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NOAA logo El Niño Theme Page TAO logo
The Basics    

What is La Niña?
What is El Niño?
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
More FAQ's
Impacts of El Niño
Benefits of El Niño prediction
Spanish and Portuguese language sites
Operational El Niño Observing System

New! YouTube Video Developing an El Niño Observing System

  Normal Conditions  
      El Niño and Normal and La Niña conditions  
What is happening now?    

What's happening now?
Latest forecasts
Latest data, products and analyses
Impacts and prediction benefits
3D Animation of El Niño temperatures
More animations and graphics

  Click to start animation (160K)
Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature
Click for more information
Where can I find data on El Niño?    
  TAO moored buoy data
Upper Ocean Heat Content
Latest data, products & analyses
Volunteer ship temperature data
Drifting buoy data
Sea level field analyses
Satellite data
Climate data
Numerical model simulations
Ka'Imimoana shipboard data
  Equatorial Pacific water and sst temperatures under normal conditions  
      Normal, El Niño and Developing La Niña  
El Niño to blame?  
El Niño and wildfires shadow
blank gif
El Niño and drought shadow

The TAO Project
Reports to the Nation
About Theme Pages

NOAA El Niño Page
El Niño Research

Department of Commerce / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory / Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project
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