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U.S. and Afghan Government Officials Celebrate Human Rights Day

USAID's Rule of Law Stabilization Program-Formal Component hosted a Human Rights Law Day celebration in Kabul



Advisory committee workshop participants brainstorming roles and responsibilities.

On February 9, in Kabul, the USAID-funded Rule of Law Stabilization Program – Formal Component hosted a “Human Rights Law Day” celebration.  Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker Dr. Sima Samar, the Chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, provided opening remarks.  After the opening ceremony, students of the program gave presentations about emerging political rights, human rights, and civil issues facing Afghanistan.  The event culminated in a feature gallery presentation of original student artwork promoting public awareness of these legal rights.  USAID’s formal rule of law project is designed to develop the human and institutional capacity of the justice sector, increase the public’s access to justice, particularly women, and promote the public’s demand for rule of law in Afghanistan.

USAID/Afghanistan Program Highlights: 2/1/2011-2/15/2011

Learn more: Democracy & Governance

About this activity: Rule of Law Stabilization Program – Formal Component


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