Historical Documents


Browse by Administration

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945–1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment

List of Persons

  • Acheson, Dean, Under Secretary of State, August 16, 1945-June 30, 1947; Secretary of State from January 21, 1949
  • Allen, George V., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, March 31, 1948-November 28, 1949
  • Appleby, Paul H., Director of the Bureau of the Budget from 1946
  • Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence, October 1, 1947-January 21, 1948; thereafter Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence
  • Babbitt, Theodore, Assistant Director for Reports and Estimates, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, July 1947-November 1950
  • Benton, William, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, September 17, 1945-September 30, 1947
  • Bissell, Major General Clayton (USA), Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence
  • Blum, Robert, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1947-1949
  • Braden, Spruille, Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs, August 25, 1945-June 27, 1947
  • Brownell, Brigadier General George A. (USA), Executive Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War for Air
  • Bush, Vannevar, Chairman, Research and Development Board
  • Butler, George H., member, Policy Planning Staff, from February 24, 1948
  • Byrnes, James F., Secretary of State, July 3, 1945-January 21, 1947
  • Cabell, General Charles P., Director of Intelligence, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force; member, Intelligence Advisory Committee
  • Cassady, Thomas, Office of Special Operations, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, to 1948
  • Chamberlin, Stephen J., Director of Intelligence, War Department General Staff; member, Intelligence Advisory Board
  • Childs, Prescott, Chief, Interagency Coordinating and Planning Staff, from 1947; Chief, Coordination, Operations and Policy Staff, from October 5, 1949
  • Clark, Tom C., Attorney General, June 30, 1945-July 28, 1949
  • Clayton, William L., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs until August 16, 1946; Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, August 17, 1946-October 15, 1947
  • Clifford, Clark M., Naval Aide to the President until July 1946; thereafter Special Counsel to the President
  • Correa, Mathias F., Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy; member, National Security Council Survey Committee, 1948
  • Craig, Major General Horace A. (USA), Chief of the Operations Division, War Department General Staff; Deputy Chief, Intelligence Advisory Council, from August 7, 1950; Assistant Director, Office of Special Services, from December 1, 1950
  • Denfeld, Admiral Louis E. (USN), Chief of Naval Operations, December 15, 1947-November 2, 1949
  • Donovan, William J., Director, Office of Strategic Services, until October 1, 1945
  • Dulin, R. E., Deputy Chief, Special Procedures Group
  • Dulles, Allen W., Chairman, National Security Council Survey Committee, 1948
  • Dunn, James C., Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern and African Affairs until November 11, 1946
  • Earman, John S., secretary to the National Intelligence Authority, 1947; Office of the Director of Central Intelligence from 1947
  • Eberstadt, Ferdinand, prepared the Eberstadt Report on Service Unification for Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, 1945
  • Eddy, William A., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence, August 1, 1946-October 1, 1947
  • Edgar, Donald, Chief, Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, July 1946-October 1947
  • Elsey, George M., Assistant Naval Aide to the President, 1945-1946; Assistant to the Special Counsel to the President, 1947-1949
  • Forrestal, James V., Secretary of the Navy until September 1947; Secretary of Defense, September 17, 1947-March 28, 1949
  • Fortier, Brigadier General Louis J. (USA), Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee of the Central Intelligence Group (the Fortier Committee), from 1946
  • Foskett, Rear Admiral James H. (USN), Naval Aide to the President, July 1946-February 1948
  • Foster, William C., Deputy Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration
  • Galloway, Colonel Donald H. (USA), Assistant Director for Special Operations, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, July 11, 1946-December 27, 1948
  • Gingrich, Rear Admiral John E. (USN), Director of Intelligence and Security, Atomic Energy Commission
  • Gray, Gordon, Secretary of the Army, June 20, 1949-April 12, 1950
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Representative to Europe of the Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948-1950; Special Assistant to the President from 1950
  • Hill, Arthur M., Chairman, National Security Resources Board
  • Hillenkoetter, Rear Admiral Roscoe (USN), Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, May 1, 1947-October 7, 1950
  • Hoover, Herbert, former President; Chairman of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government
  • Hoover, J. Edgar, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Houston, Lawrence, General Counsel to the Central Intelligence Group and to the Central Intelligence Agency from 1946
  • Huddle, J. Klhar, Assistant Director for Research and Evaluation (changed to Assistant Director for Reports and Estimates in late 1946), Central Intelligence Group, September 1946-May 1947
  • Humelsine, Carlisle H., Executive Secretary, Department of State, June 1947-January 1950; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Administration from January 1950; Assistant Secretary of State for Administration from July 1950; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration from August 1950
  • Inglis, Thomas B., Chief of Naval Intelligence from 1945
  • Jackson, William H., member, National Security Council Survey Committee, 1948; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, from October 7, 1950
  • Johnson, Louis, Secretary of Defense, March 28, 1949-September 19, 1950
  • Joyce, Robert P., Office of Special Operations (Central Intelligence Group) liaison to the Department of State, 1946-June 1947; Political Adviser on Trieste, 1947-1948; Senior Consultant (representing the Secretary of State), Office of Policy Coordination, from September 1948; Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, from December 1948
