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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

BSAI Crab Rationalization

Forms and Applications

Quick Links:
At-Sea Scales | Arbitration | Economic Data Reports | Fee Payment | IFQ Forms | Landings | Logbooks | Permit Applications and Annual Report Forms | Report Forms

At-Sea Scales Forms (CFR 679 and CFR 680)

Arbitration (CFR 680)

  • Arbitration organizations must submit a letter to NMFS with the selection of the market analyst formula arbitrator and contract arbitrator. Mail to: Regional Administrator, NMFS AKR, PO Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668

Economic Data Report (EDR) Forms and Information (CFR 680)

  • Economic Data Reports: An Economic Data Report (EDR) is required from any owner or leaseholder of a vessel or processing plant that harvested or processed crab in specified Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) crab fisheries during the prior calendar year.

Fee Payment - Registered Crab Receivers

IFQ Forms (CFR 679 and 680)

  • IFQ Departure Report:
    Required for crab being landed outside the state of Alaska and before the crab leave Alaska waters. Please call 1-800-304-8486 between the hours of 6:00 am and midnight to make this report.
  • Transshipment Authorization:
    Required to transship processed crab between vessels 24 hours before the transhipment. Please call 1-800-304-4846 between the hours of 6:00 am and midnight to be directed to a Clearing Officer to obtain this authorization.
  • Application for Replacement of Certificates, Permits, or Cards

Landings (CFR 680)

Logbooks (CFR 679 and 680)

Permit Applications and Annual Report Forms (CFR 680)

Report Forms (CFR 679 and 680)

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Forms (CFR 679 and 680)

VMS is required for any vessel in Alaska waters (internal to 200 nautical miles) that has been issued a Federal crab vessel permit and that has crab pots or crab hauling equipment or a crab pot launcher on board. See 50 CFR 680.23(d). More information on VMS >>>

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