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Image of The Crow Tribe Emblem (Photo from Crow Tribe).
The Crow Tribe Emblem (Photo from the Offcial Site of the Crow Tribe Apsaalooke Nation).

Tribal Partners

Crow Tribe

The Crow (or Apsaalooke) Tribe of Indians consists of approximately 11,000 members, of whom around 7,900 reside on the Crow Indian Reservation, located in south central Montana. The Reservation currently has six major towns, and encompasses an area of approximately 2.3 million acres. Treaties signed with the United States Government in 1825, 1851 and 1868 defined the Tribe’s relationship with the U.S., established Reservation boundaries and recognized the Tribe’s rights as a sovereign government. In 2001, a new Constitution was adopted, establishing a balance of powers, with an executive, legislative and judicial branch of government.

Several oil and gas fields and one active coal mine (the Absaloka Mine) currently yield important resources for the Tribe. Trust assets of the Tribe are jointly managed with the Department of Interior. The U.S. Office of Surface Mining conducts federal oversight of surface coal mining operations on the Reservation and in the Crow Ceded Area. The Crow Ceded Area consists of approximately 1,100,000 acres, located immediately north of the current Reservation boundary, in which the Crow Tribe hold extensive mineral rights. The Crow Tribe currently administers its own Abandoned Mine Lands Program and is in the process of developing a Regulatory Program.

For More Information

For more information on the Crow Tribe of Indians, please see their website at: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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