Pitts’ Comments on State of the Union

Feb 12, 2013 Issues: Economy, Jobs and Employment

Tonight, President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

Rep. Pitts’ statement follows:

“The President gave us lots of soaring rhetoric about government investments tonight, but it appears that he wants to take money away from job creators to pay for all these programs. We've been down this road before with the 2009 stimulus bill. The government spent nearly a trillion dollars to little effect on employment. We need to empower the real job creators to invest in their businesses and employees, not tax them to fund inefficient government programs.

“I was pleased to hear the President voice his support for more safe development of American natural resources. We can be energy independent in just a few short years. This would both boost our economy and make out nation more secure.

“Last week, the President missed the legal deadline to submit his budget to Congress. A speech is not a plan. We need detailed plans on how he intends to replace the sequester and get us back to balanced budgets. I hope that in the coming weeks the President will spend less time campaigning and more time working with Congress to reach sensible compromises on the big issues we are facing today.”