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2010 PRT News

Ninewa Public Diplomacy Office Completes a Series of Seminars on Minority Women's Legal Rights

Ninewa | February 1, 2010
Minority Women's Legal Rights program held in the town of Shaikhan in northern Ninewa.

Minority Women's Legal Rights program held in the town of Shaikhan in northern Ninewa.

On January 31 the sixth and final seminar of the Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)-supported Minority Women's Legal Rights program was held in the town of Shaikhan in northern Ninewa. The mayor of Shiakhan was on hand for the event and to view an exhibition of paintings by area artists. Seventeen women and thirteen men attended the final seminar, which was sponsored by the Independent Journalist Association, a Mosul-based NGO. The previous seminars, which targeted minorities in Ninewa province including Christian, Shabak, Turkomen and Yazidis, were held in cities throughout the province. The PRT's Minority Women's Legal Awareness program was implemented with a grant to the Independent Press Association. The program ultimately directly impacted 150 participants representing all Iraqi ethnicities by teaching them about their legal rights.