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US Dept. of the Interior
Office of Surface Mining
Appalachian Region
3 Parkway Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
(412) 937-2804

This site last updated: 1/31/2013
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AMDTreat version 5.021 Plus Download

AMDTreat 5.0.1 Plus corrects minor convergence issues identified during case study tests performed by the developers.

You must UNINSTALL previous versions of AMDTreat
before installing the current release.

Download AMDTreat.

AMDTreat Version 5.0.2 Plus - Eastern U.S. Download Site
Format: (25 MB).
Last updated: January 2013

File Formats

Visual Basic source file, in text format
Windows executable program file
PostScript file
Compressed PostScript file, for UNIX
UNIX archive file
Compressed UNIX archive file
Windows archive file
Visual FoxPro 7 data table file
Windows executable install program


How to Uninstall Previous Versions of AMDTreat

You must uninstall previous versions of AMDTreat in order to upgrade to a new version. To uninstall 
AMDTreat, on most versions of MS Windows*, go to "Control Panel."  Select "Add Remove Programs"
then select AMDTreat from the list of installed programs and click on Uninstall or Remove.

* Windows 7 and Windows Vista:  To uninstall previous versions of AMDTreat, go to "Control Panel." 
Select "Programs and Features" then select AMDTreat from the list of installed programs and 
click on Uninstall.



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