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Key Reports

Key Reports 2011

Trafficking in Persons Report on Laos 2011 (PDF 3.50MB): Laos is a source, and to a much lesser extent, a transit and destination country for women and girls subjected to sex trafficking, and men, women, and children in conditions of forced labor in factory work, domestic labor, agriculture, and the fishing industry.
Lao version (PDF 141.25KB)


International Religious Freedom on Laos 2011 (PDF 289.20KB): The constitution and some laws and policies protect religious freedom; however, enforcement of these laws and policies at the district and local levels was mixed. Other laws and policies restricted this right in practice, and the government generally enforced these restrictions.

Lao version (PDF 125.18KB)



International Narcotics Control Strategy 2011: Laos is not a regional or offshore financial center. However, its lack of a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework and ineffective implementation of existing laws increases Laos’ vulnerability to money laundering and related financial crimes.

Country Reports on Terrorism 2011 (PDF 1.15MB): Terrorist incidents in East Asia and the Pacific in 2011 shifted from large-scale attacks such as the 2009 Jakarta hotel bombings to attacks on domestic targets and crimes of opportunity such as 37 kidnapping for ransom.


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