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Small Business


General Business Inquiries and Business Counseling:

Are you a small business owner or potential entrepreneur? The resources below can provide a variety of assistance to you, from one-on-one counseling to helping you craft a business plan and securing a loan. They also provide guidance for Veteran and women-owned businesses, government contracting, and helping to navigate federal programs that can assist your business.

Contracting with the Government:

Do you have a service or product that you think the government could use?  Do you want to expand your business by providing business to the federal government?  The resources below will help connect you with state and federal opportunities to do business with your government.

  • NH Procurement and Technical Assistance Program
    172 Pembroke Road
    Concord, NH 03302
    Phone: (603) 271-7581
    Fax: (603) 271-7583
    Contact: David Pease, Program Manager

  • Office of Government Contracting, SBA
    JC Cleveland Federal Building
    55 Pleasant Street, Suite 3101
    Concord, NH 03301
    Phone: (603) 225-1400
    Fax: (603) 225-1409
    Contact: Greta Johansson, District Director
  • US General Services Administration (GSA)
    New England Region Concierge Desk
    Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Federal Building
    10 Causeway Street, Room 900
    Boston, MA 02222
    Contact: Jerry Smith, Small Business Utilization Director 

Manufacturing Assistance:

The New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NH MEP) is able to leverage a vast array of public and private resources and services that are available to every manufacturing enterprise in the state. The nationwide system of MEP centers is linked through the U.S. Department of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), with the common goal to strengthen the global competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers

NH MEP provides affordable, innovative solutions to the problems encountered by today's manufacturing enterprise by facilitating interaction between industry, government and academia.

  • NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership
    172 Pembroke Road
    Concord, NH 03302
    Phone: (603) 226-3200
    Contact: Zenagui Brahim, Director of Operations

Veteran and Women-owned Business Assistance:

Are you a Veteran or Women-owned small business in need of assistance?  Are you looking to start your own business?  The resources below are geared toward specifically helping you navigate through the process and identify programs that will give you an edge in building your business and staying competitive.

  • NH Women’s Business Center:
    2500 North River Road
    Manchester, NH 03106
    Phone: (603) 629-4697
    Fax: (603) 644-3150
    Contact: MaryAnn Manoogian, Executive Director

  • Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network (WREN)
    2011 Main Street
    Bethlehem, NH 03574
    Phone: (603) 869-9736
    Fax: (603) 869-9738

  • Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center
    360 Merrimack Street
    Building 9, Suite 209
    Lawrence, MA 01843
    Phone: (617) 938-3933
    Fax: (617) 507-7799

  • Office of Veterans Business Development, Small Business Administration (SBA)
    JC Cleveland Federal Building
    55 Pleasant Street, Suite 3101
    Concord, NH 03301
    Phone: (603) 225-1400
    Fax: (603)-225-1409
    Contact: Greta Johansson, District Director
  • Minority Business Development Agency, US Department of Commerce
    New York National Enterprise Center
    26 Federal Plaza, Room 3720
    New York, NY 10278
    Phone: (212) 264-3262
    Fax: (212) 264-0725
    Boston Area Manager
    Contact: Richard Torborg, Boston Area Manager
    Phone: (617) 997-3294

International Business Assistance:

Looking to grow your business and create jobs?  Want to take advantage of the world markets?  The resources below will help you learn about opportunities to buy and sell around the world, as well as provide guidance and identify financial assistance to help you grow your business in the international markets.

  • New Hampshire U.S. Export Assistance Center
    Office of International Trade
    JFK Federal Building, Suite 1826A
    55 New Sudbury Street
    Boston, Massachusetts 02203
    Tel : 617-565-4305
    Fax: 617-565-4313
    Contact: John Joyce, Regional Program Manager

  • US Commercial Services, Department of Commerce
    121 Technology Drive, Suite 2
    Durham, NH 03824
    Phone: (603) 953-0212
    Fax: (603) 953-0213
    Contact: Justin Oslowski, Director

  • Export-Import Bank of the United States
    Regional Export Finance Center – Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
    33 Whitehall Street
    22nd Floor – Suite B
    New York, NY 10004
    Phone: (212) 809-2650
    Fax: (212) 809-2687
    Contact: Bruce Drossman, Export Finance Manager

  • NH International Trade Resource Center
    172 Pembroke Road
    Concord, NH 03302
    Phone: (603) 271-8444?
    Fax: (603) 271-6784
    Contact: Dawn Wivell, Director
