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NIH MD/PHD Partnership Training Program

Contacts and Links


Program Directors and Staff


The program is run by a dedicated team of NIH faculty and administrators. The program is part of the NIH Global Doctoral Partnerships, which also includes the NIH Oxford Cambridge Scholars Ph.D. Program and the NIH-Wellcome Ph.D. Studentships. These programs share activities and staff. In addition to advisors from their NIH Ph.D. program, students in the program are assigned a faculty advisor from our advisory committee below in addition to advisors from their Ph.D. Program. Please feel free to contact us at any time.  The general email for inquiries is If you would like to join the mailing list for prospective applicants please click here. The program is housed in building 15F1 in the bucolic north end of the NIH campus, informally known as 'The Cottage'. Please stop by and visit if you are on Campus. A visitor's map of the campus with the location of our offices can be printed or downloaded here: Cottage Map.



Program Advisory Committee



Craig Blackstone, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Senior Investigator, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Research Interest: Cell Biology
Clinical Training: Neurology

Craig Blackstone, MD, PhD is Senior Investigator at the NINDS as well as Director of the NIH MD-PhD Partnership Training Program.  He received BS and MS degrees in 1987 from the University of Chicago, where he was awarded the Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research.  He was awarded a Medical Scientist Training Program Fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he completed MD and PhD degrees in 1994.  His graduate studies in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Huganir were on the structure and regulation of glutamate receptors in the central nervous system, for which he received the David Israel Macht Research Award.  After a neurology residency in the Harvard-Longwood Neurology Program, Dr. Blackstone pursued fellowship training in movement disorders at the Massachusetts General Hospital and postdoctoral research training with Dr. Morgan Sheng at Harvard Medical School.  In 2001, Dr. Blackstone joined the NINDS Clinical Neurosciences Program.  His laboratory focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the hereditary spastic paraplegias, and the cellular regulation of mitochondrial fission and fusion in both normal and neurological disease states.  He served on the Executive Council of the American Neurological Association from 2008-2011 and is currently Co-Director of the American Neurological Association's Annual Translational and Clinical Research Course in the Neurosciences.   He is an elected member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation and the Board of Consulting Editors for the Journal of Clinical Investigation.  In 2012, Dr. Blackstone received the NIH Director's Ruth L. Kirschstein Mentoring Award.





Rick Fairhurst, M.D., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program
Clinical Tenure-track Investigator, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Research Interest: Malaria Pathogenesis and Immunity
Clinical Training: Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases

Dr. Rick Fairhurst received his M.D. and Ph.D. (molecular biology) degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Following an internal medicine residency and an infectious diseases fellowship at UCLA Medical Center, he joined NIAID's Division of Intramural Research in 2001. As a clinical tenure-track investigator, Dr. Fairhurst focuses his laboratory’s work on elucidating the mechanisms of malaria pathogenesis, human genetic resistance to malaria, acquired immunity to malaria, and parasite resistance to the artemisinin class of antimalarial drugs. He travels frequently to malaria-endemic areas of Mali and Cambodia, where his trainees and colleagues enroll patients into clinical research protocols and use patient and parasite specimens in laboratory experiments. Presently, Dr. Fairhurst serves as president of the American Committee on Molecular, Cellular, and Immunoparasitology (ACMCIP), a subcommittee of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH). Recently, he was appointed deputy director of the NIH M.D.-Ph.D. Partnership Training Program. In 2011, Dr. Fairhurst received NIAID’s Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award.






Picture of Richard Siegel

Richard Siegel, M.D., Ph.D.

Senior Advisor, NIH MD/PhD Partnership Program

Senior Investigator,National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease

Research Interest: Immunology

Clinical Training: Rheumatology




Richard Siegel trained at the University of Pennsylvania, initially as an M.D./Ph.D. student in immunology and  then as a resident in internal medicine and rheumatology fellow. He moved to the NIH in 1996 to do postdoctoral training with Michael Lenardo in the Laboratory of Immunology in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. There he studied apoptosis signaling and the molecular basis of its impairment in patients with inherited mutations in Fas/CD95 and the Autoimmune Lymphoprolieferative Syndrome (ALPS). In 2001, Dr. Siegel moved to NIAMS as a tenure-track investigator. His current research interests include regulation of cellular survival and death in immune system by TNF receptor and other signaling pathways, and the relevance of these pathways to autoimmune diseases and immune tolerance. He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry. In 2006, with Michael Lenardo, Dr. Siegel  founded the MD/PhD partnership training program.




Associate Program Directors

Picture of Kirk Fischbeck

Kurt Fischbeck, M.D.

Associate Director, MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Senior Investigator, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Research Interest: Neuroscience, Neurogenetics

Clinical Training: Neurology






Brian Kelsall, M.D.

Brian Kelsall, M.D.

Associate Director, MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Senior Investigator, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Research Interest: Immunology

Clinical Training: Internal Medicine/ Infectious Diseases




Picture of Alan Michelson


Alan M. Michelson, M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Director, MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Senior Investigator, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Research Interest: Developmental and Systems Biology

Clinical Training: Internal Medicine





Picture of Pam Schwartzberg


Pam Schwartzberg, M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Director, MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Senior Investigator, National Human Genome Research Institute

Research Interest: Immunology, Genetics

Clinical Training: Pediatrics




Picture of Carter Van Waes



Carter Van Waes, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Director, MD/PhD Partnership Training Program
Senior Investigator, National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Research Interest: Oncology
Clinical Training: Otorhinolaryngology










Program Administrators



    Katie Soucy, MS
    Managing Director, NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

    Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program



    Matthew Vogt, PhD
    Director of Student Affairs, NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

    Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program




















Contacts and Links