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State Alumni Reception
San Jose, Costa Rica - November 17, 2010

It is an honor to be here with you this evening. Without doubt, we are gathered in front of a very distinguished group of Costa Ricans. This is a very special night for me!

One of the most relevant concerns as an Ambassador is meeting with the Department of State educational and cultural exchange alumni. 
Having the opportunity to have the participants from all of the USG-sponsored exchange alumni here with us reiterates our desire to have closer contact with you. I already had the opportunity to meet with some of you and hope to spend more time with you during this event. 
Let me say it this way: We would like you to feel part of a great family. 

A family of alumni where all have an active participation and where we can create mutual networks to achieve common goals. 
During the past 20 years, nearly 3,000 Costa Ricans have come to the Embassy to start a path towards study, learning, or sharing activities with colleagues under the sponsorship of a variety of U.S. government exchange programs.

You are a unique group for many reasons. You came from different places around Costa Rica: San José, Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Puntarenas, Limón y Guanacaste.

It is exactly this diversity and academic program variety which make you unique. Some of have even attended the universities I went to: Georgetown University and Indiana University. 

Tonight, we would like to celebrate that diversity during the occasion of International Education Week, since educational exchanges are the common denominator of this group. 

I have learned about some of the achievements you have had as a group. Very impressive without a doubt! But most important, it is that these achievements have significantly and positively impacted each of your communities.

For example, the Fulbright Association won a grant competition from the State Department for $24,000. This Project aims to assist the Tres Rios community with a water protection and English teaching project. 

What an extraordinarily way to positively impact a community!
Each of you can establish a better future for your communities and for Costa Rica. As a group, you can create even more extraordinary social change than working alone. We plan to help build an active and strong alumni association. 
Because the State Alumni community represents a priority for us, we are hiring an Alumni coordinator at the Embassy to help coordinate many alumni outreach activities. We appreciate your ideas to help us build a more effective and powerful network. 
Today, thanks to the Internet, we can always be in contact with you. The Embassy has new social media sites so that you can tell us about your projects and activities. 

Our Facebook page, my twitter account, and our YouTube and Flickr sites are available for your comments, questions, or to find out about our activities at the Embassy. Their addresses are on the back of your program brochures. 
Of course, we appreciate the value of person-to-person contact. This is the main reason for this reception. We have many newly arrived and also more seasoned Embassy officials that are interested in meeting or reestablishing contact with you. You can recognize them by the Embassy seal on their badges. 

To conclude, I would like to call the Costa Rican Fulbright Association Board of Directors members:
Guillermo Barquero, Hellen Aguilar, Evelyn Aguilar, Ileana Saborío y Alberto Sauter.
All of you are an example of how the U.S. Exchange programs are a life force to achieve positive changes and to work with us on common goals. Tonight, we would like to recognize and present this certificate, which reads: 

From the U.S. Embassy San Jose, Costa Rica For your dedicated leadership of the Fulbright Alumni Community and your example of community service in promoting Costa Rica’s development in partnership with the U.S. Embassy, this certificate of Appreciation is presented to
[Name of Fulbright Association Board Member]
With our highest esteem

Signed: Anne Slaughter Andrew

Last but not least, I want to thank the Public Affairs Section of the Embassy, who has been essential in the development of this project. Please, let’s give them a round of applause. 
Thank you.