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Major Research Programs

Photo - SnailCETI Program—The Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology (CETI) is an interdisciplinary initiative that conducts empirical and theoretical research on innate and adaptive immunity using a wide array of approaches and models. CETI is formed by scientists from the University of New Mexico’s Department of Biology and Department of Computer Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Santa Fe Institute. CETI Home Page

FlyBase UNM—FlyBase UNM is part of a consortium of Research Institutions that research Drosophila melanogaster, including Harvard University, University of Indiana, and University of Cambridge, England. The FlyBase Project is a database of Drosophila genes and genomes. At FlyBase UNM, we have professionals who annotate existing Drosophila genomes, and post-baccalaureate students who are involved in genomic research at UNM.FlyBase UNM Home Page

Museum of Southwestern Biology—The Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) is a state-of-the-art repository for biological specimens and data that is located in the CERIA building in the center of UNM main campus.  The MSB is a resource center for the study of biodiversity, evolution, ecology, and natural history of living things.  Faculty curators and staff engage students directly in biodiversity research, and teach courses in biodiversity, conservation, and organism form & function. MSB Home Page

NMNH LogoNatural Heritage New Mexico—Natural Heritage New Mexico serves the people of New Mexico in their efforts to effectively manage and conserve their unique, diverse, and valuable biological resources. We perform conservation biology research in the context of global change, enhance conservation literacy and training, and are a portal for acquiring and disseminating biodiversity conservation information for New Mexico and the Southwest. NHNM Home Page

PREP LogoThe Post-baccalaureate Research and Education Program—The Post-baccalaureate Research and Education Program (PREP) is designed to enhance the ability of individuals in the biomedical sciences to gain entry to, and succeed in, nationally recognized Ph.D. programs. PREP is aimed at individuals from under-represented populations in the sciences who have recently received a Bachelors degree and have limited laboratory experience. PREP Home Page

Image - FractalPIBBS—The Program in Interdisciplinary Biology and Biomedical Science (PIBBS) is a cross- departmental, college and institutional collaboration of students and faculty interested in interdisciplinary biological research. By offering training opportunities to graduate students that are cross and interdisciplinary, PIBBS aims to produce scientists that think broadly, deeply and creatively across traditional disciplines. PIBBS Home Page

Photo - BadgerSevilleta Long Term Ecological Research Program—Sevilleta LTER addresses ecological concepts & theory through a comprehensive, interdisciplinary research program in desert grassland, shrubland, forest and riparian habitats in central New Mexico. Focal sites are the 92,060 ha Sevilleta NWR and the Middle Rio Grande Valley. Our studies are linked by an overarching aim to understand how abiotic pulses and constraints affect species interactions, community structure and ecosystem processes in aridland ecosystems. More information is available at Sevilleta LTER Home Page

Sustainability ProgramSustainability Program LogoSustainability seeks creative solutions that promote environmental health and restoration, social equity and economic vitality. The goal is to meet the needs of the present while ensuring the satisfaction of future generations. The sustainability minor cultivates the complex knowledge and skills needed to secure a healthy future for all. For more information visit: Sustainability Program Home Page

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