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Market Research

Baugh, K., B. Byrnes, and C. Jones Developing a Customer Driven Renewable Program: Public Service Company of Colorado's Use of Market Research Findings. 6th Biennial Marketing Research Symposium. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. 55-68, 1994. (EPRI TR-104558)

Bird, L., J. Heeter, and C. Kreycik, 2011. Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Markets: Status and Trends. NREL/TP-6A20-52868 (PDF 1.2 MB)

Bird, L., E. Holt, J. Sumner, and C. Kreycik, 2010. Voluntary Green Power Market Forecast through 2015, NREL/TP-6A2-48158. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, May. (PDF 695 KB)

Bird, L. and E. Lokey, 2007. Interaction of Compliance and Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets, NREL/ TP-670-42096. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 1.1 MB)

Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2005. Estimates of New Renewable Energy Capacity Serving U.S. Green Power Markets (2004). Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September. (PDF 140 KB)

Bird, L., D. Hurlbut, P. Donohoo, K. Cory, and C. Kreycik, 2010. Examination of the Regional Supply and Demand Balance for Renewable Electricity in the United States through 2015 (Revised). NREL/TP-6A2-45041. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, June. Original publication date: March 2009 (PDF 889 KB)

California Energy Commission. Renewable Energy Study, P500-02-016, November 2001. (PDF 396 KB)

Clark, C.F., M.J. Kotchen, and M.R. Moore. (2003). "Internal and External Influences on Pro-Environmental Behavior: Participation in a Green Electricity Program," Journal of Environmental Psychology, June, 23: 237-246.

EPRI Green Power Guidelines: Volume 2, Assessing Small- and Medium-Sized Business Market Segments, 1999. Order Number: TR-109192-V2.

Elefant, C., E. Holt, 2011. The Commerce Clause and Implications for State Renewable Portfolio Standard. Montpelier, VT: Clean Energy States Alliance, April.

Environmental Leader and Retailer Daily, 2010. Enterprise Renewable Energy Adoption Survey: Benchmarking Onsite Renewable Energy Generation, Purchasing & REC Buying. Environmental Leader, LLC, published in association with Retailer Daily. (PDF 665 KB)

Farhar, B.C. Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Resources: A Review of Utility Market Research. NREL/TP-550-26148. Golden: CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, July 1999. (PDF 412 KB)

Farhar, B.C. and J. Buhrmann Public Response to Residential Grid-Tied PV Systems in Colorado: A Qualitative Market Assessment. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1998. NREL/TP-550-24004. (PDF 436 KB)

Farhar, B. Trends in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy: Executive Summary. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1993. (NREL/EP-461-4857a) Full report is available through NTIS.

Farhar, B.C. Energy and the Environment: The Public View. Renewable Energy Policy Projects Issue Brief No. 3. October 1996.

Farhar, B.C. and A. Houston Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Energy. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 1996. (NREL/TP-460-21216)

Farhar, B.C. and T. Coburn Colorado Homeowner Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy, Technical Report, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, 1999. NREL/TP-550-25285. (PDF 552 KB)

Friedman, B., L. Bird, and G. Barbose, 2008. Considerations for Emerging Markets for Energy Savings Certificates, NREL/TP-670-44072. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 825 KB)

Guild, W., R. Lehr, D. Thomas. 2003. Nebraska Public Power District Customer Meeting on Energy Alternatives: Summary of Results. August 19. (PDF 680 KB)

Hanson, Craig, 2005. Corporate Guide to Green Power Markets (Installment 7): The Business Case for Using Renewable Energy. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC. (PDF 143 KB)

Harmon, R., and T.J. Starrs, 2004. Changing the Mix: Meeting Customer Expectations in the Green Power Market. Paper prepared for the American Solar Energy Society presented at SOLAR 2004 Conference, Portland, Oregon, July 9-14, 2004.

Heeter, J. and J. McLaren, 2012. Innovations in Voluntary Renewable Energy Procurement: Methods for Expanding Access and Lowering Cost for Communities, Governments, and Businesses. NREL/TP-6A20-54991 (PDF 1.0 MB)

Holt, E. and R. Wiser. Understanding Consumer Demand for Green Power. Report prepared for the National Wind Coordinating Committee, 1999.

