Federal Transit Administration - Transit Bus Safety Program

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FTA is pleased that the industry is welcoming the benefits from the State DOT Orientation Seminars.

View the Orientation Seminar Evaluation presentation for a comprehensive look at participant feedback. Below are some excerpts.

“Excellent Workshop. Material was presented in “layman’s terms”, was not “dry” and very informative. Use of “Real – Life” experiences “drives home” the importance of safety and security. Thanks!!!”

“Excellent and all the Transit Agencies should attend. We currently have a SSEPP Plan and would rate our agency a B-. We are continually working on all the gross issues that we need to address in our system. The presenters were excellent.”

“I can say with a large degree of certainty that this was one of the best seminars I have ever attended. All of the presenters were both knowledgeable and articulate. FTA’s team has a wealth of information and is a truly impressive resource.”

“I found the entire 2 days was very beneficial. The website is something my staff and I will definitely benefit from for many items we are dealing with in my service program. I like the “user friendly” website.”

“This is an incredible program/website that gives the tools we need to receive the best technical assistance available. I am excited and feel re-energized in my personal ability to help my sub-recipients reach there potential Thank you!!”

“Expectations of a very practical, useful tool. Great Resource. Long Overdue. Will really help both small and large transit operators.”

“I now have the info needed to put together a good Driver Handbook and training regimen.”

“The ability to access all the information on the website is great. It makes it very convenient time-wise to have resources to utilize to improve our transportation system.”