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U.S. History Topics » Business & Work » Labor

Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting

presents 3882 photos and 470 interview excerpts from a 1994 study of occupational culture in the cradle of the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. Founded in 1791, Paterson, New Jersey, became a leading manufacturer of silk, railroad locomotives, firearms, and other products. Learn how its industrial heritage is reflected in Paterson today. Explore business life along one street. Hear interviews with retired workers. (Library of Congress)

   Go to this website
Six workers wrapping cooked pies with plastic wrap. Photographer: Cooper, Martha, 1994-08-17.

Wrapping cooked pies

 This website also appears in:
U.S. History Topics »  States & Regions »  Northeast
U.S. Time Periods »  1945-Present: Contemporary America » 

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