Interstate Renewable Energy Council, 2012. Community-Shared Solar Diverse Approaches For A Common Goal. (PDF 3.6 MB)

Jacobsen, G.D., M.J. Kotchen, and M.P. Vandenbergh. (2010). "The Behavioral Response to Voluntary Provision of an Environmental Public Good: Evidence from Residential Electricity Demand." National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. Working Paper 16608 / JEL No. H41,Q42,Q54. December.

Kotchen, M., 2006. "Green Markets and Private Provision of Public Goods." Journal of Political Economy. 114(4):816-834. (PDF 400 KB)

Kotchen M. and M. Moore, 2007. "Private Provision of Environmental Public Goods: Household Participation in Green-Electricity Programs." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53:1-16.

Kotcheny, M.J. and M.R. Moore (2004). Conservation Behavior: From Voluntary Restraint to a Voluntary Price Premium. Williamstown, MA: Williams College, October. (PDF 264 KB)

Lehr, R.L., W. Guild, D. Thomas, B. Swezey, 2003. Listening to Customers: How Deliberative Polling Helped Build 1,000 MW of New Renewable Energy Projects in Texas, NREL/TP-620-33177. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, June. (PDF 828 KB)

Nakarado, G.L. A Marketing Orientation Is the Key to a Sustainable Energy Future. White Paper. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1996.

Natural Marketing Institute and Center for Resource Solutions, 2009. Unlocking The Power of Renewable Energy Certification To Build Credibility With Consumers. Center for Resource Solutions, June. (PDF 237 KB)

Natural Marketing Institute, 2011. Consumer Attitudes About Renewable Energy. NREL/SR-6A20-50988. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, April. (PDF 492 KB) Related Presentation: Consumer Attitudes About Renewable Energy (PowerPoint 930 KB)

Putt del Pino, Samantha, 2006. Switching to Green: A renewable energy guide for office and retail companies. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, October. (PDF 1.36 MB)

Q4 Associates and TecMRKT Works. The Fort Collins Wind Power Pilot Program: Who Subscribed and Why?. Prepared for the City of Fort Collins Utilities, Fall 1999.

Roe, B., M. F. Teisl, A. Levy, and M. Russell. "US Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity," Energy Policy 29 (11): 917-925, 2001.

Rowlands, I.H., D. Scott and P. Parker. "Consumers and Green Electricity: Profiling Potential Purchasers," Business Strategy and the Environment, Bus. Strat. Env. 12: 36-48, 2003. (PDF 125 KB)

Rowlands, I.H., P. Parker and D. Scott. "Consumer Perceptions of 'Green Power'," Journal of Consumer Marketing, (19)2: 112-129, 2002.

Swezey, B., J. Aabakken, and L. Bird, 2007. A Preliminary Examination of the Supply and Demand Balance for Renewable Electricity, NREL/TP-670-42266. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 530 KB)

Terzic, B. 2000 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Consumer Awareness Survey of Electric Deregulation. Deloitte & Touche, October 18, 2000.

U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, World Resources Institute, Center for Resource Solutions, 2010. Guide to Purchasing Green Power: Renewable Electricity, Renewable Energy Certificates, and On-Site Renewable Generation (Updated). Washington, D.C. ISBN: 1-56973-577-8. March. (PDF 2.0 MB)

U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, World Resources Institute, Center for Resource Solutions. 2004. Guide to Purchasing Green Power: Renewable Electricity, Renewable Energy Certificates, and On-Site Renewable Generation. September. (PDF 960 KB)

Wiser, R. 1998. "Green Power Marketing: Increasing Customer Demand for Renewable Energy." Utilities Policy, 7 (2): 107-119.

Wiser, R., Bolinger, M., Holt, E. 2000. "Customer Choice and Green Power in the United States: How Far Can It Take Us?" Energy and Environment, 11(4): 461-477.

Wood, L., A. Kenyon, W. Desvousges and L. Morander "How Much Are Customers Willing to Pay for Improvements in Health and Environmental Quality?" Electricity Journal 8 (4): 70-77, 1995.

Zarnikau, J. 2003. "Consumer Demand for 'Green Power' and Energy Efficiency." Energy Policy, 31: 1661-1672.


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