for oversight, management, and delivery of military and civilian human resources. We manage military personnel strength, awards, policies and actions.

We provide support to Soldiers assigned or attached to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as well as Joint and Army organizations within and outside the continental United States (CONUS). We develop, implement, and evaluate civilian human resource programs, execute civilian personnel authorities, and provide personnel guidance for and assistance to Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) activities.

Resource Services - Washington

Resource Services-Washington (RSW) provides resource management and force management support for over two hundred activities within the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) that perform a variety of readiness and operations support functions Army-wide. RSW manages the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution process for Army headquarters organizations and activities. Also, the Director, RSW is the Co-Executive for the Army Organize Program Evaluation Group (OO PEG), the authority that determines valid to critical requirements in support of the Army's Strategic Initiatives and priorities.

Directorate of Equal Employment Opportunity

The OAA plays an important role in equal employment opportunity programs for Department of the Army civilians and acts in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts and the Rehabilitation Act.

The Directorate of Equal Employment Opportunity ensures that all civilian employees and applicants for employment receive equal opportunities in employment regardless of race, sex, age, national origin, color, religion, or disability. The products and services that the directorate provides are advisory support, developing and implementing cultural/ethnic observances, and special emphasis and community outreach programs; conducting diversity and EEO awareness training; managing and processing discrimination complaints; providing reasonable accommodations; and initiating program assessments and evaluations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Website

Special Programs Office

Administers and/or oversees the following special Programs:

Committee Management

DoD-Supported Federal Advisory Committees assigned to the Secretary of the Army and Intra-Army Committees approved by the Secretary of the Army with Army-wide impact.

Mass Transportation Benefits

Monthly subsidy benefits for authorized Army employees who work within the National Capital Region and use public transportation as their primary commute from their residence to their work site as directed by Executive Order 13150.

Fundraising Campaigns

Combined Federal Campaign is an annual fundraising campaign, authorized by Executive Orders 12353 and 12404 and solicitation is conducted throughout all Army commands within the NCR.

Army Emergency Relief (AER) Campaign for HQDA

Annual fundraising campaign conducted 1 March - 15 May within HQDA. All donation to AER are used to support Soldiers and their families.