United States Department of Veterans Affairs
 Resources & Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding & Empowerment

Logo for Resources & Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding & Empowerment (RESCUE)

Resources & Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding & Empowerment (RESCUE)

Woman is working on her laptop computer visiting the RESCUE website

Welcome to the RESCUE Website

Resources and Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding and Empowerment, or RESCUE for short, is a lifeline to help caregivers “keep their head above water.” Stroke onset is very sudden and new caregivers are not always prepared for this new role. The caregiver may be overwhelmed and feel like the person who needs to be rescued. The RESCUE website provides stroke caregivers with information and resources to help them better care for their loved one. The website also gives caregivers information to help them take care of themselves. There are 45 easy-to-read “fact sheets” about stroke and stroke caregiving on this website. They can be downloaded and printed. The 45 fact sheets are also available in Spanish.

RESCUE en Espanol, Stroke caregiver fact sheets now available in Spanish

RESCUE Fact Sheet Categories

The RESCUE team has prepared 45 fact sheets that will help you with any questions you may have. These fact sheets are divided into the following categories:

An  X-ray of a person's brain

Many people don’t know what a stroke is or why it happened. In this section, you will learn about the causes of stroke and how to prevent another stroke in the future.

Two doctors

You may be overwhelmed by the amount of stroke information available. This section teaches you how to find up-to-date information from trusted sources. It also provides you with tips for talking to your healthcare team.

Silhouette of a man pushing a woman in a wheelchair while the sun is setting

The daily stresses of caregiving can wear you down. To be the best
caregiver, you must first take care of yourself. This section has tips on
lowering your stress and depression. It also provides information on family relationships and long-distance caregiving.

Elderly woman is walking with the help of her granddaughter

Dealing with the physical needs brought on by stroke is hard. This section informs you about changes in how the body functions and problems with speech.

Elderly man has his eyes closed and is holding his hand to his head like he is depressed

Stroke can change your loved one’s personality and behavior. This
section teaches you how to deal with these changes.

Many fruits and vegetables

Helping your loved one lead a healthier life can promote stroke recovery. Topics in this section include preventing falls and managing your loved one’s medications.

Older man driving his car with the top down

You may wonder how much help to give your loved one. In this section,
you will learn ways to increase your loved one’s independence, while still
lending a hand.

Two pairs of hands where one is helping the other

You may not know what help is available in your local area. In this section you will learn about respite care, long-term care housing, and stroke support groups.

Gavel on a white background

Money issues can cause a lot of worry and stress. Tips for how to manage
finances and sort through the legal process can be found in this section.

Provider is talking to and helping a patient

In the last section of this book you will find helpful tools. These tools can be used for tracking your loved one's important health information. They include a personal health record form, a medication card and an aphasia card.

Alternate lifepreserver logo for the RESCUE Project
Logo for the Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Center - White head on a blue background with a blue brain containing 5 white and one red star

These materials were created for the project:

Web-Based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post-Stroke

Project Number SDP 06-327 funded by VA HSR&D Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI); Supported by the
Stroke QUERI

Visit the Stroke QUERI Website