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What we fought for

Watch Barack Obama explain what the fiscal cliff agreement means for you and your family—then share this video with your friends.

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  • What we fought for

    Watch Barack Obama explain what the fiscal cliff agreement means for you and your family—then share this video with your friends.
  • Late last night, Senate leaders reached a deal that protects 98% of Americans and 97% of small-business owners from a middle-class tax hike.
  • 10 highlights from 2012

    10. Karl Rove's, the Koch brothers', and other conservative groups’ $1 billion in outside money was no match for your grassroots organizing.

    9. Everyday citizens stood up to Republican attempts to suppress the vote—and our nation's courts struck down some of the GOP's most blatant efforts in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio.

    8. The Supreme Court affirmed what we've known all along: Obamacare is constitutional.

    7. Four states made history by supporting marriage equality at the ballot box.

    6. Back from the brink of collapse, General Motors is posting record profits and investing billions in the U.S., thanks to a President who wouldn’t let Detroit go bankrupt.

    5. President Obama and congressional Democrats prevented 7.4 million college students' loan interest rates from doubling.

    4. With the DREAM Act stalled in Congress, President Obama signed an executive order helping undocumented young people in college or the military.

    3. As of this year, 3.1 million young people now have health insurance and birth control is co-pay free—all thanks to Obamacare.

    2. We've added 5.6 million jobs over 33 straight months of private-sector job growth. That's progress.

    1. With 332 electoral votes, President Obama won re-election—decisively.

  • Six things you should know about the GOP's Plan B

    With the fiscal cliff deadline looming, the American people have made their voices heard: They want a balanced approach that protects middle-class families, seniors, students, and the most vulnerable Americans—while asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

    The so-called Plan B put forward by Speaker John Boehner and the Republican Party accomplishes none of that.

    Instead, here's what the Republicans are proposing:

    1. Cut taxes for millionaires by an average of $50,000 and raise taxes on the middle class.

    2. Eliminate tax cuts for 25 million students, families, and businesses who are struggling to make ends meet.

    3. Cut off 2 million Americans from unemployment assistance, a vital lifeline for Americans fighting to find work.

    4. Subject doctors to deep cuts in Medicare payments.

    5. Offer minimal deficit reduction that doesn't address our long-term fiscal challenges—and zero spending cuts.

    6. Protect the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans instead of stepping up and working to reduce our deficit by $4 trillion.

    The bottom line is that the Republicans' so-called Plan B burdens the middle class and fails to ask the wealthy to pay their fair share.

    President Obama is fighting for a significant, balanced deal that will provide security for middle class families, the economy and our nation’s future—and asks the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. It's time for the GOP to put politics aside and come to the table. Every day they waste, the possibility that taxes go up on every single American increases.

  • We want to hear from you

    As 2012 comes to a close, we're heading into a new year, a new Congress, and a new term for President Obama. That means it's an important time to speak up.

    We want to know what your priorities and interests are as Democrats, so we've put together a quick survey. Check out this email our chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, just sent out, then make your voice heard—because this is your party.

    Friend --

    While we at the DNC are still reflecting on the President's victory and all our other wins, we're also refocusing and planning for the work ahead.

    How we move forward depends on you. This is your party, and we want to hear from you. What are your priorities and interests?

    Please share your thoughts about the election and how you think we should move forward.

    Now is the time to hone our strengths and identify areas for improvement.

    Together, we're facing a big moment in American politics. We have the chance to accomplish some major successes for the American people. Your input today -- and your participation going forward -- is incredibly important.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    As always, thank you so much for your support,


    Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    Democratic National Committee

  • Help the President by picking up the phone

    Who will decide if your taxes increase in just 22 days? A few dozen members of the House of Representatives, that's who.

    Cutting taxes for the middle class shouldn't be difficult, especially when Republicans claim they agree with the President on the issue. But some Republicans are still holding middle-class tax cuts hostage simply because they want to cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

    Here's what's going on right now: President Obama is asking Congress to move forward on a plan that would prevent 98 percent of American families from paying higher taxes next year. The Senate has passed that bill, and the President is ready to sign it—but the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives won't even bring the bill to the floor for a vote. House Democrats have filed a petition that would force a vote if it attracts 218 signatures.

    If a bill has enough votes to pass, Congress should vote on it and pass it. It's a pretty simple proposition. And every member of Congress who hasn't signed on to keep taxes low for the middle class needs to hear from you.

    Call your representative today at 202-224-3121 and ask them to sign the petition in support of a vote. Not sure who your representative is? Click here to find out.

    Here's a suggestion on what to say—feel free to improvise and let your representative's office know why you're personally supporting the President's plan:

    "Hi, I'm calling to make sure my voice is heard. As a voter from your district, I support the President's plan to extend tax cuts for 98 percent of American families—$2,000 a year means a lot to me and to middle-class families here in our state. I urge my representative to sign the petition forcing the House to vote on the Senate-passed bill, and to vote "yes" if it reaches the floor."

    Once you've called your representative's office, please report back and let us know how it went.

    Let's get one thing straight: If your taxes go up, Republicans will have made a conscious choice to let that happen. They'll have missed the opportunity to prevent it, just to cut taxes for the wealthy.

    Republicans need to stop using the middle class as a bargaining chip. If they fail to act, a typical middle-class family of four will see a $2,200 tax hike starting in a few short weeks. Middle-class families could face some tough financial decisions simply because Republicans didn't want to ask the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay their fair share.

    That's not what President Obama and you campaigned on, and that's not what millions of Americans voted for just one month ago.

    We know we can affect change in Washington when we raise our voices together. So pick up the phone and make a call—your representative needs to hear from you.