  • Kennan, George F., Deputy for Foreign Affairs, National War College, August 1946-July 1947; Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, May 5, 1947-December 31, 1949; Counselor of the Department of State from August 4, 1949
  • Kent, Sherman, Vice Chairman, Board of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, from November 1950
  • Ladd, Milton, Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Langer, William L., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence until July 1946; Chairman, National Board of Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, from November 1950
  • Lay, James S., Jr., member, Central Intelligence Group from January 1946; secretary, Intelligence Advisory Board, January 1946-September 1947; Office of Reports and Estimates, Central Intelligence Group, 1947; Assistant to the Executive Secretary, National Security Council, September 1947-January 1950; Executive Secretary, National Security Council, from January 1950
  • Leahy, Admiral William D. (USN), Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief; presided over the Joint Chiefs of Staff, July 1942-March 1949
  • Lovett, Robert A., Assistant Secretary of War for Air, to December 1945; Under Secretary of State, July, 1, 1947-January 20, 1949
  • Lyon, Frederick B., Director, Office of Controls, Department of State, from 1945
  • Magruder, Brigadier General John (USA), Deputy Director for Intelligence, Office of Strategic Services, until September 1945; Director of Strategic Services Unit, War Department, October 1, 1945-April 4, 1946; Senior Consultant (representing the Secretary of Defense), Office of Policy Coordination, from September 1948
  • Marshall, General George C. (USA), Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, until November 1945; Secretary of State, January 21, 1947-January 20, 1949; Secretary of Defense from September 21, 1950
  • Matthews, Francis P., Secretary of the Navy from May 25, 1949
  • McCarthy, Frank, Assistant Secretary of State for Administration, September 1, 1945-October 11, 1945
  • McCloy, John J., Assistant Secretary of War until November 1945
  • McCormack, Alfred, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, September 28, 1945-April 23, 1946
  • McDonald, George C., Assistant Chief of Air Staff; Executive Officer, Office of the Assist-ant Secretary of War
  • McWilliams, William J., Assistant Director, Executive Secretariat, Department of State, from August 23, 1948
  • Montague, Ludwell L., Chief, Central Reports Staff, Central Intelligence Group, March-July 1946; Acting Assistant Director, Central Intelligence Group, 1946; Office of Reports and Estimates, September 1946-November 1950; Central Intelligence Agency representative to the National Security Council, September 1947-October 1950; Office of National Estimates from November 1950
  • Moseley, H. W., secretary, State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee
  • Nimitz, Admiral Chester W. (USN), Chief of Naval Operations, December 15, 1945-December 15, 1947
  • Panuch, J. Anthony, Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Administration from November 15, 1945
  • Patterson, Robert P., Secretary of War, September 27, 1945-July 18, 1947
  • Petersen, Howard C., Assistant Secretary of War, 1945-1947
  • Peurifoy, John E., Assistant Secretary of State for Administration, March 17, 1947-August 10, 1950
  • Pforzheimer, Walter, Legislative Counsel to the Central Intelligence Group and to the Central Intelligence Agency from 1946
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D., President of the United States until April 12, 1945
  • Rosenman, Samuel I., Special Counsel to the President
  • Royall, Kenneth C., Secretary of the Army, September 18, 1947-April 27, 1949
  • Russell, Donald Stuart, Assistant Secretary of State for Administration, September 24, 1945-January 20, 1947
  • Sargeant, Howland H., Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, from October 1, 1947
  • Smith, Harold D., Director of the Bureau of the Budget, 1945-1946
  • Smith, Russell Jack, Office of Reports and Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, June 1947-November 1950; thereafter Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Smith, Walter B., Director of Central Intelligence from October 7, 1950
  • Snyder, John W., Director, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion
  • Souers, Rear Admiral Sydney W. (USN), Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Group, January 22, 1946-June 10, 1946; Executive Secretary, National Security Council, August 1947-January 1950; Special Consultant to the President from January 1950
  • Sprague, W. A., member, Intelligence Survey Group
  • Stimson, Henry Louis, Secretary of War until September 27, 1945
  • Stone, Donald C., Assistant Director for Administrative Management, Bureau of the Budget
  • Stone, William T., Director, Office of Information and Educational Exchange, Department of State
  • Sullivan, John L., Secretary of the Navy, September 18, 1947-May 24, 1949
  • Symington, W. Stuart, Secretary of the Air Force, September 18, 1947-April 24, 1950
  • Tamm, Edward A., Assistant to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Truman, Harry S., President of the United States from April 12, 1945
  • Vandenberg, Lieutenant General Hoyt S. (USAF), member, Intelligence Advisory Board, January 1946-May 1947; Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army, 1946; Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Group, June 10, 1946-May 1, 1947; Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, from April 30, 1948
  • Webb, James E., Under Secretary of State from January 28, 1949
  • Whitney, C. V., Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
  • Wisner, Frank G., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Occupied Areas, 1947-1948; Assistant Director for Policy Coordination, Central Intelligence Agency, from September 1, 1948
  • Wright, Colonel Edwin K. (USA), Executive Director of the Intelligence Division, War Department General Staff, February-June 1946; executive to the Director of Central Intelligence (Central Intelligence Group), June 26, 1946-January 20, 1947; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Group and Central Intelligence Agency, January 20, 1947-March 9, 1949