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NOAA Small Business Innovative Research—Funding Available Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Coastal Ecosystems

Small businesses, firms, and scientific institutes may apply for research and development funding that can lead to the development of products, processes, or services that have commercial potential in the area of carbon or greenhouse gas flux quantification tools for coastal ecosystems.

Applications are due February 1, 2012.


Subtopic—Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Coastal Ecosystems

One of the challenges facing incorporation of the carbon sequestration ecosystem services of marine coastal wetlands into voluntary markets is lack of scientific information on the actual rates of flux of carbon (emissions and storage). One of the ways to address this challenge is through the development of easy-to-use, in-the-field technology/instrumentation or software that can improve carbon or greenhouse gas quantification, for instance, measuring flux and sequestration rates for different coastal types.

For More Information

About NOAA’s Small Business Innovative Research Program

Each year, NOAA Fisheries has the opportunity to develop new research and management tools through the Small Business Innovative Research Contracts (SBIR) process. This competitive program encourages small businesses to engage in feasibility studies on the innovation and commercialization of new technologies and approaches for a variety of research areas (subtopics). The solicitation is geared towards stimulating technological innovation in the private sector and strengthening the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs.

Note, NOAA Fisheries research dollars are taxed, by law, at 2.5% of our extramural funding to support SBIR.