FAQ Library


FAQs About Redesigned Currency

Why does the U.S. government redesign currency? (show answer)

When a denomination is redesigned are the old notes recalled, demonetized or devalued? (show answer)

How are new currency designs developed? Who selects the colors? (show answer)

What is the incentive for people to scrutinize their currency? (show answer)

What should people do if they receive a counterfeit note? (show answer)

When will I start to see the new $100 note in circulation? (show answer)

FAQs About Training and Education

Where can I find training materials to help educate cash handlers about the new $100 note’s security features? (show answer)

Can the training materials be customized for businesses and organizations? (show answer)

What is the government doing to make sure retailers, financial institutions and other businesses know that changes are coming to the $100 note? (show answer)

Is there time to train employees and update equipment before the redesigned notes enter into circulation? (show answer)

Will both old-design and redesigned $100 notes circulate at the same time? (show answer)

What role did business and industry input play in the redesign of the $100 note? (show answer)

What role does business and industry have in ensuring a smooth transition when the $100 note enters into circulation?(show answer)

What should cash handlers and the public do if they receive a counterfeit note? (show answer)

Do counterfeit pens work on the redesigned $100 notes? (show answer)

FAQs About Educational Games and Resources

Where can teachers find materials to use in their classrooms? (show answer)

Where can teachers find information on tours of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing? (show answer)

Are there lesson plans available about the new currency? (show answer)

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