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Office of Justice Programs

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  • Overview
  • Eligibility & Criteria
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Apply for TTA

OVC TTAC offers specialized training and technical assistance (TTA) to meet your organization’s needs. All TTA is designed to help you build capacity and improve the quality of services offered to victims of crime in a variety of settings. Year-round, OVC TTAC receives and processes applications from a variety of agencies and institutions requesting help in building their capacity in a number of victim-focused areas.

What types of training and technical assistance does OVC TTAC provide?

OVC TTAC uses a network of consultants and experts in the victim services field to design and deliver customized training and technical assistance to eligible requesters. OVC TTAC can support consultant costs for providing the following types of TTA:

  • Speakers Bureau presentations, including plenary, panel, or victim impact presentations.
  • Conference sessions/workshops or a tailored training to meet organizational needs on various victimizations or crime and victim assistance topics.
  • Peer-to-peer training or technical assistance.
  • Organizational needs assessment.
  • Comprehensive or long-term technical assistance to assist with specialized program development, implementation, and community collaboration.
  • Program evaluation.

Who is eligible to request training and/or technical assistance through this program?

Victim service providers, criminal justice professionals, and allied (e.g., mental health, medical, clergy) professionals who work in community or state agencies, nonprofits, tribal organizations, and other institutions that serve victims of crime may apply for Customized TTA support.

What are OVC's criteria for evaluating TTA applications?

OVC reviews and makes funding decisions on TTA applications. Key criteria for evaluating TTA applications include the following:

  • The organization applying for assistance is an established public or private nonprofit organization with an existing track-record of providing services to victims of crime.
  • The TTA will expand the capacity of the organization to effectively address the needs of victims in the community or geographic region that it serves.
  • The requested assistance is not provided by another federal organization, including via an ongoing or recent grant.
  • The requested assistance falls within the mission and funding priorities identified by OVC.
  • OVC has not supported the applicant in the past 12 months.
  • The organization applying for assistance will contribute resources or funds toward the delivery of the requested assistance.

Please Note:

  • OVC TTAC must receive your complete and accurate application no less than 135 days prior to the date TTA is needed – NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Customzed TTA requesters must provide all required information and supporting documentation within allotted deadlines, or may have their applications denied due to incompleteness.
  • Speaker/consultant fees are based on an OVC-established rate structure for training, technical assistance, and other approved work assignments through OVC TTAC. These fees may not be used to subsidize additional funding already anticipated or allocated for support of OVC-funded speakers/consultants
  • Speakers and consultants (enrolled or not) under contract with OVC TTAC for a specific event are ineligible to receive Professional Development Scholarship support to attend that event.

Prior to applying for training and technical assistance, please call 1-866-682-8822 and ask to speak with an OVC TTAC TA Specialist.

These FAQs provide answers to commonly asked questions about completing the request form, consultant information, funding decisions, and organizational responsibilities if the application for funding is approved.

What is OVC TTAC's role in relation to OVC?

OVC TTAC delivers and supports training and technical assistance for the victim services field on behalf of the Office for Victims of Crime.

How can OVC TTAC help me and my organization?

OVC TTAC can provide subject matter experts, seasoned victim service professionals, and crime victims/survivors to either conduct a training designed to meet your organization specific needs; deliver hands-on technical assistance in areas such as strategic planning; or address your conference audience.

If my organization already received OVC funding for training and technical assistance within the last 12 months, can I apply again?

No. If your organization recently received OVC funding for training and technical assistance, you are not able to apply again unless the two events are at least 12 months apart, and are different in content.

I am an OVC discretionary grantee. Can I still apply for OVC TTAC assistance?

Yes, but OVC TTAC will contact your OVC grant monitor to determine if you are eligible for OVC TTAC funds. OVC may also contact your grant monitor if your funding was awarded by another agency addressing victims’ issues within the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ).

How do I find a consultant/speaker?

The OVC Consultant Network includes skilled experts, experienced trainers and speakers who are enrolled as consultants and deliver TTA requested by the field. Upon receipt of your application, an OVC TTAC Technical Assistance (TA) Specialist will match your organization's needs with three enrolled consultants who are qualified in your requested topic area/s, and from which one will be approved by OVC. Some requesters identify specific consultants in their applications. Please be aware that if your organization requests a non-enrolled speaker/trainer, he/she will be expected to provide complete and timely information to the TA Specialist, and will have to meet criteria applicable to all consultants with regard to assignment approvals.

Also note that OVC makes all final decisions regarding Customized TTA applications, including the consultants assigned to complete the TTA. Thus, OVC may select a consultant other than the one requested (enrolled or not) in the application.

How do I know if a consultant/speaker is enrolled?

OVC TTAC will search the Consultant Network to determine if a consultant is enrolled.

Is there a limit on the number of consultants I can request?

A maximum of two consultants per Customized TTA application current applies.

Why are Customized TTA applications due at least 135 days prior to the event date?

TTA applications are due at least 135 days prior to the date of the event to (1) ensure that OVC TTAC has enough time to process your request, (2) ensure that OVC has enough time to review the application and make a funding decision, and (3) complete the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) mandatory pre-approval. OVC TTAC must receive your complete and accurate application at least 135 days prior to the date TTA is needed – NO EXCEPTIONS.

Please note:

Customized TTA requesters must provide all required information and supporting documentation within allotted deadlines, or may have their applications denied due to incompleteness.

To ensure that your application is complete and accurate, you are strongly encouraged to seek OVC TTAC assistance at 1-866-682-8822 (TTY 1-866-682-8880) prior to submission.

How will I know that OVC TTAC has received my application?

Upon the receipt of your TTA application, OVC TTAC sends a confirmation notice via e-mail within 48 hours. If you did not provide an e-mail address, OVC TTAC will fax the confirmation notice. If you do not receive a confirmation in the specified timeframe, please contact OVC TTAC immediately.

