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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
Highly Migratory Species

Domestic Fisheries

Regulatory Services
Seafood Inspection Laboratory
Seafood Safety Issues
Chemistry Services
Microbiological Services
Partnerships and Communications

Seafood Safety Risk Analysis

The food safety discipline of Risk Analysis is subdivided into separate and distinct categories of Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Risk Communication. Each distinct category requires different professional talents relative to knowledge, skills, and abilities (a requirement that is oftentimes not recognized). NSIL personnel participate in the risk analysis activities on the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius International Food Standards Programme.

Risk Assessment:

NSIL’s involvement with Risk Assessment activities includes providing catch and consumption data as well as other research data and scientific expertise to seafood safety risk assessors. NOAA accomplishes this through extramural funding of research projects and surveys and research projects conducted by NOAA researchers. NSIL personnel participate in the Interagency Consortium of Risk Assessment.

Risk Management:

NSIL’s Risk Management activities include support to the Department of Commerce on policy development governing fisheries management and seafood safety. NOAA cooperates with federal agencies, state governments, and non-governmental groups in establishing seafood safety and aquatic animal health related policies and management practices.

Risk Communication:

NSIL’s role in Risk Communication activities include development of seafood safety information for consumer consumption advisories, providing funding for the development and distribution of Vibrio vulnificus educational materials relative to raw molluscan shellfish, and for domestic and international training activities. NSIL personnel participate in the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference which develops risk communication strategies.

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