Welcome to Yuma Proving Ground. Army Family Covenant

U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground is located near the Arizona-California border, adjacent to the Colorado River, approximately 24 miles north of the city of Yuma, Arizona. Situated in the southwest portion of the state, the proving ground is in the heart of the great Sonoran desert. Being in the desert but also being close to the city assures test and training customers the best of both worlds.

At 1,300 square miles, Yuma Proving Ground has the size to allow Army weapon systems to fully exercise their capabilities without endangering the public. With a clear climate and located in a region of sparse vegetation, the installation avoids significant environmental concerns -- especially that of urban encroachment.  The proving ground's sea level altitude makes it an outstanding helicopter test center.

The desert is a harsh environmental extreme that taxes soldiers and weapon systems to the fullest degree possible.  For this reason, Yuma Proving Ground is the Army's desert environmental test center.  It is here that America's ground combat equipment proves it has right stuff to win our nation's battles.

U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground proudly holds the distinction of being one of the largest military installations in the world.