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Mac Thornberry

Mac Thornberry
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  1. In this edition of my video mailbox, I want to respond to the letters, emails, and phone calls I have been receiving about gun control. I have always stood against gun control because it only limits the constitutional rights of the people who follow the law and does nothing to stop those people who would violate the law. The shooter in Connecticut, a state with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, killed his mother and took her lawfully obtained weapons. He illegally carried the guns into a gun free zone. No law could stop him because he was committed to carrying out an evil act.
  3. I thought you may be interested to read Paul Ryan’s statement on why he voted for yesterday’s bill. We both believe that our debt problem will never be fixed until we address out-of-control government spending. Now that we have made the Bush tax cuts permanent for almost all Americans, we can focus on our nation’s real problem: spending.

    Click the link below to read his statement.
  4. Here is a brief summary of the bill passed by the Senate last night. I would be interested in brief, thoughtful comments on how you feel about this measure. You can also email me with your thoughts by visiting my website at
  5. As you may know, both the House and Senate are in session this week trying to find agreement on a way to avert the fiscal cliff and to deal with other expiring laws. There seems to be movement towards extending the current Farm Bill until S...eptember, and most everyone agrees that the scheduled 27% cut in Medicare reimbursement to doctors would drive many of them out of the program. Much more uncertain is what will happen on taxes and across-the-board spending cuts. Here is a recent column I wrote on the fiscal cliff.See More
  6. My family and I wish each of you a blessed Christmas.
  7. The House did not vote on the bill to prevent tax increases for those making under $1 million in income because there were not enough votes for it to pass. I would have voted for it. The House did pass the measure to replace the across-the-board spending cuts with targeted cuts in the same amount, with my support.
  8. Unless Congress acts, on January 1st, every American who pays taxes will see them go up. On the same day, a series of automatic, across-the-board spending cuts will occur. Half of those cuts will come from defense, which only represents 19.4 percent of the entire federal budget. The House has already voted to extend these tax rates and replace the automatic cuts with more common-sense reductions that still reduce the deficit. This afternoon, the House will vote again to prevent tax increases for the vast majority of Americans and small businesses and replace the automatic cuts with serious spending cuts and other reforms.
  9. I was on Fox News yesterday discussing the importance of spending cuts in any fiscal cliff deal. Statistics based on the past 67 years of tax rates and federal spending show that, no matter how high the tax rates have gone, we have never be...en able to collect more tax revenue than 20.6 percent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Today, federal spending is 24.3 percent of GDP. Those two numbers tell me that we will not be able to fix our nation’s fiscal problems by simply raising tax rates.See More
  10. Scheduled to be on Fox News at 12:10pm Texas time. Hope you can tune in.

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