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AIDS Malignancy Consortium

The AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC) is an NCI-supported clinical trials group founded in 1995 to support innovative trials for HIV-associated malignancies. The AMC is now composed of eight Domestic Core Sites and a number of affiliated sites that contribute patients to domestic AMC trials. The AMC is committed to enhancing therapeutic options for patients with HIV-associated malignancies.

The eight successfully recompeted Domestic Core Sites include:

Dr. Bruce Dezube and other clinical staff of the AMC site at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

The organization and structure of the AMC were created to foster development of innovative research ideas designed to reduce the burden of malignancy among HIV-infected individuals. The AMC's scientific committees include a Laboratory/Translational Sciences Working Group and four disease-focused working groups: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS); Lymphoma; Human Papillomavirus-associated Diseases (HPV); and a newly-established Non-AIDS Defining Cancers (NADC). In addition, four standing resource committees focus on logistical and functional aspects of the group which enables the AMC to carry out its mission. These include: International Resource Committee; Laboratory Resource Committee; Site Evaluation Committee; and the Outreach, Education and Retention Committee (OER). The scientific working groups and the resource committees are led and overseen by the Group Chair's Office and are supported by the Operations, Data Management and Statistical Centers to develop and direct the scientific agenda, manage the group's portfolio of clinical trials and correlative studies, and develop new protocols.

Dr. Ariela Noy, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, is Chair of the AIDS Malignancy Consortium Lymphoma Working Group.

The AMC has been charged with expanding their capacity to conduct trials in Africa and other resource-limited areas worldwide in order to address the heavy burden of HIV-associated malignancies in those areas. To this end, the AMC's International Resource Committee has spent the past two years developing a strategy to identify, engage and provide a way for sites to demonstrate competency in key areas of clinical trials conduct. The AMC conducted a registration trial (AMC S002) and performed site visits to S002 participating sites in Africa to evaluate the ability of the sites to work within the AMC structure, and to gauge expertise and capacity for providing both HIV and oncological care to patients with HIV-associated malignancies. In September 2010, four sites were selected to serve as International Core Sites, with the hopes that two successful years of international clinical trials development will allow for expansion to include additional International Core Sites. In addition the AMC currently have collaborative sites in India, Brazil and several other African countries.

The four new International Core Sites include:

The AMC is a single U01 grant awarded to the University of California, Los Angeles and Dr. Ronald Mitsuyasu is the Principal Investigator.

Learn more about the AIDS Malignancy Consortium.