What happens after I submit my application?

OVC TTAC assigns your application to a Technical Assistance (TA) Specialist for processing. The TA Specialist will contact you to conduct a needs assessment and will work with you to assess your needs and identify the qualified and available consutant/s to fulfill your request. The TA Specialist will compile all relevant and required information and documentation regarding your application and send it to OVC. OVC will review the application materials and make a funding decision. Once OVC makes a funding and consultant decision, your TA Specialist will contact you with the application outcome.

Does OVC TTAC make the decision regarding approval or denial and/or level of funding?

No. OVC and DOJ make all final decisions regarding every aspect of a Customized TTA application.

How long does it take for OVC and DOJ to make a final decision regarding a Customized TTA application?

In general, OVC and DOJ make a final decision within 4-5 weeks of OVC TTAC's submission of the final and complete application file for OVC and DOJ reviews. The file will reflect the needs assessment and intake process and the confirmed TTA scope and content, and will contain all required information documentation collected within the allotted deadlines from both the requesting organization and the recommended consultant/s.

If the application is approved, how are the consultant fees and travel expenses handled?

OVC TTAC will contract directly with the consultant to cover compensation and reimbursement of allowable expenses approved by OVC (e.g., consultant fees, airfare, M&IE), per Customized TTA program regulations and OVC/federal guidelines.


OVC TTAC will not release any funds to the approved organization to cover the aforementioned costs.

If my application is approved, what are my organization's responsibilities to OVC TTAC?

Your organization will be responsible for keeping your TA Specialist informed of any changes with your event (e.g., event date, workshop/training content, workshop time or duration, cancellation, postponement) as soon as these changes are decided upon*, obtaining and sending to OVC TTAC a list of workshop/training attendees, and completing a feedback form and returning it to OVC TTAC within 2 weeks following the event.

* Failure to notify OVC TTAC in advance may void the OVC approval for part or all of the requested support.

Are there restrictions I should know about when it comes to the use of trainers/speakers from the OVC Consultant Network?

Consultant fees are based on an OVC-established rate structure for training, technical assistance, and other approved work assignments. These established fees may not be used to subsidize additional funding already anticipated or allocated for support of assigned consultants.


This rate structure and related restrictions equally apply to non-enrolled trainers/speakers identified by an applying organization and approved for delivery of their requested TTA.

Can my organization receive an OVC Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship, Training by Request (TBR) and Customized Training and Technical Assistance Program award in the same year?

No, only one OVC Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship, TBR or Customized Training and Technical Assistance award may be awarded to a single organization in a 12-month period from the start date of the organization's last OVC-supported event.

While OVC TTAC processes all applications and conducts a needs assessment for Customized TTA requesters, OVC makes all funding decisions regarding these applications.

OVC TTAC must receive your complete and accurate application at least 135 days prior to the date TTA is needed — NO EXCEPTIONS.

To ensure that your application is complete and accurate, you are strongly encouraged to seek OVC TTAC assistance at 1-866-682-8822 (TTY 1-866-682-8880) prior to submission.

Apply Online

To conveniently complete and submit your Customized TTA Program application online, follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Complete the Online Application.
    For your convenience, you will be sent a username and password to access your application later. Once you have clicked Submit, you will be sent an automatic e-mail confirmation that your application was received. If you do not receive this e-mail, please call OVC TTAC and speak with a TA Specialist to confirm receipt.

    If you have already started your application and would like to continue
    or view the status of previously submitted applications, please Log In here.

    Step 2: Scan/E-mail, Fax, or Mail the Signed Cover Letter
    A signed cover letter from your organization's executive director or other senior staff should be submitted along with your application. This letter must be printed on your organization's letterhead; must feature a manual (not electronic) signature; and should inform OVC of:

    1. The event essentials (who/what/where/when).
    2. Your organizational and/or community needs specific to the requested support.
    3. The benefits you expect out of this training or technical assistance, if it is approved.

    Submit the cover letter to OVC TTAC via e-mail, fax, or mail:

      Office for Victims of Crime
      Training and Technical Assistance Center

      Attn: Customized TTA Program Team
      9300 Lee Highway
      Fairfax, VA 22031-6050

      Phone: 1-866-OVC TTAC (1-866-682-8822)
      Fax: 703-225-2338

Apply by Mail, Fax, or E-mail

Note: If you submit your Customized TTA Program application by mail (USPS), fax, or e-mail, OVC TTAC must receive it no later than 135 days prior to the event date.

To apply by mail, fax, or e-mail, follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Download and complete the TTA Application:
    TTA Application and Instructions (PDF, 83 KB)
    TTA Application and Instructions (Word, 116 KB)

    Step 2: Mail, Fax, or Scan/E-mail the Signed Cover Letter
    A signed cover letter from your organization's executive director or other senior staff should be submitted along with your application. This letter must be printed on your organization's letterhead; must feature a manual (not electronic) signature; and should inform OVC of:

    1. The event essentials (who/what/where/when).
    2. Your organizational and/or community needs specific to the requested support.
    3. The benefits you expect out of this training or technical assistance, if it is approved.

    Submit the application and cover letter to OVC TTAC via mail, fax, or e-mail:

      Office for Victims of Crime
      Training and Technical Assistance Center

      Attn: Customized TTA Program Team
      9300 Lee Highway
      Fairfax, VA 22031-6050

      Phone: 1-866-OVC TTAC (1-866-682-8822)
      Fax: 703-225-2338

    To ensure that your application is complete and accurate, you are strongly encouraged to seek OVC TTAC assistance at 1-866-682-8822 (TTY 1-866-682-8880) prior to submission.

    Thank you for considering OVC TTAC for your training and technical assistance needs.

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