A Look at the Republican Record of Not Governing

For Immediate Release:

July 25, 2012


Katie GrantDaniel Reilly, 202-225-3130

“This is now the pattern of business in the House of Representatives: Spend most of the time passing bills designed not to become law but to satisfy the ideological desires of conservative voters. And block laws that actually need to get passed.” [New York Times, 6/8]

Over the last 19 months in the majority, House Republicans have wasted time passing GOP messaging bills that appeal to their conservative base, rather than working towards bipartisan compromises on critical legislation.  Meanwhile, the Senate has passed multiple pieces of legislation with strong bipartisan votes.  House Republicans continue to choose confrontation over compromise, refusing to take up any of these bills and putting American families and businesses at risk.  Here’s a look at how House Republicans are refusing to govern for the middle class:

 Wasting Time on Bills to Nowhere

  • Attempts to Repeal Affordable Care Act and Remove Health Care Protections
    • “It has no chance of approval in the Senate and would face a veto from Mr. Obama if it ever got to him. …The House has voted more than 30 times to repeal part or all of the 2010 law or to choke off money needed for various provisions, including coverage of more than 30 million uninsured people.” [New York Times, 7/11]
  • Anti Regulatory Bills that Don’t Create Jobs
    • “In interviews conducted by The Huffington Post with five economists, nearly all said the GOP jobs package would have no meaningful impact on job creation in the near term. Some dismissed the idea that it would do much in the long term, as well.” [Huffington Post, 7/24]

House Republicans Refuse to Take Up Bipartisan Senate Bills

  • Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act  (Passed 68-31 on April 26, 2012)
    • With Congress just days away from its August break, House Republicans have to decide which is more important: protecting victims of domestic violence or advancing the harsh antigay and anti-immigrant sentiments of some on their party’s far right. At the moment, harshness is winning.” [New York Times, 7/24]
  • Farm Bill (Passed 64-35 on June 21, 2012)
    • “In the midst of a severe drought, the House Republican leaders are proposing to walk away from farm states and decades of precedent by not calling up the new five-year plan before the current law expires Sept. 30.” [Politico, 7/23]
  • Postal Reform (Passed 62-37 on April 25, 2012)
    • “Floor approval should be a no-brainer, leading to a decent compromise with the Senate. Then again, another siren call for a 34th vote against the health care law is more likely to stir the House leadership than any obligation to modernize the nation’s mail delivery.” [New York Times, 7/24

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