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Jazz Concert at the National Library of Spain by the Berklee College of Music

Paseo de Recoletos, 20 – Madrid
Friday, February 15th at 19:00

Free admission until full- Ticket pickup starts at 18:00

This concert is the latest in a series of activities organized by the corresponding exhibition, “The Joyful Noise, Jazz in the BNE.” They will be displayed until February the 24th, as part of the commemorative program of the 300th anniversary of the BNE. Berklee College of Music in Valencia, which is made up of members from six different countries, will be the musicians at this event. 

Ambassador Solomont at "Los Desayunos" in TVE

Next February 13, President Barak Obama will present his State of the Union Address in the Congress. He won´t only talk about the situation of the nation in the speech, but also will present the legislative agenda and the priorities for the second mandate.

Because of the speech, one of the most important of the year, the Ambassador to Spain Alan D. Solomont will attend an interview in ¨Los Desayunos¨ program  in TVE to explain and analyze the speech of President Obama.





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