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Global Development Alliances

On October 2011, USAID entered a public-private partnership with the GoA and leading international and Albanian private sector organizations to establish Albania’s first ICT training and resource center, PROTIK, that will support the development and use of ICT innovations for small businesses and promote ICT sector growth in Albania.

Building Development Alliances

USAID’s Global Development Alliance serves as a catalyst to mobilize ideas, efforts and resources of the public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations in support of shared objectives. Being in partnership allows USAID to build long-term quality relationships with other key players in society, quality relationships that stand the test of time, and enable important projects and programs to be developed appropriately to specific circumstances, and to become self-sustaining over time.  There are a number of projects where USAID/Albania is currently developing through partnerships with local government, business and others.  We welcome the interest of new partners.

An alliance is an agreement between two or more parties to jointly define a development problem and jointly contribute to its solution. 

Alliance partners share resources, risks, and rewards in pursuit of an objective that can be better achieved working together.  Its purpose: to bring about greater results through the combined strengths of multiple partners to address a development problem.  The driving force is the recognition that each party is able to provide significant resources that the other does not have, and that together the parties can achieve greater value, more efficiently, than they could on their own. 

USAID’s guidelines for the GDA model currently seek a minimum 1:1 matching of resources via alliances.  While national and local governments and other foreign aid donors are welcome members of alliances, private sector talent and know-how are key to maximizing the impact of projects.


  • Private Businesses, Business and Trade Associations
  • Foundations
  • Philanthropic Leaders including Venture Capitalists
  • NGOs, Charitable Organizations
  • Regional, International Organizations
  • Colleges, Universities
  • Civic Groups
  • Other Donor Governments, Aid Agencies , National Governments
  • Advocacy Groups
  • Others

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