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Transportation Research > DOT Research Clusters > Livability

Livability Research Cluster

This cluster supports awareness and cooperation to increase choices for transportation users, provide affordable access to employment centers and other destinations, and enhance economic opportunities and quality of life for all Americans.

"Transportation for livable communities" means a transportation system that works with land use to give everyone multiple travel choices for meeting their daily needs affordably, safely, conveniently and effciently. -- Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Beth Osborne. 

If you would like to participate in this cluster by posting your research and commenting on the work of others, please click here to register 

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people walking on pedestrian mall
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Announcements: Share and View the Latest News

Barriers, distance from cars clear air for cyclists 
by Justin CarinciNo presence information
 9/14/2011 12:12 PM
Moving cyclists just a few feet from automobiles can make a big improvement in air quality, an OTREC research project found. That’s the distance between a traditional bike lane and a separated cycle track.

Researcher Linda George, the chair of Portland...
Need a bike lane? There's an app for that 
by Justin CarinciNo presence information
 9/14/2011 12:11 PM
Fixing a community’s pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure issues could be as simple as turning on one’s smart phone in the future. At least that’s the hope of OTREC researchers Marc Schlossberg, Ken Kato, Dana Maher, Cody Evers, and Christo Brehm of...
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Shared Documents: Upload, Create and View Files

Folder: June 23, 2011 Livability PresentationsJune 23, 2011 Livability PresentationsNo presence informationClusters Coordinator
OTREC_Livability.pptxOTREC_LivabilityNo presence informationHau Hagedorn
OTREC Livability Presentation.pptxOTREC Livability PresentationNo presence informationClusters Coordinator
CCAP_growing_wealthier.pdfCCAP_growing_wealthierNo presence informationLilly Shoup
PSC Priority Areas of Focus for 2011 FINAL.pdfPSC Priority Areas of Focus for 2011 FINALNo presence informationLilly Shoup
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Discussion Board: Post your Questions and Answers

No presence informationMJ FioccoReply Reply0

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Useful Links: Share Your Favorite Sites

 Sustainable Cities Initiative
 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium
 Partnership for Sustainable Communities
 Transportation Research Project & Program Management Community
 Research and Innovative Technology Administration
 DOT Transportation & Climate Change Clearinghouse
 Transportation Resesarch Board
 Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
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