USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Archives for Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week: Building Peace Along Borders in East Africa

USAID has supported peace-building along Kenya’s northern borders for over a decade. The current program focuses on communities on the Kenya-Uganda and Kenya-Somalia borderlands and enables residents to take peace into their own hands. USAID helps communities on opposite sides of the border select, plan, build and manage projects for joint use. These “peace dividend” projects include schools, marketplaces, and clinics.

All photos by Aernout Zevenbergen and Abraham Ali from Pact.

Photo of the Week: State and USAID Visit WFP Distribution Center in Jordan

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard and USAID Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Nancy Lindborg visit a World Food Programme Distribution Center in Amman, Jordan, where refugees living in host communities receive vouchers on January 27, 2013. They can use these vouchers to shop for their families in local supermarkets. Photos from  State Department.

Photo of the Week: Committed to Service

USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and daughter at MLK National Day of Service. Photo credit: Anna Gohmann/USAID

Administrator Rajiv Shah and daughter, Amna Shah, build care packages on the National Day of Serviceon January 19 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. USAID Staff joined people across the nation participated in service projects this past weekend, meeting the challenge to make service a part of our everyday lives.

Visit to find ways to volunteer all year long.

Photo of the Week: Call to Action for Child Survival In Ethiopia

School children gathered in Ethiopia. Photo Credit: Nicole Schiegg/USAID

Since 1990, the number of child deaths in sub-Saharan Africa has dropped by 39%. Many African countries are within reach of the 2015 millennium development goal to reduce the under-five mortality rate by two thirds. Yet even with the availability of proven, inexpensive, high-impact interventions for maternal, newborn, and child health, their adoption is slow and high rates of childhood illness and death persist in a number of countries. In sub-Saharan Africa 1 in 8 children die before they reach their fifth birthday.

In an effort to catalyze global action for child survival, the Governments of Ethiopia, India, and the United States together with UNICEF convened the ‘Child Survival Call to Action’ in Washington, D.C. in June 2012. Under the banner of ‘Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed‘, more than 160 governments signed a pledge to renew their commitment to child survival, to eliminate all preventable child mortality in two decades.

To maintain this momentum, the Government of Ethiopia, and former Minister of Health Tedros Adhanom, whose leadership raised Ethiopia’s profile in child survival in the continent, committed to convene the ‘African Leadership for Child Survival—A Promise Renewed’ Meeting January 16-18, 2013, in Addis Ababa, the seat of the African Union.

Ministers of Health from 54 African countries have been invited to come together with peers and global experts to ensure child survival is at the forefront of the social development agendas across the continent and renew the focus of African leaders to head their own country’s efforts and sustain the gains made over the last two decades.

Photo of the Week: 2012 in Pictures

This week’s “Photo of the Week” is a compilation of photos from major events throughout 2012. It was a busy year to say the least. We continued to work to combat drought in the Sahel region, we successfully launched the Child Survival Call to Action,hosted the Frontiers in Development Conference, we closed our USAID mission in Panama, and continued our efforts in providing assistance all around the world. Stay tuned this new year for our weekly blog feature “Photo of the Week”.


Photo of the Week: Typhoon Relief in the Philippines

Typhoon Bopha made landfall in the Philippines on December 4, 2012, affecting more than five million people and wreaking a path of destruction across 30 provinces. USAID responded swiftly by providing more than $4.5 million in assistance to help meet the most critical needs of those affected by the storm.  With staff pre-positioned in the Philippines prior to the storm, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) was the first on the ground to reach the hardest-hit areas, identify needs, assess humanitarian conditions, and provide assistance in coordination with the Philippine government.  In addition, USAID/OFDA arranged for an airlift of emergency shelter supplies from its warehouse in Dubai to help 20,000 families who had lost their homes.  USAID/OFDA also reached out to the U.S. military to provide additional air support for the immediate transport of relief commodities from Manila to the most affected areas.  USAID/OFDA continues to work with our partners in the Philippines to help communities hit hard by the typhoon.

Photo of the Week: Reaching out to Youth in Latin America

USAID Deputy Administrator Don Steinberg visits with Honduran youth from Movimiento Jovenes Contra la Violencia at a USAID outreach center. Photo Credit: USAID

Last week, Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg traveled with Assistant Administrator Mark Feierstein to Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico to visit USAID projects, announce new initiatives, and meet with government officials, civil society, and USAID partners. During December 12th-13th Deputy Administrator Steinberg met with President Porfirio Lobo to discuss USAID’s ongoing work in Honduras, including crime prevention and food security. He also announced a new public-private partnership with TIGO, a regional cell phone company, which will provide internet access, cable TV, and free fixed telephone lines to each of USAID outreach centers for at-risk youth. By 2013, there will be 40 centers in Honduras and 100 throughout Central America as part of the Central America Regional Security Initiative.

Photo of the Week: Administrator Shah Discusses Economic Statecraft

USAID Administrator Raj Shah at the Wilson Center. Photo Credit: Pat Adams/USAID

Our Photo of the Week is of USAID Administrator Raj Shah giving remarks at the Wilson Center’s discussion on “Economic Statecraft: Developing Partnerships with the Private Sector“. Administrator Shah joined representatives from the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Speakers outlined how their respective agencies are working with the private sector to expand trade and investment, advocate for U.S. business interests and promote a level playing field.

Photo of the Week: “President Obama becomes the first US President to dedicate a USAID Mission”

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton pose for a photo with USAID staff at the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, Burma, Nov. 19, 2012. Participants include: Nisha Biswal, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia Bureau; Chris Milligan, USAID Burma Mission Director; and Greg Beck, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator. Official White House Photo: Pete Souza

During his visit to Burma, President Barack Obama announced a joint US-Burma partnership to advance democratic reform, and lay the groundwork for a peaceful and prosperous future for Burma. The President also announced $170 million dollars over the next two years to support this effort.

The Partnership aims to strengthen democracy, human rights and rule of law; promote transparent governance; advance peace and reconciliation; meet humanitarian needs; and provide economic development that can improve the health and livelihoods of the people of Burma.

In line with the Partnership, the U.S. and Burma will affirm a joint statement of principles in support of the democratic transition and develop a joint action plan prioritizing key areas. Additionally, the Government of Burma has indicated its commitment to join the Open Government Partnership, a global effort to make governments more transparent, effective, and accountable; and announced a Joint Plan on Trafficking in Persons.

Photo of the Week: Administrator Shah Travels to Turkey to Visit Syrian Refugees

USAID Raj Shah greets young Syrian children in Turkey. Photo Credit: Adem Altan / AFP

This week, USAID Administrator Shah traveled to Turkey where he met with senior officials to discuss the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria and assistance for those affected by the crisis. While in Turkey, Administrator Shah met with senior Turkish Officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) along with representatives of the Turkish Red Crescent and the World Food Program. Administrator Shah also visited areas along the Turkish border and spoke with individuals who have fled the violence in Syria.

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