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Development and Assistance

Syrian Humanitarian Effort Strives to Meet Need, U.S. Says

Women and children form the largest segment of the Syrian refugee population. These children are at a camp in Jordan. Photo: ©UNHCR/B. Sokol

Women and children form the largest segment of the Syrian refugee population. These children are at a camp in Jordan. Photo: ©UNHCR/B. Sokol

The international humanitarian community is using every available channel to assist more than 760,000 refugees who have fled violence in their country and some 2.5 million others who remain in Syria, displaced from their homes, facing shortages and hardship wrought by the almost 2-year-old uprising. U.S. officials involved in the effort briefed reporters February 6 on the U.S. contribution of $365 million to the relief effort. Read the full article | U.S. Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in Syria (2013-02-06)

U.S.-EU Highlights

U.S-EU Held Strategic Humanitarian Aid Dialogue in Brussels

On 8 November 2011, a U.S. delegation led by David Robinson, the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration and USAID’s Deputy Assistant Administrator Jon Brause, met with Claus Sorensen, the new Director General of EU’s Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO) and his colleagues for our annual strategic dialogue. U.S. and the European Commission provide well over 50% of total contributions for much of the multilateral humanitarian system. Therefore, we need to make sure we’re in synch on many operational issues, and to we can together better ensure that the most vulnerable are protected. USAID Fact Sheet on the crisis in the Horn of Africa available here. (PDF 392kb)