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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Alaska Fisheries Regulations and Notices

Federal Fisheries Regulations

50 CFR Part 680: Shellfish Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska

Table of Contents:

Date last updated Section Paragraph
50 CFR PART 680
03/09/12 50 CFR part 680: Shellfish Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska All subparts and tables in 50 CFR 680
04/01/05 680.1 Purpose and scope. (a) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs.
(b) License Limitation Program.
03/09/12 680.2 Definitions  
04/01/05 680.3 Relation to other laws (a) King and Tanner crab.
(b) Sport, personal use, and subsistence.
07/20/11 680.4 Permits (a) General information.
(b) Crab QS permit.
(c) Crab PQS permit.
(d) Crab IFQ permit.
(e) Crab IPQ permit.
(f) Contents of annual application for crab IFQ/IPQ permit.
(g) Crab IFQ hired master permit.
(h) Contents of application for crab IFQ hired master permit.
(i) RCR permit
(j) Contents of application for RCR permit.
(k) Federal crab vessel permit.
(l) Contents of application for federal crab vessel permit.
(m) Annual crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit. (See 680.21)
(n) Contents of annual application for converted CPO QS/IFQ permit
(o) Exemption from Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab West regional delivery requirements
09/16/10 680.5 Recordkeeping and reporting (R&R). (a) General requirements.
(b) CR landing report procedure.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Catcher/processor offload report.
(f) ECCO Annual Report.
(g) RCR fee submission form (See 680.44).
(h) Product transfer report. (See 679.5(g))
(i) U.S. Vessel activity report (VAR). (See 679.5 (k).)
(j) Transshipment authorization. (See 679.5(l)(3).)
(k) IFQ departure report. (See 679.5(l)(4))
(l) Catcher vessel longline and pot daily fishing logbook (DFL) and catcher/processor daily cumulative production logbook (DCPL).
(m) Crab Rationalization Registered Crab Receiver Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report
(See 679.5 (c)).
07/05/06 680.6 Crab economic data report (EDR). (a) Catcher vessel historical EDR.
(b) Catcher vessel annual EDR
(c) Catcher/processor historical EDR
(d) Catcher/processor annual EDR
(e) Stationary floating crab processor (SFCP) historical EDR
(f) Stationary floating crab processor (SFCP) annual EDR
(g) Shoreside processor historical EDR
(h) Shoreside processor annual EDR.
(i) Verification of data.
(j) DCA authorization
07/20/11 680.7 Prohibitions (a) Receiving and processing CR crab.
(b) Landing CR crab.
(c) Harvest crab.
(d) Recordkeeping and reporting.
(e) Permits.
(f) IPQ.
(g) General.
(h) Inseason action.
04/01/05 680.8 Facilitation of enforcement.
04/01/05 680.9 Penalties.
12/05/11 680.20 Arbitration System. (a) Applicability
(b) Eligibility for Arbitration System
(c) Preseason requirements for joining an Arbitration Organization.
(d) Formation process for an Arbitration Organization.
(e) Role of Arbitration Organization(s) and annual requirements
(f) Roles and standards for the Market Analyst and process for producing the Market Report.
(g) Roles and standards for the Formula Arbitrator.
(h) Roles and standards for the Contract Arbitrator(s).
11/06/09 680.21 Crab harvesting cooperatives. (a) Formation of crab harvesting cooperatives
(b) Application for annual crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permits
(c) Restrictions on fishing under a crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit
(d) Transfers by members of a crab harvesting cooperative
(e) Transfers by crab harvesting cooperatives
(f) Application for transfer of crab harvesting cooperative IFQ
(g) Inseason changes to crab harvesting cooperative membership.
01/01/2012 680.22 Sideboard protections for GOA groundfishfisheries. (a) Vessels and LLP licenses subject to sideboard restrictions
(b) Notification of affected vessel owners and LLP license holders
(c) Appeals
(d) Determination of GOA groundfish sideboard ratios
(e) Conversion of sideboard ratios into annual harvest limits
(f) Sideboard protections in the State of Alaska parallel groundfish fisheries
09/16/10 680.23 Equipment and operational requirements. (a) Catcher Vessel requirements.
(b) Catcher/Processor requirements
(c) RCR requirements.
(d) Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) requirements
(e) Scales approved by NMFS.
(f) Scales approved by the state.
(g) Crab Monitoring Plans (CMP)
11/06/09 680.40 Crab Quota Share (QS), Processor QS (PQS), Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ), and IndividualProcessor Quota (IPQ) Issuance. (a) Crab QS and Crab QS Fisheries
(b) QS Sectors and Regional Designations
(c) Calculation of QS allocation
(d) Crab PQS and Crab PQS Fisheries
(e) Calculation of PQS allocation
(f) Application for crab QS or PQS
(g) Annual allocation of IFQ
(h) Calculation of annual IFQ allocation
(i) Annual allocation of IPQ
(j) Calculation of annual IPQ allocation
(k) Timing for Issuance of IFQ or IPQ
(l) Harvesting and processing privilege
11/06/09 680.41 Transfer of QS, PQS, IFQ and IPQ (a) General
(b) Transfer applications
(c) Eligibility to receive QS, PQS, IFQ, or IPQ by transfer
(d) Transfer of CVO, CPO, CVC, CPC QS or PQS
(e) Transfer of IFQ or IPQ by Lease
(f) Transfer of QS, PQS, IFQ or IPQ with restrictions
(g) Survivorship transfer privileges
(h) Applications for Transfer
(i) Approval criteria for an Application for transfer of crab QS/IFQ or PQS/IPQ
(j) Transfer of crab QS/IFQ to or from an ECCO
(k) Application for transfer of crab QS/IFQ to or from an ECCO
(l) Eligible crab community right of first refusal (ROFR)
06/29/09 680.42 Limitations on use of QS, PQS, IFQ, and IPQ. (a) QS and IFQ use caps
(b) PQS and IPQ Use Caps
(c) Vessel limitations

680.43 Determinations and appeals.

See 679.43.
01/14/09 680.44 Cost recovery. (a) Cost recovery fees
(b) Ex-vessel value determination and use
(c) Crab fee percentage
(d) Underpayment of fee liability
(e) Over payment
(f) Appeals and requests for reconsideration
(g) Fee submission form
07/07/06 Table 1: Crab Rationalization (CR) Fisheries
04/01/05 Table 2: Crab Species Codes
04/01/05 Table 3a-c: Crab Delivery Condition Codes, Crab Disposition or Product Codes, Crab Product Codes for Economic Data Reports
04/01/05 Table 4: Crab Process Codes
04/01/05 Table 5: Crab Size Codes
04/01/05 Table 6: Crab Grade Codes
07/07/06 Table 7: Initial Issuance of Crab QS by Crab QS Fishery
07/07/06 Table 8: Initial QS and PQS Pool for Each Crab QS Fishery
07/07/06 Table 9: Initial Issuance of Crab PQS by Crab QS Fishery

16 U.S.C. 1862.


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