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Who We Are

GEONETCast Americas is the Western Hemisphere contribution to a global environmental data dissemination system in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).

Maintained by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the GEONETCast Americas service uses the commercial Intelsat-9 (IS-9) satellite to broadcast environmental and other observation data to an area covering most of North, Central, and South America. A map of the coverage area can be found here.

Users throughout the region can pick up the broadcast using inexpensive satellite receiver stations based on Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) standards (Digital Video Broadcast – Satellite or DVB-S). More information on GEONETCast’s system architecture can be found here.

Information currently being supplied over the GEONETCast Americas system is available for re-broadcast over other services in the global GEONETCast system (EUMETCast and FengYunCast) by user request. Likewise, GEONETCast Americas users have the ability to request and receive products from other regions.

GEONETCast Americas is a contribution from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration whose goal is to enable enhanced dissemination, application, and exploitation of environmental data and products for the diverse societal benefits defined by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), including agriculture, energy, health, climate, weather, disaster mitigation, biodiversity, water resources, and ecosystems.

GEONETCast Americas Announcement of Opportunity for Providers and Users
(English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese)

Copyright 2009 © NOAA. All rights reserved.
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Last Updated 2009-Jan-28
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